SLOW down, take it EASY, read THE WORD with intent, and diligence; give it time to meld into the being; it IS imperative TO allow it to seep into the heart, the spirit, the being!!!

Thanksgiving for the LORD's Favor

Psalms 138 (A Psalm of David)
1/ I will praise thee with my whole heart: before the gods will I sing praise unto thee.
2/ I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy loving-kindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.
3/ In the day when I cried thou answeredst me, and strengthenedst me with strength in my soul.
4/ All the kings of the earth shall praise thee, O LORD, when they hear the words of thy mouth.
5/ Yea, they shall sing in the ways of the LORD: for great is the glory of the LORD.
6/ Though the LORD be high, yet hath he respect unto the lowly: but the proud he knoweth afar off.
7/ Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me: thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies, and thy right hand shall save me.
8/ The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me:
thy mercy, O LORD, endureth for ever: forsake not the works of thine own hands... AMEN!!!
One CANNOT earn GRACE, it is HIS own ESSENCE; a gift, still, IF one claims to be IN HIS GRACE, we ARE to, or, OUGHT to, be reflections of that GRACE! 2 CORINTHIANS 6:1, tells us not to take HIS GRACE in vain! This means, living in LOVE, morality, ethics, virtue, righteousness, and, spiritual improvement, TOWARDS, spiritual maturity, WHILE, visibly BEING as LIGHTS, beaming OF *GOD*, beckoning the world, TO THE LIGHT! Righteousness MEANS, conduct in conformity with *GOD'S* WILL, and, "Be HOLY because I AM HOLY!", therefore, indicating that knowledge, wisdom, and, effort, DO, apply TO the righteous!!! NEVER forget, we were grafted in, and, if we do not bear fruit, as a dead branch, we will be pruned out, just as were, the natural branches!!!

We are not saved by works, instead, works PROVE HIM in us: they identify HIS own...
IF I claim ONENESS with *GOD*, through CHRIST JESUS, I am DEAD TO THE WORLD, THUS, LIVING as HIM, which is, hopefully, witnessed IN, and, THROUGH, my every thought, action, and, reaction; MEANING, I am, THROUGH CONSCIOUS application OF THE WORD, HIS COMMANDS, HIS WILL, REFLECTING righteousness, not, merely, FAITH! I become, the TRULY FRUITFUL branch, of THE VINE, the TRUE member of THE BODY/THE CHURCH, CHRIST JESUS, and, TESTIFY, then, GLORIFY, BOLDLY, BY my thoughts, actions, and, reactions, HIS name, because, HE IS WORTHY, and, IN HIS LOVE, has SHOWN me, how I OUGHT to exist, to which, I eagerly, adapt, and, comply!!!

MATTHEW 5:48...

So be perfect,
just as your heavenly Father is perfect

1 PETER 1:14-16...
14/ Like obedient children, do not act in compliance with the desires of your former ignorance
15/ but, as he who called you is holy, be holy yourselves in every aspect of your conduct,
16/ for it is written, "Be holy because I (am) holy."

ROMANS 12:2...
Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect.
Conduct, in conformity to *GOD'S* WILL, marks the righteous; it is NOT because of guilt, or, ancient Laws, but, because of LOVE; LOVE for *GOD*, self, then, others! CHRIST JESUS gave us Commandments to live by, of which, the first is to LOVE *GOD*, with all of your mind, heart, and, soul; the second is, to LOVE one another!

LOVE COMPELS us to LIVE IN HIM, through conduct which conforms to *GOD*; in other words, morality, ethics, doing good, and, being good, and, ever striving to improve the spirit! It is about REFLECTING THE TRUTH, for ALL to bear witness to, FOR, and, TO HIS GLORY, RADIANTLY SHINING OF HIS POWER, GRACE, and, MERCIES!!!

It IS ALL ABOUT LOVE, baby, all about LOVE!!!

MATTHEW 4: 17...
From that time on, Jesus began to preach and say, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."

JOHN 14:15...
"If you love me, you will keep my commandments.

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NOTE: I do not intend to preach, rather to reach; to stir up, awaken, to inspire, and, bring forth, in discussion, that which is, perhaps, dormantly existing in the heart of hearts, thus, little, or, no, sugar coatings, just THE WORD of *GOD*, the TRUTH, along with some of my thoughts. And truth is, I am reminding myself always, as I practice these reminders, in the best of my abilities, and capacities, while RELYING on THE LORD to lead me on that narrow PATH---> MATTHEW 7: 14: "For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it... TO *GOD* BE ALL GLORY...



Easter In Russia

In Russia Christians go to church late on Easter Saturday night. At midnight they go out and walk around the outside of the church singing songs. The priest knocks on the door and everyone goes in to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. The priest blesses the people's food and they return home to have a happy feast.

It has been a custom to give friends and family brightly decorated eggs at Easter time, exchanged with the happy saying, "Christ is risen". Over a hundred years ago a jeweler called Faberge began making beautiful Easter eggs out of gold, silver, diamonds and other precious stones.

They eat lamb, chicken, pork, bread, and Easter cake. Easter Sunday is a happy day of eating and visiting.

In Russia, pussy willow branches are picked especially for Easter. People tap each other with them for good luck.
Easter in Russia is celebrated according to the rituals laid down by the Eastern Orthodox Church. Apart from differences in rites and rituals, the bone of contention between Western Christians (Protestants and Roman Catholics) and the Eastern Orthodox Christians is the date of Easter celebration. In determining the vernal equinox, the Eastern Church uses the Julian calendar while the Western Church employs the Gregorian calendar which creates about 13 days difference between the two. The Eastern Church calculates it from March 21 by their calendar, which lies April 3 by the Gregorian calendar.  

Moreover, whereas Western Churches hold Easter sunrise services, in Russian Orthodox Church Easter services last all through Saturday night. The congregation gathers in the church or cathedral on Saturday evening and takes part in an Easter vigil commemorating the buried Christ. Orthodox churches in Russia have an inner sanctuary away from the reach of worshipers, and only to the access of the priest. On this day, the door is closed till midnight but at the stroke of midnight, the priest opens the door and comes out saying "Christ is risen! Christ is risen! Christ is risen!" and after hours of silent anticipation, the worshippers reply back “He is risen indeed!"

 Another interesting Easter ritual in Russia is the Easter egg decoration. Easter egg decoration is an important part Easter traditions in Russia. The predominant color for egg dyeing in Russia is red. The red dye is chosen because it symbolizes the blood of Christ. Furthermore, people crack the eggs open using nails, in order to remind themselves again of the death of Christ. Another integral aspect of Easter celebrations in Russia is the family Easter dinner which is a community affair at the Church itself. The Easter dinner is a sumptuous feast, in which the entire congregation celebrates together. Russian people traditionally bake Easter cakes, known as "kulich," and make curd paskha and bring it to church along with them and asked the priest to bless it before they share it together in the community celebrations.
 Easter In Canada
Easter is one of the major festivals in Canada, celebrated with great fanfare, just like other countries in the western world. In Canada, the festival falls on the first full moon after the vernal (spring) equinox. Apart from the religious observations, Easter celebrations in Canada are marked by popular traditions such as organizing Easter egg hunts, decoration of the eggs and feasting with family and friends. The air is filled with festivity, during the holiday season. The festival is very important for the Christians in the country, while the non-Christian community living there also takes part in the celebrations, thereby adding more color to the festivities.

In Canada, decorating Easter eggs is usually an activity done with children at school or home. The traditional Easter egg hunts are held by community organizations. World's largest Easter egg is a product of Canada. In 1975, the Easter egg or Ukranian 'Pysanka' was constructed, in the remembrance of early Ukrainian settlements in an area east of Edmonton, the capital of the Canadian province of Alberta. Due to the complicated geometry of the egg shape of Pysanka, it was very difficult to raise such a huge structure. Professor Ronald Resch, a computer scientist at the University of Utah, undertook the project of designing the egg. With his strenuous efforts, Pysanka was raised, with intricate design. The egg consisted of a huge jig-saw puzzle, with 524 star patterns and 2206 equilateral triangles. 

One of the major parts of the celebrations of Easter in Canada is the winter carnival, organized in Quebec City. The Quebec City Winter Carnival in Quebec, Canada, is a prominent pre-Lent carnival. The winter-themed carnival is dependent on good snowfalls and cold weather to keep snowy ski trails in good condition and the many ice sculptures intact. Hence, instead of relying on the lunar based Easter celebration, the carnival date is fixed on the last days of January and first days of February of the solar calendar. Besides the carnival parade, the Winter Carnival features special sporting events such as skating, skiing, and tobogganing.

People in Canada eat traditional Easter lunch, after offering prayers to the Almighty. The popular dishes served on Easter in Canada, include Maple Baked Beans, Potatoes Nicoise, Cape Breton Sconces and Apple Tart. The Easter eggs are consumed with by mixing them with maple syrup, after fasting is over. Most of the theatres of community halls of the major cities of Canada are booked in advance, to organize Easter plays and songs, during the festive season. Easter symbols including 'Pussy Willows', Easter lilies and bunnies find a prominent place in the traditions of the festival followed in the country.

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MALACHI 2:7-8...
7/ "For the lips of a priest ought to preserve knowledge, and from his mouth men should seek instruction—because he is the messenger of the LORD Almighty.
8/ But you have turned from the way and by your teaching have caused many to stumble; you have violated the covenant with Levi," says the LORD Almighty...
When you GIVE HOPE, you find HOPE, and, any time you find HOPE, be sure to GIVE it to someone else!!!

By FAITH we sleep, by FAITH we live, by FAITH we keep...lw'12

HOSEA 6:6...
For it is love that I desire, not sacrifice, and knowledge of God rather than holocausts.


The world over, needs prayers, day in, day out! LET US PRAY WITHOUT CEASING! Let LOVE be the voice we lift UP to *GOD*! May HE BLESS us, and, may we allow HIM to show us THE WAY!!! PRAISE HIS MIGHTY name, and, GLORIFY HIM in thought, action, and, reaction!!!
The messengers of PEACE, in the heart of LOVE, have been handpicked by the Creator *GOD*, from the ranks of life, for HE knows the effectiveness of using those who have survived the worst, and now understand the best. In this way, the warriors of PEACE & LOVE are empowered, with strength, fortitude, longwithstanding, therefore, enabled to create ripples in the minds, & lives of mankind...


as CHRIST JESUS died for me, I, also die in HIM, and, ONLY IN HIM, do I find LIFE...