Too many people in this life, claim oneness with THE COVENANT of RECONCILIATION/PEACE, and, to have a CLEAR understanding of it's whole, then, because of undeveloped LOVE, and, complacent conscientiousness, stand in judgement, stirring up dissension, discord, and, opposition! I have to ask, whom are they representing? CHRIST? NOT! Our LORD, CHRIST JESUS, told us to LIVE IN LOVE OF ONE ANOTHER, and, IN that LOVE, there is NOTHING negative for, or, towards one another! Instead, if one is in err, LOVE teaches us to GENTLY, with CARE, to correct them, while SUPPORTING, and, ENCOURAGING them! People on the judgement seat, are NOT qualified to do so, for there is but ONE JUDGE, and, HE has said, "Judge not, lest you be judged." I am sure, that NONE of us, is totally, free, from this err, but, AS ONE with CHRIST, we OUGHT to work it out, and, correct it! I pray daily, asking *GOD* to help me to use my mind, BEFORE my mouth, because, it IS that easy to sin, and, to cause the fruit of my branch, to decrease!!!
ONLY *GOD* can search humanity's hearts, or, minds, and, KNOWS their worth! Let me use an example, if I may; a Woman, a Christian, has on a dress/skirt, that is too short, and, people are buzzing all over the board, even, condemning her AS a Chrisitian, saying that she is, obviously, NOT of *GOD*, else, she wouldn't wear what she is wearing. Hmmmn, I wonder, what IF that is her greatest, even, ONLY err? You SEE, you just DON'T know everything pertinent, TO making a judgement! Some Women, such as I just described, are in the Music Industry, and, I gotta tell ya, ARE under the gun, so to speak, with record producers, and, other producers, whom, most likely, are NOT living in righteousness, but, whom still, ARE their bosses, and, whom, press them to do what they don't want to do, so, they are SUBJECT to what IS of the world, while using their *GOD* BLESSED, and, given talents, and, it is NOT easy to refuse to be subjected, in light of, already signed contracts, and, other criteria, AND, JUST MIGHT BE that *GOD* is testing, trying, or, refining them, SO, we JUST DON'T KNOW everything, not even close, and, as I said, that short skirt MIGHT be her only real err! Do you wear your hair braided, or, adorn yourself with jewelry, or, wear expensive clothes? These are considered unmodest for a Christian Woman, 1 TIMOTHY 2:9, actually, there are about 14 references, between the OLD TESTAMEN, and, THE NEW TESTAMENT, and, I am SURE MOST of us, have more than one habit, which, is against what is HOLY!!!
We are to discern the spirits, though, this is for the spiritually mature, because, one without proper knowledge, is, without consciously knowing it, likely to turn discernment, into judgement, and so, one must ALWAYS, use caution in presuming, anything...
NONE, NOT ONE, can cast the first stone, because ALL have erred! NONE, NOT ONE has come so far that, they are ABOVE others, not in thought, action, reaction, or, deed! The time IS at hand, EVERY SINGLE DAY, BECAUSE, we know NOT the time of our end, thus, IMPROVING the spirit IS IMPERATIVE, daily, that, the fruit we bear IS WORTHY OF THE VINE!!!
Being CONSCIOUS of ALL you think, say, and, do, aids greatly, in the effort to improving the spirit to maturity, AND CONSEQUENTLY, should keep you busy enough to keep our thoughts on that ABOVE, NOT what is on Earth, as, IS instructed! There is a MAJOR KEY in this mentality, so, embrace it to the best of your ability!!!
I see the need to learn, FULLY, the VIRTUES, and, the 7 Deadly Sins, that, I am REMINDED, ALWAYS, in order to, LESSEN the probability of infiltration, by the evil of this world; deception, delusion, confusion, and/or, egocentricity!!!
Gossip, slander, libel, judgements, and, other such, are NOT of *GOD*, they are products of vainglory, envy, anger, greed, and, other egocentric flaws of character, or, Deadly sins, as they are called rightly, which, are then, enhanced by that old serpent, because, such IS the ONLY ways he can trip us up!!!
If we LOVE *GOD*, we OUGHT to know how to LOVE one another, and, in that LOVE, we find, compassion, honour, care, tolerance, patience, kindness, and, all things which are NOT of selfishness! We have EXTENSIVE information to pattern our lives after; to mold, bend, and, shape, our beings INTO LOVE, and, LOVING REFLECTIONS of HIM!!!
We ALL stumble, we trip, we fall, but, we should ALWAYS, BE AWARE of WHAT caused us to stumble/trip/fall, THAT, we can correct it! KEY to GROWTH IN THE VINE! We transgress, which is, REGRESSION, and, which IS, of this world, when, we SHOULD be progressing, and, yes, this is part of the TRUTH!!!
It is a new season; Spring, a time of renewal, and, we have just celebrated Easter, the VICTORIOUS ASCENSION of CHRIST, therefore, let us renew our beings, and, ASCEND to the HIGHER BEINGS WE, SURELY, and, TRULY ARE, IN HIS NAME, FOR, and, TO HIS GLORY, and, leave all of the fleshy, carnal, pettiness behind, as we ARISE TO OUR INHERITANCE!!! AMEN!!!
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