Many have perished in Natural disasters, and so, we ask that YOU lead the Families, and, Friends of these, to greater understanding, and, PEACE, as well as, the ability to move forward, in LOVE, and, FAITH.
And, we ask that those who risk their lives for the sake of others, be BLESSED by YOUR compassionate LOVE, and, that they live long, healthy lives, for their service to YOU, then, to humanity; they are special, having been sent forth by YOU, to prove that caring, and, sharing ARE pertinent to this life, and, to ever after.
Please, help all citizens of this Earth, remember to aid where they can, out of LOVE, and, compassion, and, to always keep others in their prayers, and, thoughts. Move the masses to care for one another, and, for some to remain, when all others have gone onto, something else. Let us, with YOUR LOVE, as our guide, provide in any way we might, that, shattered lives, retain HOPE, PEACE, and, the evidence of LOVE.
May we live as we should, being, and, doing good, and, coming to YOU ALL of the time, not only when we are in need, fearful, or, distressed, for YOU, ALONE, ARE our REFUGE, our FORTRESS, our ROCK, and, our DELIVERER, and, the ONLY source of LOVE, and, provision, thus, YOU ARE to be HONOURED, in respect, and, regard, as we PRAISE, and, WORSHIP YOUR name, OVER all else. Thank YOU, HOLY FATHER, for YOUR ear, and, YOUR FAITHFUL DELIVERANCE to YOUR Children, at all times. We stand in FAITH, because YOUR LOVE is unrelenting, TRUE, and, SURE, and, we KNOW we CAN rely upon YOU, for YOU have told us so, and, have ever been FAITHFUL unto us, no matter what! And, thank YOU, always, for YOUR Angels, who keep watch over us, and, protect us, according to YOUR WILL. In the name of CHRIST JESUS of Nazareth, thank YOU FATHER, our LORD, our *GOD*, our SAVIOUR, for YOUR endless BLESSINGS, GIFTS, and, ALL YOU provide for us, in YOUR SACRED, PERFECT LOVE! AMEN!!!
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