What are you born for? To serve, and, to GLORIFY *GOD*!
How can you serve *GOD*? Align to *GOD*, LOVE, and, realize that your innate being, is NOT of the world, but, of DIVINITY, while developing into a semblance of HIS WILL, being good, and, doing good; denying the self, or, egocentricity!
Why do we live in the world, if we are not of the world? *GOD* CREATED the world with honour, and, perfection, but, sin came to bind, and, rule the world, yet, when we become reunited, or, one with *GOD*, we are no longer bound by, or, to the sin of this world, but, of HIM, and, spirit, thus, living AS CREATED, GLORIFYING HIM, through, our thoughts, actions, and, reactions!
Where will servitude to *GOD* lead you? To happiness, peace, joy, freedom, and, eternal life, with *GOD*, your CREATOR, FATHER, SAVIOUR, DELIVERER, and, your PROVISION!!!
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