SLOW down, take it EASY, read THE WORD with intent, and diligence; give it time to meld into the being; it IS imperative TO allow it to seep into the heart, the spirit, the being!!!

Thanksgiving for the LORD's Favor

Psalms 138 (A Psalm of David)
1/ I will praise thee with my whole heart: before the gods will I sing praise unto thee.
2/ I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy loving-kindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.
3/ In the day when I cried thou answeredst me, and strengthenedst me with strength in my soul.
4/ All the kings of the earth shall praise thee, O LORD, when they hear the words of thy mouth.
5/ Yea, they shall sing in the ways of the LORD: for great is the glory of the LORD.
6/ Though the LORD be high, yet hath he respect unto the lowly: but the proud he knoweth afar off.
7/ Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me: thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies, and thy right hand shall save me.
8/ The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me:
thy mercy, O LORD, endureth for ever: forsake not the works of thine own hands... AMEN!!!
One CANNOT earn GRACE, it is HIS own ESSENCE; a gift, still, IF one claims to be IN HIS GRACE, we ARE to, or, OUGHT to, be reflections of that GRACE! 2 CORINTHIANS 6:1, tells us not to take HIS GRACE in vain! This means, living in LOVE, morality, ethics, virtue, righteousness, and, spiritual improvement, TOWARDS, spiritual maturity, WHILE, visibly BEING as LIGHTS, beaming OF *GOD*, beckoning the world, TO THE LIGHT! Righteousness MEANS, conduct in conformity with *GOD'S* WILL, and, "Be HOLY because I AM HOLY!", therefore, indicating that knowledge, wisdom, and, effort, DO, apply TO the righteous!!! NEVER forget, we were grafted in, and, if we do not bear fruit, as a dead branch, we will be pruned out, just as were, the natural branches!!!

We are not saved by works, instead, works PROVE HIM in us: they identify HIS own...
IF I claim ONENESS with *GOD*, through CHRIST JESUS, I am DEAD TO THE WORLD, THUS, LIVING as HIM, which is, hopefully, witnessed IN, and, THROUGH, my every thought, action, and, reaction; MEANING, I am, THROUGH CONSCIOUS application OF THE WORD, HIS COMMANDS, HIS WILL, REFLECTING righteousness, not, merely, FAITH! I become, the TRULY FRUITFUL branch, of THE VINE, the TRUE member of THE BODY/THE CHURCH, CHRIST JESUS, and, TESTIFY, then, GLORIFY, BOLDLY, BY my thoughts, actions, and, reactions, HIS name, because, HE IS WORTHY, and, IN HIS LOVE, has SHOWN me, how I OUGHT to exist, to which, I eagerly, adapt, and, comply!!!

MATTHEW 5:48...

So be perfect,
just as your heavenly Father is perfect

1 PETER 1:14-16...
14/ Like obedient children, do not act in compliance with the desires of your former ignorance
15/ but, as he who called you is holy, be holy yourselves in every aspect of your conduct,
16/ for it is written, "Be holy because I (am) holy."

ROMANS 12:2...
Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect.
Conduct, in conformity to *GOD'S* WILL, marks the righteous; it is NOT because of guilt, or, ancient Laws, but, because of LOVE; LOVE for *GOD*, self, then, others! CHRIST JESUS gave us Commandments to live by, of which, the first is to LOVE *GOD*, with all of your mind, heart, and, soul; the second is, to LOVE one another!

LOVE COMPELS us to LIVE IN HIM, through conduct which conforms to *GOD*; in other words, morality, ethics, doing good, and, being good, and, ever striving to improve the spirit! It is about REFLECTING THE TRUTH, for ALL to bear witness to, FOR, and, TO HIS GLORY, RADIANTLY SHINING OF HIS POWER, GRACE, and, MERCIES!!!

It IS ALL ABOUT LOVE, baby, all about LOVE!!!

MATTHEW 4: 17...
From that time on, Jesus began to preach and say, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."

JOHN 14:15...
"If you love me, you will keep my commandments.

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NOTE: I do not intend to preach, rather to reach; to stir up, awaken, to inspire, and, bring forth, in discussion, that which is, perhaps, dormantly existing in the heart of hearts, thus, little, or, no, sugar coatings, just THE WORD of *GOD*, the TRUTH, along with some of my thoughts. And truth is, I am reminding myself always, as I practice these reminders, in the best of my abilities, and capacities, while RELYING on THE LORD to lead me on that narrow PATH---> MATTHEW 7: 14: "For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it... TO *GOD* BE ALL GLORY...



The oppressor, the enemy of Mankind, and, of *GOD*, in his smug arrogance, imagines that he has given us all we could long for, but, he has given us nothing more than traps, and, the wrong way to go...

IF we had all we could hope for, why then the constant longing, and, search for more, more, more; never feeling satisfied, or, fulfilled? Because human cannot live on bread alone! The body, and, the senses can be fed, but, if the spirit is not receiving it's portion, it's sustenance, the being is discontent! When we have what we had hoped for materially, and, are still unhappy, or, yet seeking, this ought to be indication that none of what is of this plane, is the objective...

MATTHEW 4: 4...
He said in reply, "It is written: 'One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.'"


Verse 1:
Sometimes you have to encourage yourself.


CHRIST, THE LORD, our *GOD*, and, SAVIOUR, is a MOST LOVING, and, compassionate *GOD*! HE hears the voices, and, the cries of those who LOVE HIM, and, is never far away!!!

Many people are lonely; some have always felt lonely, some are lonely because of circumstances, some are lonely because of their walk with HIM, some are lonely for HIM, and, on it goes! HE is feeling our every emotion!!!

Here are some BIBLE verses concerning loneliness...
JOHN 14:1 &18...
1/ Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me.
18/ I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you (or, comfortless, as some translations say)

ISAIAH 43: 4-8...
4/ Because you are precious in my eyes and glorious, and because I love you, I give men in return for you and peoples in exchange for your life.
5/ Fear not, for I am with you; from the east I will bring back your descendants, from the west I will gather you.
6/ I will say to the north: Give them up! and to the south: Hold not back! Bring back my sons from afar, and my daughters from the ends of the earth:
7/ Everyone who is named as mine, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made.
8/ Lead out the people who are blind though they have eyes, who are deaf though they have ears.
2 CORINTHIANS 6: 18...
and I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to me, says the Lord Almighty."

GENESIS 28: 15...
Know that I am with you; I will protect you wherever you go, and bring you back to this land. I will never leave you until I have done what I promised you."

and you share in this fullness in him, who is the head of every principality and power. (some translations say, And ye are complete in him, with is the head of principality, and, power)

PSALM 40: 17-18...
17/ But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you. May those who long for your help always say, "The LORD be glorified."
18/ Though I am afflicted and poor, the Lord keeps me in mind. You are my help and deliverer; my God, do not delay!
HALLELUJAH, PRAISE HIS HOLY name, for, HE has left NOTHING to chance; HE HAS provided resolve to EVERYTHING under the sun, IF only we BELIEVE, and, TRUST IN HIM! THANK YOU LORD, for YOU ARE THE antidote to what we must face, and, endure!!!
BIBLICAL, and/or, other references marked BOLDLY IN COLOURS


JOHN 1: 1-14...
1/ In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2/ He was in the beginning with God.
3/ All things came to be through him, and without him nothing came to be. What came to be
4/ through him was life, and this life was the light of the human race;
5/ the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
6/ A man named John was sent from God.
7/ He came for testimony, to testify to the light, so that all might believe through him.
8/ He was not the light, but came to testify to the light.
9/ The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world.
10/ He was in the world, and the world came to be through him, but the world did not know him.
11/ He came to what was his own, but his own people did not accept him.
12/ But to those who did accept him he gave power to become children of God, to those who believe in his name,
13/ who were born not by natural generation nor by human choice nor by a man's decision but of God.
14/ And the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us, and we saw his glory, the glory as of the Father's only Son, full of grace and truth.
Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary...
1:1-5 The plainest reason why the Son of God is called the Word, seems to be, that as our words explain our minds to others, so was the Son of God sent in order to reveal his Father's mind to the world. What the evangelist says of Christ proves that he is God. He asserts, His existence in the beginning; His coexistence with the Father. The Word was with God. All things were made by him, and not as an instrument. Without him was not any thing made that was made, from the highest angel to the meanest worm. This shows how well qualified he was for the work of our redemption and salvation. The light of reason, as well as the life of sense, is derived from him, and depends upon him. This eternal Word, this true Light shines, but the darkness comprehends it not. Let us pray without ceasing, that our eyes may be opened to behold this Light, that we may walk in it; and thus be made wise unto salvation, by faith in Jesus Christ.

1:6-14 John the Baptist came to bear witness concerning Jesus. Nothing more fully shows the darkness of men's minds, than that when the Light had appeared, there needed a witness to call attention to it. Christ was the true Light; that great Light which deserves to be called so. By his Spirit and grace he enlightens all that are enlightened to salvation; and those that are not enlightened by him, perish in darkness. Christ was in the world when he took our nature upon him, and dwelt among us. The Son of the Highest was here in this lower world. He was in the world, but not of it. He came to save a lost world, because it was a world of his own making. Yet the world knew him not. When he comes as a Judge, the world shall know him. Many say that they are Christ's own, yet do not receive him, because they will not part with their sins, nor have him to reign over them. All the children of God are born again. This new birth is through the word of God as the means, 1Pe 1:23, and by the Spirit of God as the Author. By his Divine presence Christ always was in the world. But now that the fulness of time was come, he was, after another manner, God manifested in the flesh. But observe the beams of his Divine glory, which darted through this veil of flesh. Men discover their weaknesses to those most familiar with them, but it was not so with Christ; those most intimate with him saw most of his glory. Although he was in the form of a servant, as to outward circumstances, yet, in respect of graces, his form was like the Son of God His Divine glory appeared in the holiness of his doctrine, and in his miracles. He was full of grace, fully acceptable to his Father, therefore qualified to plead for us; and full of truth, fully aware of the things he was to reveal.


Wow! What a most beauuuuuuuuuutiful Autumn day *GOD* brought forth, with BLESSINGS in the mix! How can one reveal the perfect awesomeness of HIM? It is impossible, yet, shoots forth from the depths, in various ways, because HE MUST be GLORIFIED, and, HONOURED!!!

I pray your day/nite is full of LOVE, PEACE, happiness, and, reason to rejoice! Remember the reasons to rejoice are rarely, tangible, and, BLESSINGS are mystical, often untouchable, though, they reach through the entire being!!!

MUCH LOVE to you, *GOD* BLESS, and, BE with us ALL! Never forget, *GOD* is POSITIVE, HIS LOVE is POSITIVE, and, ALL that comes forth from HIM, is POSITIVELY charged, FOR, and, TO HIS GLORY, and, for our benefit! PRAISE, and, WORSHIP HIS HOLY name, and, be thankful for HIS presence in your life!!!



*GOD* works through me, in me, and, for me! I am nothing, absolutely nothing, without HIM; HE, ALONE is the breath of my life, the blood in my veins, the beat of my heart, the depth of my mind, the steps of my feet, and while, I could resist HIM, as I have done in the far past, it doesn't/didn't really do any good, because HIS mind was set on how my life would unfold, long before I was CREATED!!!

I can SEE sound sense in the zigzag ways my life has come to this point! HE was right there, even when I was obscured, blinded, and, acting foolishly, trying to live in the world, and, in HIM! HE KNEW where HE was taking me, and, it was just a matter of time before I got there! And, upon my awakening, I have been humbled, and, deeply grateful for HIS having put up with me, as long as HE has, but, even this, was already established...

In the opening of my inner-sights, and, senses, I repented, and, was downright fearful of HIM, and, HIS MIGHT! I realized the meanings of obedience, and, FAITHFULNESS! I began, immediately, though of course, imperfectly, to match my thoughts, actions, and, reactions TO my repentance, which, means a change of heart! I became serious about walking WITH HIM, FOR HIM, and, BY HIS WILL! I longed to HONOUR HIM with all I am capable of! I wanted to please HIM, because EVERYTHING HE Commands of me, is just, right, and, good FOR me! I KNOW HIS WAY IS THE WAY, and, nothing else matters, not at all!!!

I, honestly, do not conform in conduct to HIS WORD, for any other purpose than because HE has said it is right to do so! My efforts are aligned to what HE has instructed, throughout THE WORD! And then, I am understanding the soundness of the sensibility of doing so! I have a duty to serve HIM, for such IS HIS WILL! Who, and, what I was before, for the most part, has been washed away, like the earth beneath water! My aim is to become ONE with HIM, for HIGHER reasons, NOT because I have to prove anything! It simply, makes sense that I ALLOW the BETTER me, inside to SHINE of HIM, for this IS HIS CREATION, FOR, and, TO HIS GLORY, as well as, an example OF HIS mystical works in one's life!!!

So, I had to make some changes?! They were long overdue; I can SEE that now! So, I had to learn HIM, and, HIS WILL, in order for HIS presence to become more ONE with me?! I have NO doubt that what has been going on for the past 2 decades, IS DIVINE order being manifested! It is, and, has been worth it, in many ways!!!

HE says, "BE HOLY, because I AM HOLY!", and, I know I may never BE HOLY, but, with HIS WORD as my instruction, I can surely, TRY! I have spent the past few nights in 1 SAMUEL, through 2 KINGS, and, I am reminded of some facts, such as, when HE gives instruction, HE MEANS IT! Samuel, David, Elijah, Elisha, and, just a couple more, throughout these intense periods of HIS viable presence, took HIM to heart; the rest rebelled, defied, denied, and, perished in HIS disfavour! *GOD* works in such people to SHOW HIMSELF to those whom, even though HE IS EVIDENT, don't believe!!!

I took VOWS with *GOD*, so, I MUST HONOUR them, and, HIM! HE threw me to my knees, at a most crucial time, and, I have remained prostrate in mind, heart, and, spirit, since that time! I would rather end my time, having tried to perfect the spirit within, which, belongs to HIM, than to not care about it! I would rather learn all I can OF HIM, and, HIS WILL, while, striving to become a reflection of HIM, than to try to have it both ways! I understand WHY we can't have it both ways, and, I have been BLESSED BY HIS SHOWING me, exactly, what is wrong with the world, and, clinging to it's ways! HIS WAY IS THE WAY, and, once I got ON that narrow path, I did not look back, and, have no desire for anything but to, SEE the refined me, because the unrefined me, was lacking, and, incomplete!!!



Second chances, rebirth, and, renewal of spirit, are not exclusive to a select few, they are for everyone in *GOD'S* CREATION! HE gives us EVERY chance, and, opportunity necessary, thus, we must do the same, out of LOVE for HIM, and, one another! SO many lives have been ruined because no one was willing, or, comfortable enough to give someone a second chance, but, I tell you what, many whom are given the second chance, have made the chance more than worthy!!!

We ALL stumble, we ALL fall, we are ALL given another chance by *GOD*, to become what we really are, according to HIS WILL, thus, to deny this to another, is to deny mercy, and, *GOD* has said that, AS IS HE, we must be merciful! Mercy is ONE with LOVE, and, LOVE is does not exist in partiality! If someone is not worthy after the chances given, the evidence will be more than plain, but, to deny someone a second chance, is more wrong as those who take advantage, AND, just might deny your chances!!!

LOVE has SO many components, and, necessities, in order to flourish in us, and, we should strive to know them, understand them, and, contemplate their purposes to the whole of HIS WILL! LOVE is EVER spanning forth, rushing to share of itself, and, bring to those in it's path, the wondrous benevolences therein!!!

MUCH LOVE, always! May *GOD* BLESS, and, BE with us ALL, and, may we, in HONOUR of HIS GRACE, and, MERCY, GLORIFY HIM, by NEVER relenting to learn, understand, and, apply HIS SOUND PRINCIPLES to this life, and, towards others!!!



Fridays are for freedom! Freedom from the weight of the week past! Freedom to step back, and, just be! Fridays are for festivity, and, festiveness! Even if nothing out of the ordinary is happening, it is time to celebrate the freedom from the week! It is time to put on that, perhaps buried mood of festivity!!!

To pick one day a week as special, is healthy for the well-being of the entire being! And, why not? We deserve such a day! A day to pick up the spirits, release all else, and, be absolutely happy!!!

Did you know a common greeting in Iceland is, Come happy,“Komdu sæll/sæl”, , and, Go happy, “Vertu sæll/sæl”! It is reported that Icelandic people are of the healthiest, and, happiest people on Earth! Who would have ever imagined that? They have such a tough climate, and, other such to contend with! I have had some moments of researching them lately, and, I am digging what I am learning! They are resilient, enduring, and, content people! They have the world's freshest water supplies, and, the cheapest energy costs, along with some other interesting factors. Cod liver oil is one reason for their robust health, despite the lack of sunshine in the Winter months, which is like only 4 hours a day, with harshly cold winds, and, extra thick yogurt, plus, their ever happy attitudes! Ok, I got off the subject, but, I wanted to present some POSITIVITY!!!

Of course, Friday is not the end of the workweek for everyone, but, nearly everyone, has weekends, though, some are only 1 1/2 days! Still, from what I have observed, and, learned, Friday's are universal in that feeling of, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"...

I LOVE the weekends, even if they are not going to be remarkable, I find ways to make them worthy, even in simplicities! There is just something unique about the time of the weekend! Time for Family, Friends, entertainment, catching up, doing something different, or, just chillin', alone, or not!!!

Have a most awesome Friday, and, weekend! May *GOD* BE with us, and, BLESS us with this time to reinvent our moods, and, attitudes, that we are empowered, and, enabled come that not so welcomed day, when we head back to routine! PRAISE HIM, and, be sure to make HIM the center of this, and, every day, and, WORSHIP HIM, for HE IS the giver of ALL time, and, BLESSINGS! MUCH LOVE to you, and, ENJOY the festiveness of Friday:))) Oh, and, go happy!!!



You can tell the size of your God by looking at the size of your worry list.  The longer your list, the smaller your God.  ~Author Unknown~

You KNOW it is in FAITH, that HE is GLORIFIED, and, invoked, or not!!!


What a pretty, Autumn like day, this gift of *GOD*! Sun is shining; it is a gorgeous day! Fall is definitely in the air; 60 no longer feels like 60, trees are changing colours, slowly, but surely, even though they began their metamorphosis in August; the breezes are cool, and, the nights are near frost, but, after this long, overly HOT Summer, this is just about right!!!

Who could not find some happiness in this journey, that has been orchestrated, and, illustrated by *GOD*? I KNOW how it feels to be nearly emptied of HOPE, and, joy, but, I have always been able to find, even the slightest bit of happiness, no matter what! Perhaps in *GOD* HIMSELF, Nature, a kind face, or word, in muzik, or, whatever! When we can find nothing to take joy from, we are bound to that which, has the power to take us down! I don't believe in giving power to negatives, even though, they are ever near! They are NOT of *GOD*, and, are existent for evils purpose!!!

I have to share this:
How soon
will you realize
that the only thing
you don't have is
the direct experience

that there's
nothing you need

that you don't have?
Ken Keyes, JR. Handbook to Higher Consciousness

HOW many times we have heard it said that *GOD* KNOWS what we need before we need it, and, that HE IS ALL provisional for HIS Children? People become discouraged when their needs, or wants, are not IMMEDIATELY visible, but, in TRUTH, your needs HAVE been provided for!!!

Often, what we THINK we need, is NOT of need, but of, egocentric desire, so, it might NOT be met! Often, we have lessons to learn, before we are given! Then, we have to remember, *GOD* is NOT on our time-line; HIS time is vastly different than ours, and, without TRUSTING HIM, and, remaining in FAITH, we are closing ourselves to HIM; plus, our greatest acquistions, are not entirely, tangible...

We ARE BLESSED the moment we open our eyes to a new day; right then, is a gift of *GOD*! What we DO with this day, can be our gift back to HIM!!!

My life is far from being wonderful, in worldly measures, yet, I exist in the wonder of my life! What I am lacking, is fulfilled in what I am given by THE MOST HIGH LORD, and, I appreciate ALL HE brings forth!!!

There IS something to find HOPE, pleasure, and, joy in, this day! We have to come down to ourselves, off of that lofty plane of worldly desires, to find the treasures of TRUE life! And, we have to open our inner sights to notice, then be grateful for, the endless supplies of HIS own choosing; they are awesomely amazing, and, can you imagine what life would be like without HIM, or, HIS gifts???

Today IS beautiful, and, there IS happiness to be found! PRAISE, WORSHIP, and, thank *GOD*, FOR this day, and, ALL therein, while, working it TO HIS GLORY! MUCH LOVE, and, *GOD* BLESS us ALL!!!

BIBLICAL, and/or, other references/shares, marked BOLDLY IN COLOURS


ROMANS 6: 17-23...
17/ But thanks be to God that, although you were once slaves of sin, you have become obedient from the heart to the pattern of teaching to which you were entrusted.
18/ Freed from sin, you have become slaves of righteousness.
19/ I am speaking in human terms because of the weakness of your nature. For just as you presented the parts of your bodies as slaves to impurity and to lawlessness for lawless ness, so now present them as slaves to righteousness for sanctification.
20/ For when you were slaves of sin, you were free from righteousness. 
21/ But what profit did you get then from the things of which you are now ashamed? For the end of those things is death.
22/ But now that you have been freed from sin and have become slaves of God, the benefit that you have leads to sanctification, and its end is eternal life.
23/ For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Christians have been released from the grip of sin, but sin endeavors to reclaim its victims. The antidote is constant remembrance that divine grace has claimed them and identifies them as people who are alive only for God's interests.
In contrast to humanity, which was handed over to self-indulgence (Romans 1:24-32), believers are entrusted ("handed over") to God's pattern of teaching, that is, the new life God aims to develop in Christians through the productivity of the holy Spirit. Throughout this passage Paul uses the slave-master model in order to emphasize the fact that one cannot give allegiance to both God and sin.
You were free from righteousness: expressed ironically, for such freedom is really tyranny. The commercial metaphors in Romans 6:21-23 add up only one way: sin is a bad bargain.


Before my Calling, I had read through THE WORD, on various occasions, even completely through, several times, but, I tell you what, I did NOT take in any measure of understanding, nor, knowledge in doing so! You see, by *GOD*, sound, and, great intent IS the premise of every Commandment, instruction, stature, and, precept in THE WORD, thus, heartfelt desire, and, diligent digging INTO the depths of that intent, is from where understanding stems!!!

From a human stance, one sentence voiced, or, in print, can have diverse meanings for individuals, and so, going DEEP INTO THE WORD, counters this problem! THE WORD is EXACT unto *GOD'S* intent, but, human understanding is not only various, it is fleeting, and, inclined towards what we WANT to hear, or, read....

Those who teach THE WORD, OUGHT to ALWAYS present more than the letters which, comprise a message, and, GO DEEP INTO the heart of the INTENT, THAT, understanding is NOT in part, or, assumed to be something altogether different! THE WORD is a UNIVERSAL tool, with SINGULAR intent for each who seek *GOD*, HIS WILL, and, HIS TRUTH!!!

IF the TRUTH gets heavy, it is because it is designated to set us free; to protect us, to comfort us, to heal us, to empower us, to enable us, and, to save us from the oppression of lack of knowledge, and, understanding!!!

*GOD* BLESS, and, BE with us ALL! MUCH LOVE, and, may you always be open to greater understanding FOR, and, TO HIS GLORY!!!



MATTHEW 5: 38-48...
38/ "You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.'
39/ But I say to you, offer no resistance to one who is evil. When someone strikes you on (your) right cheek, turn the other one to him as well.
40/ If anyone wants to go to law with you over your tunic, hand him your cloak as well.
41/ Should anyone press you into service for one mile,  go with him for two miles.
42. Give to the one who asks of you, and do not turn your back on one who wants to borrow.
43/ "You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.'
44/ But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you,
45/ that you may be children of your heavenly Father, for he makes his sun rise on the bad and the good, and causes rain to fall on the just and the unjust.
46/ For if you love those who love you, what recompense will you have? Do not the tax collectors do the same?
47/ And if you greet your brothers only, what is unusual about that? Do not the pagans do the same?
48/ So be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect.
The Old Testament commandment was meant to moderate vengeance; the punishment should not exceed the injury done. Jesus forbids even this proportionate retaliation. Of the five examples that follow, only the first deals directly with retaliation for evil; the others speak of liberality.
Jesus' disciples must not be content with merely usual standards of conduct; see Matthew 5:20 where the verb "surpass" (Greek perisseuo) is cognate with the unusual (perisson) of this verse.
Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary:
Verses 38-42 The plain instruction is, Suffer any injury that can be borne, for the sake of peace, committing your concerns to the Lord's keeping. And the sum of all is, that Christians must avoid disputing and striving. If any say, Flesh and blood cannot pass by such an affront, let them remember, that flesh and blood shall not inherit the kingdom of God; and those who act upon right principles will have most peace and comfort.
Verses 43-48 The Jewish teachers by "neighbour" understood only those who were of their own country, nation, and religion, whom they were pleased to look upon as their friends. The Lord Jesus teaches that we must do all the real kindness we can to all, especially to their souls. We must pray for them. While many will render good for good, we must render good for evil; and this will speak a nobler principle than most men act by. Others salute their brethren, and embrace those of their own party, and way, and opinion, but we must not so confine our respect. It is the duty of Christians to desire, and aim at, and press towards perfection in grace and holiness. And therein we must study to conform ourselves to the example of our heavenly Father, 1Pe. 1:15, 1Pe. 1:16 . Surely more is to be expected from the followers of Christ than from others; surely more will be found in them than in others. Let us beg of God to enable us to prove ourselves his children.
LUKE 10: 25-37...
25/ There was a scholar of the law who stood up to test him and said, "Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?"
26/ Jesus said to him, "What is written in the law? How do you read it?"
27/ He said in reply, "You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your being, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself."
28/ He replied to him, "You have answered correctly; do this and you will live."
29/ But because he wished to justify himself, he said to Jesus, "And who is my neighbor?"
30/ Jesus replied, "A man fell victim to robbers as he went down from Jerusalem to Jericho. They stripped and beat him and went off leaving him half-dead.
31/ A priest happened to be going down that road, but when he saw him, he passed by on the opposite side.
32/ Likewise a Levite came to the place, and when he saw him, he passed by on the opposite side.
33/ But a Samaritan traveler who came upon him was moved with compassion at the sight.
34/ He approached the victim, poured oil and wine over his wounds and bandaged them. Then he lifted him up on his own animal, took him to an inn and cared for him.
35/ The next day he took out two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper with the instruction, 'Take care of him. If you spend more than what I have given you, I shall repay you on my way back.'
36/ Which of these three, in your opinion, was neighbor to the robbers' victim?"
37/ He answered, "The one who treated him with mercy." Jesus said to him, "Go and do likewise."
Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary:
10:25-37 If we speak of eternal life, and the way to it, in a careless manner, we take the name of God in vain. No one will ever love God and his neighbour with any measure of pure, spiritual love, who is not made a partaker of converting grace. But the proud heart of man strives hard against these convictions. Christ gave an instance of a poor Jew in distress, relieved by a good Samaritan. This poor man fell among thieves, who left him about to die of his wounds. He was slighted by those who should have been his friends, and was cared for by a stranger, a Samaritan, of the nation which the Jews most despised and detested, and would have no dealings with. It is lamentable to observe how selfishness governs all ranks; how many excuses men will make to avoid trouble or expense in relieving others. But the true Christian has the law of love written in his heart. The Spirit of Christ dwells in him; Christ's image is renewed in his soul. The parable is a beautiful explanation of the law of loving our neighbour as ourselves, without regard to nation, party, or any other distinction. It also sets forth the kindness and love of God our Saviour toward sinful, miserable men. We were like this poor, distressed traveller. Satan, our enemy, has robbed us, and wounded us: such is the mischief sin has done us. The blessed Jesus had compassion on us. The believer considers that Jesus loved him, and gave his life for him, when an enemy and a rebel; and having shown him mercy, he bids him go and do likewise. It is the duty of us all , in our places, and according to our ability, to succour, help, and relieve all that are in distress and necessity.


You are not alone, *GOD*/CHRIST is with you! You are not useless, unworthy, or, anything negative; in *GOD* you have GREAT purpose, and, worth! You are not subject to opinions, and, judgements of this world, instead, to the LOVE, and, acceptance of our LORD! Whatever you can find to feel worse about, I can find *GOD'S* remedy, and, resolve therein!!!

We like to imagine that we are alone in our plight, but, this just isn't so! EVERY thing you experience, someone else, somewhere, is experiencing too! Therefore, you have *GOD*, and, others in the same circumstances, though, both might seem far out of reach, *GOD* is NEVER out of reach!!!

It is not easy to be in a position of being different, left out, and, worse, yet, therein, is strength, courage, and, other spirit building remedies, and, resolve!!!

We GIVE people, and, the deceiver their power to do what they will with us, for the most part! I have had a difficult time accepting this, but, deep inside, I KNOW it is true! For instance, if someone is rude, arrogant, and, otherwise trying to belittle you, if you feed into that, they are successful, but, if you BLESS them, forgive them, and, REMEMBER your worth, they are puffs of hot air!!!

And, if you give up anything for *GOD*/CHRIST, you can expect confusion, disdain, anger, and, even worse! This too, is part, and, parcel with the Calling, with THE WAY, and, with being refined! We DON'T rely on people, places, or, things, we rely ON *GOD*/CHRIST, for EVERY thing!!!

GALATIANS 1: 10...
Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God?
Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ...

The above verse helps me immensely, to survive what the world throws at me, and, to keep my VOWS to HIM, because there is SOUND TRUTH therein!!!

1 PETER 4: 12-13...
12/ Beloved, do not be surprised that a trial by fire is occurring among you, as if something strange were happening to you.
13/ But rejoice to the extent that you share in the sufferings of Christ, so that when his glory is revealed you may also rejoice exultantly.
CHRIST, our LORD, was not treated kindly! HE withstood scorn, rejection, intimidation, hatred, ridicule, and, much worse, so, it is to be expected that we, also, in the world, the troubled, crazy world, that does NOT understand HIM, or, LOVE, will suffer some too!!!
Persecution, and, judgement, are synonymous! People whom persecute others, are being judgemental! Persecution is the systematic mistreatment, or maltreatment, of an individual, or group, by an individual, or, another group. There are diverse persecutions; those based on religion, ethnicity, politics, status, appearances, heritage/tradition, nationality, and, on it goes! We have been judged, and, persecuted all of our lives, and, those of *GOD*/CHRIST, are to BLESS, forgive, and, move on from such! We are to have IN LOVE, the kind of mercy which, *GOD* has on us; this is a TRUE evidence of HIS Children!!!
People, DON'T let the negatives of the world overtake what *GOD* has placed in you! YOU ARE imperative TO HIM, HIS WILL, and, the manifestation of HIS DIVINE Plan! Thus, we are taught to keep our minds on matters ABOVE, not matters of the world...
You are NOT alone, *GOD* is with you, I am with you, and, others are out there waiting to share in the *GOD* given riches of YOUR unique being! *GOD* BLESSED life with YOU, don't lessen HIS choice!!!
MUCH LOVE, always...
BIBLICAL, and/or, other references marked BOLDLY IN COLOURS


We must always do what we can, to improve upon our spirit, the TRUE being, thus, our lives. *GOD'S* WILL is the core of most of what happens in our lives, and, I say most because, sometimes we resist HIS WILL, or, do not consider the mystical ways things happen in perfect sequence, to LEAD us to HIS WILL being fulfilled! We have a tendency to move out of the spirit, back into the flesh, when things happen that shake us up, confuse us, or, what have you! As LOVE, FAITH, humility, and, understanding develop, we are less likely to move away from the spirit, but, being human, at certain times, in certain challenges, we yet will, which, doesn't have anything to do with *GOD*, instead it is further proof that we NEED to improve our spirit, OVER all else!!!

HOW do we develop the spirit? We REMAIN IN *GOD*/CHRIST, and, THE WORD! We ADAPT TO HIM, HIS WILL, HIS WAYS, HIS precepts, HIS instructions, TO the point of them becoming ONE with our conscious, conscientious mind! We LEARN the core values of humility, ethics, morality, and, ALL virtuous characteristics, and, behaviours, THEN, we APPLY these TO our lives, IN thought, action, and, reaction, all the while, PRAYING, PRAISING, and, WORSHIPPING, SO there is HEIGHTENED openness TO HIM, and, HIS communications with us! We REALIZE we exist, FOR, and, TO HIS GLORY, in our conformity of conduct TO HIS WILL!!!

We WALK THE WAY, we TALK THE WAY, we SHINE IN HIS WAY, in letter, and, deed, WITH the understanding that HE IS THE FOCUS of ALL we think, do, or, say!!!

We may begin without much knowledge, and, with unsure steps, but, with increased effort, and, understanding, we stabilize, then, before we know it, we are flowing, almost soaring, right INTO the desires OF HIS WILL!!!

Keep on keepin' on, at all times, no matter what! DON'T be discouraged, DON'T give up, nor, into what deception will try to trip you with! Just KEEP THE FAITH, and, YOUR SIGHTS on THE PRIZE, and, you WILL notice the amazing manifestation of the spirit PREVAILING OVER all else, and, you will be joyous unto HIM, for LEADING THE WAY!!!

Have a most awesome, and, inspired day! PRAISE THE LORD, our *GOD* with ALL your being, and, walk forth in LOVE, with the PEACE of BEING ONE WITH HIM!!!



LUKE 17: 5-6...
5/ And the apostles said to the Lord, "Increase our faith."
6/ The Lord replied, "If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you would say to (this) mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it would obey you.

These sayings of Jesus, peculiar to Luke, which continue his response to the apostles' request to increase their faith (Luke 17:5-6), remind them that Christian disciples can make no claim on God's graciousness; in fulfilling the exacting demands of discipleship, they are only doing their duty.

As with God nothing is impossible, so all things are possible to him that can believe. Our Lord showed his disciples their need of deep humility. The Lord has such a property in every creature, as no man can have in another; he cannot be in debt to them for their services, nor do they deserve any return from him.

PHILIPPIANS 2: 1-11...
1/ If there is any encouragement in Christ, any solace in love, any participation in the Spirit, any compassion and mercy,
2/ complete my joy by being of the same mind, with the same love, united in heart, thinking one thing.
3/ Do nothing out of selfishness or out of vainglory; rather, humbly regard others as more important than yourselves,
4/ each looking out not for his own interests, but (also) everyone for those of others.
5/ Have among yourselves the same attitude that is also yours in Christ Jesus,
6/ Who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God something to be grasped. 
7/ Rather, he emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, coming in human likeness; and found human in appearance,
8/ he humbled himself, becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross. 
9/ Because of this, God greatly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name,
10/ that at the name of Jesus every knee should bend, of those in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
11/ and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
The admonition to likemindedness and unity (Philippians 2:2-5) is based on the believers' threefold experience with Christ, God's love, and the Spirit. The appeal to humility (Philippians 2:3) and to obedience (Philippians 2:12) is rooted in christology, specifically in a statement about Christ Jesus (Philippians 2:6-11) and his humbling of self and obedience to the point of death (Philippians 2:8).
Have . . . the same attitude that is also yours in Christ Jesus: or, "that also Christ Jesus had." While it is often held that Christ here functions as a model for moral imitation, it is not the historical Jesus but the entire Christ event that Philippians 2:6-11 depict. Therefore, the appeal is to have in relations among yourselves that same relationship you have in Jesus Christ, i.e., serving one another as you serve Christ (Philippians 2:4).
Perhaps an early Christian hymn quoted here by Paul. The short rhythmic lines fall into two parts, Philippians 2:6-8 where the subject of every verb is Christ, and Philippians 2:9-11 where the subject is God. The general pattern is thus of Christ's humiliation and then exaltation. More precise analyses propose a division into six three-line stanzas (Philippians 2:6, 7abc, 7d-8, 9, 10, 11) or into three stanzas (Philippians 2:6-7ab, 7cd-8, 9-11). Phrases such as even death on a cross (Philippians 2:8c) are considered by some to be additions (by Paul) to the hymn, as are Philippians 2:10c, 11c.
Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary: PHILIPPIANS 2: 1-11...
2:1-4 Here are further exhortations to Christian duties; to like-mindedness and lowly-mindedness, according to the example of the Lord Jesus. Kindness is the law of Christ's kingdom, the lesson of his school, the livery of his family. Several motives to brotherly love are mentioned. If you expect or experience the benefit of God's compassions to yourselves, be compassionate one to another. It is the joy of ministers to see people like-minded. Christ came to humble us, let there not be among us a spirit of pride. We must be severe upon our own faults, and quick in observing our own defects, but ready to make favourable allowances for others. We must kindly care for others, but not be busy-bodies in other men's matters. Neither inward nor outward peace can be enjoyed, without lowliness of mind.
2:5-11 The example of our Lord Jesus Christ is set before us. We must resemble him in his life, if we would have the benefit of his death. Notice the two natures of Christ; his Divine nature, and human nature. Who being in the form of God, partaking the Divine nature, as the eternal and only-begotten Son of God, Joh 1:1, had not thought it a robbery to be equal with God, and to receive Divine worship from men. His human nature; herein he became like us in all things except sin. Thus low, of his own will, he stooped from the glory he had with the Father before the world was. Christ's two states, of humiliation and exaltation, are noticed. Christ not only took upon him the likeness and fashion, or form of a man, but of one in a low state; not appearing in splendour. His whole life was a life of poverty and suffering. But the lowest step was his dying the death of the cross, the death of a malefactor and a slave; exposed to public hatred and scorn. The exaltation was of Christ's human nature, in union with the Divine. At the name of Jesus, not the mere sound of the word, but the authority of Jesus, all should pay solemn homage. It is to the glory of God the Father, to confess that Jesus Christ is Lord; for it is his will, that all men should honour the Son as they honour the Father, Joh 5:23. Here we see such motives to self-denying love as nothing else can supply. Do we thus love and obey the Son of God?


All I know is that CHRIST, our LORD, and, *GOD*, IS WORTHY of my every effort towards perfecting the backwardness of my life! IF I had not been raised in the ways of the world, and instead, raised IN HIM this far, I can only imagine how empowered my life would be, and, would have been! But alas, the heavy shroud of deception was the common influence, though, in the backwardness, I SAW THE TRUTH, despite deception's attempts to render me totally, blind!!!

My spirit, my TRUE being, the possession of THE MOST HIGH *GOD*, was shoved beneath the obscurity, though, somewhere in the core of my thoughts, and, being, I realized what was being quieted! As life took it's toll on my being, and, left me ever seeking in the obscurity, HIS own SPIRIT, came, and, threw me to my knees, thus, into the humility of the acceptance that the REAL me, belongs to HIM, thus, I had work to do, to free the spirit; training in righteousness, based upon HIM, HIS WILL, HIS WAYS, HIS WORD!!!

I have not looked back; I look forward, with HOPE, excitement, and, willingness to bear HIS yoke, carry my cross, and, be refined, losing the damages of the corruption of the world, as my spirit is free to rejoice IN HIM, and, my rightful inheritance!!!

The world is yet here, no doubt, and, it wants to take me back to my previous state, as it assaults me in various, devious ways, but, I am hip to these attempts, and, my LOVE for THE LORD is SO intense, that, I am enabled, thanks be to HIM, and, HIS WORD, to easily, resist, and, remain steadfast!!!

I am more comfortable than I have ever been in this skin, this temple of *GOD*, because the soundness of HIM resides within, and, gives me a confidence of existence! I am far from being perfected, but, I KNOW I am ON the RIGHT path!!!

Happily, and, willingly, I surrendered to HIM, and, have opened UP to HIS lead, with TRUST, FAITH, LOVE, and, a PEACE which, I had not experienced before! It doesn't seem to be effort to me to train IN HIS WILL, because it has been so freeing for the whole of me!!!

Yes, HE IS WORTHY of my BEST, and, I KNOW my best BELONGS to HIM, ALONE, for all else will cease to exist, but, HE IS EVERMORE! PRAISE HIS HOLY name, WORSHIP HIM continuously, and, give thanks for HIS PERFECT plan to rescue us! THANK YOU LORD, with ALL my LOVE, and, being; I am ever indebted, ever grateful, and, ever appreciative of YOUR WILL for my life, and, I pray, earnestly, that I WILL HONOUR YOU, in my ways, for the rest of my days, for I am YOUR willing servant! ALL GLORY BE TO *GOD*, forevermore! AMEN!!!



Pride is, perhaps, the greatest enemy of humanity, because it places the self before *GOD*/CHRIST, and other people! Pride is at the top of the list of creating enmity between *GOD*, and, us, as pride opens up to many more behaviours against HIM, which, work against us!!!

Pride is the venom of the bite of vanity, arrogance, defiance, selfishness, stubbornness, anger, passion, lust, greed, sloth, and, other deadly behaviours, known to lead us into sin/err! Pride is a strong opponent to what is just, right, and, good, and, CAN destroy the well-being of the person of pride, as well as all in their path! Pride is simply, against *GOD*! Pride would have us believe *GOD* is so far removed from us, that what we do, acquire, accomplish, has nothing to do with HIM! Pride is a viable enemy, oh yes, it is!!!

We are to LOVE *GOD*, FEAR *GOD*, and, be HUMBLE before HIM! Pride does not allow any of these to occur, except in part, if that! Pride is DEFINITELY in opposition to HUMILITY! One CANNOT humble themselves at all, in pride! Pride does not care about being humble, in fact, most who are in pride, consider humility beneath them, or, a sign of weakness! Humility takes FAR more strength to learn, and, live in, than pride could ever hope to have!!!


In the heart of the LOVE of *GOD*, I wish you a most BLESSED day,
Full of encouragement, and, invigoration, that your soul is well in every way!
I hope you are open enough to receive what HIS WILL, has in store for you,
And, that HE IS the preeminent premise of all you think, say, and, do!!!

May you find LOVE, HOPE, PEACE, and, all which is right,
While you bask in the comforting warmth of HIS HOLY LIGHT!
Be happy in HIS presence, rejoice in HIS name, be of contentment, and, gratitude,
I tell you, there is power in a *GOD* inspired, attitude!!!

Have a marvelous Sunday, people of this life! Keep it real, keep it righteous, and, place THE LORD in HIS rightful state, as THE ALMIGHTY, OMNIPOTENT, OMNIPRESENT, OMNISCIENT CREATOR, RULER, and, FATHER of ALL in existence! THANK HIM, PRAISE HIM, WORSHIP HIM, and, LET HIS GLORY BE evident always, in you! MUCH LOVE, BLESS you ALL, and, ENJOY the most precious gift of this time!!!



1/ Happy those who do not follow the counsel of the wicked, Nor go the way of sinners, nor sit in company with scoffers.


It is FRIDAY; that day of releasing! The weekend has arrived, by the GRACE of *GOD*; time to forget the week past, forgive the week's harshness, and, those who fed into such, time to forge forward, and, UPWARDLY!!!

Friday is like a day of cleansing, a day of amends, a day of restoration, a day to shake off what clung to us, in the week past! The weekends are for renewal, revival, rejuvenation, rest, relaxation, and, reverence; with some FUN in the mix! Time to enjoy the benefits of our laboring, and, the sanctuary of our private being, and, lives, alone, and/or, with those nearest us!!!

Weekends are ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh times! Like slipping into a warm, energetic hot tub! This time is for the health of the entire being; that, we are reignited for what will soon come, *GOD* willing!!!

This time is also for reflection, retrospect, gratitude, thanks, the heartfelt PRAISING, and, WORSHIPPING of THE LORD, our *GOD*! We are wise to take what was useful from the week past, then, find ways to rid of what wasn't! All which wasn't useful for our growth, comfort, and, health, MUST be disposed of, in any way feasible, because, it is JUNK, BUNK, stinkin', and, stankin' to the spirit!!!

Celebrate this weekend, in whatever, sensible way! Count your BLESSINGS, and, forget the rest! Enjoy the freedom of this short time, and, be appreciative! Adjust your attitude, and, bury some smiles deep down, that, come what is ahead, you can tap into these!!!

I wish you a MOST awesome, renewing weekend, full of the simple pleasures of life! I wish you LOVE, and, the absolutely necessary presence of our LORD, *GOD*! May HE BLESS, and, BE with us ALL, and may we carry HIS example into the days ahead, with joy!!!



It is said, that for the most part, I do not have to deprive myself, though, I should not seek excess in any matter, and, I must share what I have, be that in material matter, gifts, talents, and, so forth!

I do not function on guilt, I function on obedience!

I am not out to prove myself HOLY, instead to improve myself in HOLY ways! *GOD*/CHRIST IS THE WAY, to whom I align myself to, based on LOVE, and, the desire of my spirit, to please HIM, and, spend eternity with HIM!

I was born into sin, and, will die in sin, but, I CAN have a change of heart about sin, and, understanding enough to loathe what sin does to my spirit, and, being!

I have learned the hard way, what is the right way, and, I am SURE of the difference, in necessity for my overall well-being, and, my walk with *GOD*!

I believe that LOVE IS THE WAY, and, holds more power than anything imaginable!

I aim for the Heavens, and, exist to serve HIM! It is NOT easy to act upon HIS WILL, but, I would rather use my time attempting to do what is right, than to waste the time I have, which is, uncertain, and, is under HIS discretion!

I TRUST in HIS SOUND principles, for I have seen the other side of this soundness, and, understand the effectiveness of them!

I rely upon HIM solely, for what I need in my life, tangible, or not!

I think that all people should adapt to ethical, moral, and, LOVING virtues, for in doing so, there is an increase of plenty in this life, and, a storehouse of treasures in the ever after!

Compassion, kindness, patience, tolerance, understanding, and, the gift of HOPE, offer all in our path, more options in any given day!

POSITIVITY is the evidence, and, confidence of our walk with *GOD*/CHRIST, and, should not be swayed by the constant negativity of this world!

FAITH is a place of PEACE, and, a generator of improvement! FAITHFULNESS is a willing fidelity TO HIS WILL!

I am humbled by HIS nature, and, by the wrong I have done, though I live in the HOPE of HIS promises to those who turn to HIM, which I have done, in the best of my capacities, and, understanding, IN the name of CHRIST JESUS!

While I feel way different today, than years ago, and, am in a whole new lifestyle, whatever has been lost, is opening up to a vault of more!

I am unconcerned with tallying up my efforts to measure their success, for I know my efforts are not in vain, nor, about me, instead, for the GOOD of DIVINITY, overall, however minor my efforts are in that whole!

Comfortable is where I am at IN HIM, despite the objection, and, rejection of some!

Today IS the day, I will pray, PRAISE, and, WORSHIP, because HE IS THE MOST HIGH *GOD*, and, ABOVE ALL else, IS worthy of ALL I can offer unto HIM, despite my own imperfections; HE LOVES ME, and, IS leading me to a better, more practical WAY!!!



The world might be a crazy, tumultuous, topsy-turvy, troubled place, filled with negatives, and, turmoil, BUT, we do NOT live for the world, we live for, and, in *GOD*/CHRIST! This means we have the empowerment, and, understanding, which, RAISES us from what could chain, and, hold us down! We have the LOVE, and, tools to SOAR ABOVE what is designed to keep us beneath THE TRUTH! We are Children of the MOST HIGH LORD, the KING of KINGS, the AUTHOR, CREATOR, and, RULER of ALL CREATION, thus, we are not only equipped to RISE from the distractions of this world, we are able to offer change to it!!!

If only we could come to understand the power of our inheritance! If only we could totally free ourselves from the bonds of the world! If only we had the FAITH to flourish! If only we could see the whole of our capacity IN *GOD*/CHRIST!!!

In HIS gifts, HE HAS given us, via knowledge, wisdom, and, understanding, the keys to the shackles we endure! HE HAS given us THE WAY, through release of the spirit, to freedom from the natural, carnal, egocentric plane! We only NEED to study, and, grasp the instructions to this freedom, then, BELIEVE with ALL we have, as we begin to live as was intended!!!

We fall down, but, we get UP! We should NEVER weary of getting UP! The more times we ARISE, and, stay on the HIGH road, the less we will fall! NOTHING of this world should have the power to deter our UPWARD inclination! NOTHING! FOCUSING upon THE LORD, and, HIS WILL, and, HIS promises, IS encouraging, enabling, and, empowering! What is of the world, exists to blind us, discourage us, try, and, test us, but, once we begin to realize the traps, and, their purpose, we can then, KNOW HOW to divert them, and, overcome them, TO, and, FOR HIS GLORY, as the evil of this world, bears witness TO HIS WILL at work!!!

Ah, we are WAY MORE enabled than we choose to believe, or trust, to our disadvantage! Yet, it is SO obvious, SO right there, SO within our grasp!!!

Today, TRIUMPH OVER the world, IN *GOD*/CHRIST, BY remaining IN the spirit, no matter what the deceiver throws in your path! SHOW him the documentation of your birthright, IN your thoughts, actions, and, reactions! Let him take his game elsewhere, 'cuz he doesn't have a chance with the TRULY FAITHFUL!!!

FAITH, HOPE, LOVE, and, all which comprise *GODLINESS*, ARE the keys to freedom from the snares of this world, as long as they are sincerely understood, embraced, and, utilized!!!

*GOD*/CHRIST BLESS us ALL, have a beautiful day, MUCH LOVE, and, STAND tall as the Heavens in spirit, FOR, and, TO HIS GLORY, as you PRAISE, and, WORSHIP HIM with much ado!!!



MATTHEW 5: 38-48...
38/ "You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.'
39/ But I say to you, offer no resistance to one who is evil. When someone strikes you on (your) right cheek, turn the other one to him as well.
40/ If anyone wants to go to law with you over your tunic, hand him your cloak as well.
41/ Should anyone press you into service for one mile, go with him for two miles.
42/ Give to the one who asks of you, and do not turn your back on one who wants to borrow.
43/ "You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.'
44/ But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you,
45/ that you may be children of your heavenly Father, for he makes his sun rise on the bad and the good, and causes rain to fall on the just and the unjust.
46/ For if you love those who love you, what recompense will you have? Do not the tax collectors do the same?
47/ And if you greet your brothers only, what is unusual about that? Do not the pagans do the same?
48/ So be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect.

[38-42] See Lev 24:20. The Old Testament commandment was meant to moderate vengeance; the punishment should not exceed the injury done. Jesus forbids even this proportionate retaliation. Of the five examples that follow, only the first deals directly with retaliation for evil; the others speak of liberality.

[43-48] See Lev 19:18. There is no Old Testament commandment demanding hatred of one's enemy, but the "neighbor" of the love commandment was understood as one's fellow countryman. Both in the Old Testament (Psalm 139:19-22) and at Qumran (1QS 9:21) hatred of evil persons is assumed to be right. Jesus extends the love commandment to the enemy and the persecutor. His disciples, as children of God, must imitate the example of their Father, who grants his gifts of sun and rain to both the good and the bad.

Jesus' disciples must not be content with merely usual standards of conduct; see Matthew 5:20 where the verb "surpass" (Greek perisseuo) is cognate with the unusual (perisson) of this.

The LOVE of *GOD*/CHRIST, is PERFECT, and, requires NO reciprocation! LOVE exists no matter what! *GOD*/CHRIST might detest what a person does, but, LOVE yet, exists! Thus, our mentality, as ONE with HIM, is to be the same! LOVE is not selfish, therefore, it doesn't need reciprocation, it merely has the inclination to share of itself, and, move, ever forward...

LOVE can cover a multitude of sins; 1 PETER 4: 8, a maxim based on PROVERBS 10:12; see also PSALM 32:1; JAMES 5:20.

You see, when one exists in LOVE in letter, and, deed, instead of in passing thought, or, lipservice, there opens UP, great possibility, both for those who LOVE, and, those who do not! When one exists in LOVE, LOVE can show others THE WAY, THE LIGHT, THE TRUTH, and, save them from their hostility! LOVE is like a vault of possibilities, but, cannot be opened in partiality, though, there has to be a starting point to realizing it's rich fullness!!!

1/ If I speak in human and angelic tongues but do not have love, I am a resounding gong or a clashing cymbal.
2/ And if I have the gift of prophecy and comprehend all mysteries and all knowledge; if I have all faith so as to move mountains but do not have love, I am nothing.
3/ If I give away everything I own, and if I hand my body over so that I may boast but do not have love, I gain nothing.

4/ Love is patient, love is kind. It is not jealous, (love) is not pompous, it is not inflated,
5/ it is not rude, it does not seek its own interests, it is not quick-tempered, it does not brood over injury,
6/ it does not rejoice over wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth.
7/ It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
8/ Love never fails.
If there are prophecies, they will be brought to nothing; if tongues, they will cease; if knowledge, it will be brought to nothing.
9/ For we know partially and we prophesy partially,
10/ but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away.
11/ When I was a child, I used to talk as a child, think as a child, reason as a child; when I became a man, I put aside childish things.
12/ At present we see indistinctly, as in a mirror, but then face to face. At present I know partially; then I shall know fully, as I am fully known.
13/ So faith, hope, love remain, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

We LEARN to LOVE in the righteous way, THROUGH our coming closer, and, closer, to *GOD*/CHRIST, in understanding,  for HE HAS SHOWN us, exactly, the full breadth, height, and, measure of LOVE! CHRIST, our LORD, and, *GOD*, not only LOVED those who persecuted, tortured, ridiculed, mocked, and, nailed HIM to the cross, HE prayed, "FATHER, forgive them, for they know not what they do!" If we do not look to HIM to learn LOVE, it will remain fractured, for the human perception of LOVE is so! We are to LOVE extremely, intensely, and, without fail, for LOVE has NO flaws!!!

In HIS LOVE for us, we find GRACE, and, MERCY, which, HE EXPECTS us to forward to others! MATTHEW 5: 7; PROVERBS 3:3; MATTHEW 23:23; HOSEA 6:6; MICAH 6:8; LUKE 6:36. There are countless references to being just, and, merciful; in such acts, we are exemplifying HIS LOVE!!!

I have had, and still do have, enough opposition in my lifetime to have learned to LOVE, no matter what, and, to understand it's deep-running necessity! I am not perfect in this LOVE, but, as I keep trying to perfect it, and, the more it is tried, the stronger it gets, and, the more sense it makes!!!

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE: first *GOD*/CHRIST, then others, at all times, at all costs, and, realize the treasures therein! LOVE IS THE LAW, because it is TRIED, TESTED, and, TRUE; IT WORKS OVER all else!!!

BIBLICAL, and/or, other references marked BOLDLY IN COLOURS


It is vital to KNOW THE LORD, our *GOD*, not merely, subjectively, but, intimately, which, is not an easy undertaking, yet, an imperative one! We are removed from *GOD*/CHRIST, by the dormancy of the spirit, which is waiting eagerly to be aroused, awakened, and, instructed! Many who claim to be one with *GOD*/CHRIST, have not yet, let go of the flesh, or, pride, thus, have not, awakened the TRUE self, the spirit, and so, do not have a real relationship with HIM!!!

JEREMIAH 9: 22-23...
22/ Thus says the LORD: Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, nor the strong man glory in his strength, nor the rich man glory in his riches;
23/ But rather, let him who glories, glory in this, that in his prudence he knows me, Knows that I, the LORD, bring about kindness, justice and uprightness on the earth; For with such am I pleased, says the LORD.
PSALM 46: 2-12...
2/ God is our refuge and our strength, an ever-present help in distress.
3/ Thus we do not fear, though earth be shaken and mountains quake to the depths of the sea,
4/ Though its waters rage and foam and mountains totter at its surging. The LORD of hosts is with us; our stronghold is the God of Jacob. Selah
5/ Streams of the river gladden the city of God, the holy dwelling of the Most High.
6/ God is in its midst; it shall not be shaken; God will help it at break of day.
7/ Though nations rage and kingdoms totter, God's voice thunders and the earth trembles.
8/ The LORD of hosts is with us; our stronghold is the God of Jacob. Selah
9/ Come and see the works of the LORD, who has done fearsome deeds on earth;
10/ Who stops wars to the ends of the earth, breaks the bow, splinters the spear, and burns the shields with fire;
11/ Who says: "Be still and confess that I am God! I am exalted among the nations, exalted on the earth."
12/ The LORD of hosts is with us; our stronghold is the God of Jacob. Selah
We know that David had a close, intimate relationship with *GOD*, in fact, ALL of those favoured by HIM, held an honest relationship with HIM, and, willingly worked according to HIS WILL!!!
Moses is another great example of a person who had an intimately, close relationship with *GOD*, even to the point of *GOD* allowing HIM to view HIM from the backside! Still, Moses broke FAITH with *GOD*, by allowing HIS pride to take over his spirit, and though *GOD* forgave him, HE did not allow HIM to enter the land HE had promised those whom Moses led for 40+ years! Moses broke FAITH by not GLORIFYING *GOD* over himself, or as *GOD* saw it, through disbelief! To *GOD*, the FAITH which obeys HIM, is the rightful FAITH! NO pride is left in the obedient, or, the humbled; they are willing, and, happy to give HIM HIS rightful GLORY, for NOTHING is without *GOD*!!!
HOW do we come to KNOW *GOD*/CHRIST? Let's take a look at EXODUS 33: 12-13...
12/ Moses said to the LORD, "You, indeed, are telling me to lead this people on; but you have not let me know whom you will send with me. Yet you have said, 'You are my intimate friend,' and also, 'You have found favor with me.'
13/ Now, if I have found favor with you, do let me know your ways so that, in knowing you, I may continue to find favor with you. Then, too, this nation is, after all, your own people."
Moses has asked *GOD* to show him, and, teach him HIS WAYS, so that he will know how to continue to find favour in HIM!
Now, let's read ROMANS 16: 25-27...
25/ Now to him who can strengthen you, according to my gospel and the proclamation of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery kept secret for long ages
26/ but now manifested through the prophetic writings and, according to the command of the eternal God, made known to all nations to bring about the obedience of faith,
27/ to the only wise God, through Jesus Christ be glory forever and ever. Amen.
To bring about the obedience of FAITH! CHRIST JESUS tells us in JOHN 14: 7 &15;  
7/ If you know me, then you will also know my Father. From now on you do know him and have seen him."
15/ If you LOVE ME, you will keep MY COMMANDMENTS.  
This too, speaks of obedience of FAITH!!!

To KNOW *GOD*/CHRIST is to come CLOSE to HIM, through LOVE, TRUST, BELIEF, FAITH, FAITHFULNESS, and, study of HIS WORD, diligently, and, constantly, THAT, HIS WILL, and, WAYS become one with our mind, TO over-ride the senseless chatter of the egocentric being, FOR the purpose of openness TO receiving HIM, entirely, via the being, body, mind, and, spirit, which then, allows for sincere, honest, and, intentful communication, WHILE we DO what is right, just, and, merciful in HIS sight, FOR, and, TO HIS GLORY!!!

No, it is not easy to have an intimate, personal relationship with *GOD*, and, cannot be manifest subjectively, but, PRAISE be unto HIM, HE HAS SHOWN US THE WAY, and, is ever ready to commence one with us!!!

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LOVE *GOD*, our LORD, CHRIST, not in a usual, human way, but, in extraordinary, spiritual ways, that, HIS LOVE which exists in the spirit, is tapped into, becoming an infinite fountain of benevolence, empowerment; an endless source of what is most needed of HIM, FOR, and, TO HIS GLORY!!!

The LOVE I hold for *GOD*, our LORD, CHRIST, began in the typical way of human LOVE, but, has since expanded, and, expounded beyond my sight, or, comprehension! It is an amazingly powerful, deeply rooted LOVE which, never falters, nor, fails! It simply, flourishes, and, spirals, spilling over into my life, and, has overtaken me! While the truth of this LOVE has existed forever, it is fairly new to me, and, a lifetime is not enough time to express, or, gather from this LOVE, but, I will take from it to the end, and, make use of it!!!

You see, IF we could ALL tap into HIS LOVE, the world would be as HE intended it to be, and, would eradicate the opposition! We can't help but be aware of this deeply rooted LOVE, because it exists within the being, yet, we are not well instructed by means of the world, in how to tap into it, and, few understand it's magnificence, because of the state of knowing LOVE from human understanding! This LOVE is what people, unwittingly search for, in all the wrong places, and, faces, but, do not find, until they find understanding of HIM, and, FROM HIM!!!

HOLY LOVE IS beyond description! It is the heart of the GENIUS of our CREATOR, *GOD*, our LORD, CHRIST, and, IS SO pure, SO forwarding, SO full of freedom, it is difficult to convey, for words are as are we, nothing, in sight of HIM!!!

LOVE IS THE LAW BECAUSE it IS the intellect which, supersedes the wrong we think we know! IN *GOD'S* world, NO WRONG exists, because LOVE IS POSITIVE, HEALTHY, RIGHT, GOOD! It is difficult to grasp onto the conception that what is of the world is a farce, but, truly, it is, designed to KEEP us AWAY from THE TRUTH OF LOVE, and, happiness; designed to trap us under the weight of obscure negativity, that, we are always further from THE TRUTH than before!!!

It is like being in an invisible, weighted bag; we are aware of the obstruction, but, we cannot see it, so, we assume this is par for the course, and so, we adapt to this state of existence, yet, knowing that there is something we are missing, as we long for it, but, without knowledge, wisdom, or, understanding, we cannot FIND what we are seeking, and so, we get weary, from carrying this weighted bag around, yet, deep within, we KNOW there IS something more! Unfortunately, we are not instructed from birth, as we COULD be, about the falseness of the world, and so, *GOD* takes us through certain things, to SHOW us, and to diminish the obscurity, that, something deep within, clicks, then, the process of discovery is began! HE is SO good to us, filled with compassion for our state!!!

NOTHING else in this life is worthy; ONLY *GOD*, OF OUR LOVE, devotion, FAITH, TRUST, and, obedience, and, we have more to gain than perceived! Yes, LOVE HIM in a most extraordinary way, and, watch as the binds of the weighted bag, are loosed, then, HALLELUJAH!, REJOICE in the freedom of HIM, HIS LOVE, HIS WILL, and, HIS WAYS!!!



This is what I am talkin' 'bout!!!

Faith by V. Raymond Edman
Faith is dead to doubts—
dumb to discouragements,
blind to impossibilities,
knows nothing but success.
Faith lifts its hand up through
the threatening clouds,
lays hold of Him who has
all power in heaven and on earth.
Faith makes the uplook good,
the outlook bright,
the inlook favorable,
and the future glorious.

No matter what comes forth, FAITH is paramount! When troubles are near, and, they WILL be; FAITH, HOPE, and, LOVE ARE the evidence of the understanding Children of *GOD*! Often, in the storms of life, these three characteristics, honed, and, perfected, ARE all there is to carry us through, and for good reason, for these are gifts of *GOD*, though, they are gifts which are only empowered through our working them to the capacity in which they are given!!!

As the evil of this world casts its worst, we have prayer, PRAISE, and, WORSHIP, fueled by FAITH, HOPE, and, LOVE, for we KNOW that our LORD, *GOD*, WILL deliver us! Therefore, let us never wane, falter, or, doubt, in the face of the adversary/adversity, but, REJOICE, in advance for HIS protection, comfort, guidance, direction, and, deliverance! PRAISE HIS HOLY name, and, be as a mountain of the reflection of HIS LIGHT, a sure, and, present beacon, for all to see, in case another needs to find THE WAY!!! AMEN!!!

BIBLICAL, and/or, other referencs marked BOLDLY IN COLOURS

WHEN will we see? LOVE IS THE POWER we NEED!!!!

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MALACHI 2:7-8...
7/ "For the lips of a priest ought to preserve knowledge, and from his mouth men should seek instruction—because he is the messenger of the LORD Almighty.
8/ But you have turned from the way and by your teaching have caused many to stumble; you have violated the covenant with Levi," says the LORD Almighty...
When you GIVE HOPE, you find HOPE, and, any time you find HOPE, be sure to GIVE it to someone else!!!

By FAITH we sleep, by FAITH we live, by FAITH we keep...lw'12

HOSEA 6:6...
For it is love that I desire, not sacrifice, and knowledge of God rather than holocausts.


The world over, needs prayers, day in, day out! LET US PRAY WITHOUT CEASING! Let LOVE be the voice we lift UP to *GOD*! May HE BLESS us, and, may we allow HIM to show us THE WAY!!! PRAISE HIS MIGHTY name, and, GLORIFY HIM in thought, action, and, reaction!!!
The messengers of PEACE, in the heart of LOVE, have been handpicked by the Creator *GOD*, from the ranks of life, for HE knows the effectiveness of using those who have survived the worst, and now understand the best. In this way, the warriors of PEACE & LOVE are empowered, with strength, fortitude, longwithstanding, therefore, enabled to create ripples in the minds, & lives of mankind...


as CHRIST JESUS died for me, I, also die in HIM, and, ONLY IN HIM, do I find LIFE...