MOST of us do NOT know how to pray effectively, sincerely, or, truthfully! We pray when we are in need, expecting *GOD* to simply adhere to OUR needs/desires/wishes! That isn't how it works!
Prayer is a building of a PERSONAL relationship with *GOD* based on FAITH, TRUST, BELIEF, SINCERITY, and, THANKFUL GRATITUDE! When we come to *GOD*, we must become one with the thoughts of which we are praying for! We must transcend to HIS realm, shutting out the chatter of the mind, the distractions of the world, and, the selfish inclinations we are so prone to! The LORD'S Prayer should be primary to our praying, for it IS the prayer CHRIST instructs us to pray! Also, we must pray without ceasing, meaning, we should pray from the time we rise, to the time we lay down to sleep! Now, this praying is really, communing with *GOD* on a REAL basis, much like having a constant companion with whom you share every thought!!!
We must submit ourselves to *GOD*, and, HIS WILL for our lives! That is unabashed, unadulterated TRUST in HIM, and, HIS WISDOM, and, HIS POWERS! We must trust that CHRIST is our LORD, and, SAVIOUR, IF we are CHRISTIAN, or, seeking true salvation! We must render ourselves completely to *GOD*, CHRIST, and, the HOLY SPIRIT, that our lives are led supernaturally, in natural succession to HIS WILL! This is HOW we come to having a REAL relationship with *GOD*, and, HOW HIS unleashing of promises fulfilled begins for the FAITHFUL!!!
Too many expect instant results from prayers; this is just foolish! Often, a series of events occur WHILE the prayer is being answered, because, things have to alter before the conditions of the BLESSING are optimal for receiving, which, quite often, involves alteration of character, mentality, action, and, so forth! And certainly, HUMILITY HAS to be in place in order for our prayers to be heard, let alone answered! THEN, there is this, sometimes the things we pray for ARE NOT *GOD'S* WILL for our lives, and so, something WITHIN in HIS WILL, will be the result of our prayer's! If this is the case, WE have to accept this, with gratitude, cheerfulness, and, thanks, just as much as if HE had given us all we ask for, because, HE KNOWS BEST, and, might be sparing us from something, or, it could be that what we are praying for is not HIS WILL, in which case, we must yet TRUST in HIM!!!
Pray with your whole being, mind, body, and, soul, with sincerity, and, thankfulness, and, belief! Pray all the day, and, all the night! Involve those who KNOW how to pray, such as Ministers, and, other related! Study prayer, LEARN about *GOD* in the TRINITY, adhere to HIM, align to HIS WORD, HIS WILL, and, LET HIM! HE has said, "Be still, I AM *GOD*", which means, ALLOW HIM to do HIS thing, with the purest trust you can muster!!!
In coming posts, we will discover more on HOW to pray, and, HOW to deal with prayers which SEEM unanswered! May *GOD* be your focus, always, that HE IS willing to hear your prayers, and, petitions, and, may you always honour, regard, respect, LOVE, and, GLORIFY HIM, in your actions, feelings, and, thoughts, that you DO have a TRUE relationship with HIM, which, WILL grow by the day, for the effort, and, open up to greater BLESSINGS in your lives!!! AMEN! PRAISE *GOD* for having the GENIUS to have placed at our discretion, ALL possible routes to comfort, guidance, protection, safety, healing, enlightenment, empowerment, and, promises fulfilled by the course of growth TOWARDS HIM, HIS WILL, and, HIS WAYS! AMEN, forever, and forever!!!
*except for BIBLICAL, and/or, other references*
Prayer is a building of a PERSONAL relationship with *GOD* based on FAITH, TRUST, BELIEF, SINCERITY, and, THANKFUL GRATITUDE! When we come to *GOD*, we must become one with the thoughts of which we are praying for! We must transcend to HIS realm, shutting out the chatter of the mind, the distractions of the world, and, the selfish inclinations we are so prone to! The LORD'S Prayer should be primary to our praying, for it IS the prayer CHRIST instructs us to pray! Also, we must pray without ceasing, meaning, we should pray from the time we rise, to the time we lay down to sleep! Now, this praying is really, communing with *GOD* on a REAL basis, much like having a constant companion with whom you share every thought!!!
We must submit ourselves to *GOD*, and, HIS WILL for our lives! That is unabashed, unadulterated TRUST in HIM, and, HIS WISDOM, and, HIS POWERS! We must trust that CHRIST is our LORD, and, SAVIOUR, IF we are CHRISTIAN, or, seeking true salvation! We must render ourselves completely to *GOD*, CHRIST, and, the HOLY SPIRIT, that our lives are led supernaturally, in natural succession to HIS WILL! This is HOW we come to having a REAL relationship with *GOD*, and, HOW HIS unleashing of promises fulfilled begins for the FAITHFUL!!!
Too many expect instant results from prayers; this is just foolish! Often, a series of events occur WHILE the prayer is being answered, because, things have to alter before the conditions of the BLESSING are optimal for receiving, which, quite often, involves alteration of character, mentality, action, and, so forth! And certainly, HUMILITY HAS to be in place in order for our prayers to be heard, let alone answered! THEN, there is this, sometimes the things we pray for ARE NOT *GOD'S* WILL for our lives, and so, something WITHIN in HIS WILL, will be the result of our prayer's! If this is the case, WE have to accept this, with gratitude, cheerfulness, and, thanks, just as much as if HE had given us all we ask for, because, HE KNOWS BEST, and, might be sparing us from something, or, it could be that what we are praying for is not HIS WILL, in which case, we must yet TRUST in HIM!!!
Pray with your whole being, mind, body, and, soul, with sincerity, and, thankfulness, and, belief! Pray all the day, and, all the night! Involve those who KNOW how to pray, such as Ministers, and, other related! Study prayer, LEARN about *GOD* in the TRINITY, adhere to HIM, align to HIS WORD, HIS WILL, and, LET HIM! HE has said, "Be still, I AM *GOD*", which means, ALLOW HIM to do HIS thing, with the purest trust you can muster!!!
In coming posts, we will discover more on HOW to pray, and, HOW to deal with prayers which SEEM unanswered! May *GOD* be your focus, always, that HE IS willing to hear your prayers, and, petitions, and, may you always honour, regard, respect, LOVE, and, GLORIFY HIM, in your actions, feelings, and, thoughts, that you DO have a TRUE relationship with HIM, which, WILL grow by the day, for the effort, and, open up to greater BLESSINGS in your lives!!! AMEN! PRAISE *GOD* for having the GENIUS to have placed at our discretion, ALL possible routes to comfort, guidance, protection, safety, healing, enlightenment, empowerment, and, promises fulfilled by the course of growth TOWARDS HIM, HIS WILL, and, HIS WAYS! AMEN, forever, and forever!!!
*except for BIBLICAL, and/or, other references*
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