This season is about rebirth, renewal, restoration, rejuvenation, and, response to the innate abilities of growth, thus, let us pray for an awakening, awareness, and, acceptance of what IS intrinsic to life; *GOD*, for NOTHING is brought forth in this day, without HIM; not the budding of trees, the growth of grasses, fields, flowers, nor do the rivers flow, nor, the waters of the world move, nor, does ANYTHING occur without HIS invoking them to do so!!!
Let us pray that the veil, the shroud, placed by the enemy, in the minds, then, hearts of MANY, is ripped wide open, that, the TRUTH will begin to flourish, from it's already, secured roots! May the egocentric being become enlightened by the spiritual being, and, may the two become ONE in the name of *GOD*, to diminish the war within, and, the denial OF the SPIRIT! May the world stop holding onto what is of the world, in ways of negativity, instead, FINDING the POSITIVES through HIS LOVE, HIS WILL, and, HIS WAYS, which, ARE the reality of existence, while the rest is an illusion of delusion, leading to confusion, and, withdrawal from what is TRUE!!!
There is a certain PEACE in walking with *GOD*, which, eradicates the anxieties, fears, and, woes of this world, so, let us pray, with all our hearts, that ALL of humanity, begins to walk in HIS WAYS! In the LOVE of *GOD*, lies ALL provision, thus, those without *GOD* as their LIGHT, their pulse of existence, suffer greatly! Not that those OF *GOD* don't suffer, yet, there IS a stark contrast in the sufferings of those aligned to *GOD*! The uninformed suffer in ways which, are corruptible TO the spirit, the informed suffer in ways optimal to the spirit!!!
Some feel the damages to their being, are too great to repair, or, correct! With *GOD* NOTHING is impossible, and, HE IS seeking your return to HIM! HE understands, and, is willing to heal, restore, and, renew you, not without effort upon your part, yet, in that effort, lies SUPERNATURAL benefits, infinite!!!
Yes, let us pray, with ONE voice, for the world, that, wholesome goodness, the HOLY benevolence of BLESSEDNESS, becomes ONE with society, leading us to the existence, intended before the foundations of the Earth!!!
Thank YOU, *GOD*, our LORD, and, SAVIOUR CHRIST JESUS, the HOLY SPIRIT, for YOUR LOVE, YOUR plan to restore us, and, YOUR endless provisions! Bless YOU, PRAISE YOU, have MERCY upon us, and, ALL GLORY BE TO THEE, forever, and, forever!!! AMEN!!!
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