I am Heavenly inclined, as, I have lived a LOT of life, and, have found
that there is, truly, nothing more imperative, more natural, than
reaching for the Heavens, for, it is in that realm, the HOLY realm of
*GOD*, where the secrets to life are found, and, where life, itself, is
In the years that I have lived, I have seen every side of life, I have experienced most of the painful sufferings along the way, I have witnessed the evil men do, I have been up, and down, and all around, but, I have always kept my sights on the Heavens above, for I simply KNEW that *GOD* was my ROCK, my SALVATION, my FORTRESS, in the short, and long run...
My heart is true to *GOD*, it always has been, though this truth was deeply hidden, and my heart will remain true to HIM, always. Yes, I transgressed, yes, I have faltered, yes, I have been led astray, but, through it all, HE was THE LIGHT, the sight, and the SAVIOUR of my soul. HE is a stronghold for the defeated, HE is a warrior for the inflicted, HE is the ruler of all that is, and, all that ever shall be, meaning, there is NOTHING life can do to a person whom is stored up in the safety of HIS presence...
I am Heavenly inclined because I KNOW there is nothing else which is true, or everlasting. All the world is, has, and does, is like the rain in the desert, it comes, it does its thing, barely making an impact, then, it is dried up almost instantly, leaving little evidence of its existence. With *GOD'S* KINGDOM, EVERY single thing is eternal, imperative, regarded, respected, uplifted, and bestowed with HIS LOVE, HIS MERCY, HIS SALVATION, HIS GRACE, and to me, that is all I need to know, all I want to know, as I live my life with my eyes turned upward, my ears opened to receive, my soul yearning to come home to where it does belong, in HIS everlasting comfort...
LWINSOR © 2013
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