This particular Easter, I used much of the TRADITIONAL means of celebrating HOLY Week, for the purpose of the richness of established practices! I enjoyed the flavour of the ancient celebrants, and, the lessons therein! I don't see the necessity of segregating, in heralding our commonly shared, BELOVED KING! I will never allow Doctrine to replace THE WORD, as the standard is from *GOD*, and thus, is conclusively fulfilling, for me, although, I do enjoy the diversity of our comm'UNITY', in CHRIST!!!
Today is HOLY Saturday, celebrated, or not! This is the day when CHRIST JESUS, our LORD, and, SAVIOUR, lay in the tomb, then, descended into Hell, before Arising to the Heavens, and, it IS worthy of our reflection, reverence, and, deepest regard! Some Churches fast, meditate, and, abstain from celebration, until later in the evening, which is called The Easter Vigil, marked by total darkness, then, a new fire is kindled, and, blessed. This new fire symbolizes the light of salvation and hope that God brought into the world through Christ's Resurrection, dispelling the darkness of sin and death. From this fire is lit the Paschal candle, symbolizing the Light of Christ. This Paschal candle will be used throughout the season of Easter, remaining in the sanctuary of the Church or near the lectern, and throughout the coming year at baptisms and funerals, reminding all that that Christ is "light and life." This is a Catholic tradition, and, while I am not Catholic, I LOVE the total reverence, and, deliberate honour paid to CHRIST!!!
Anglicans/Episcopalians, along with Protestants in the Catholic tradition, such as Lutherans, observe Holy Week much as the Roman Catholic Church does. Of Protestant fellowships, perhaps the Holy Week services (Passion Week) of the Moravian Church are the most extensive, as the Congregation follows the life of Christ through His final week in daily services dedicated to readings from a harmony of the Gospel stories, responding to the actions in hymns, prayers and litanies, beginning on the eve of Palm Sunday and culminating in the "Easter Morning" or Easter Sunrise service begun by the Moravians in 1732. Some Protestant churches make much of the foot washing ceremony on Maundy Thursday, for others it may be the only time in the year when Holy Communion is celebrated, other churches celebrate versions of the Jewish Passover at this time.
Other Protestant churches do not have the special ceremonies that distinguish Holy Week in Orthodox and Catholic churches. However, these Protestants conduct more informal celebrations of Holy Week, usually including sermons about the last week of Christ's life, and possibly some special services on Palm Sunday, Good Friday and or Easter Sunday.
Since my first Sunrise Easter celebration, at a Church in the mountains, when I was young, I fell in LOVE with Easter, and, it has grown more pronounced, the more I LOVE *GOD*/CHRIST! Which, is part of the reason I use various traditions to commemorate it, it just ADDS to the beauty of HIS GIFT, but then, I find usefulness in every corner of HIS CREATION, in part, or, more!!!
Messianic prophecies have testified to the death, and, RESURRECTION of CHRIST, of which, THE OLD TESTAMENT is loaded with them! ISAIAH, ZECHARIAH, and, PSALMS, contain the most, but, they are existent, from The BOOK of GENISIS, to MALACHI, foretelling of HIS appearance, life, death, and, RESURRECTION! Thus, some Churches, on HOLY Saturday, reflect, and, meditate upon such Scripture!!!
As I said, I like to have a bit of it all in the mix, because, all of it IS Worship, and, IS pertinent TO the FAITH!!!
The world of *GOD* is RICH with wonder, excitement, interest, tradition; with benevolences, of EVERY kind, and, HIS WORD eloquently elaborates, then, piques the senses, especially of the seeking! I cannot get enough, HIS GENIUS draws me, and, keeps me wanting to know more, more, and, more!!!
It is like a puzzle, with infinite pieces, but, those pieces, for the seeking, manifest, according to *GOD'S* WILL, in HIS own time! One can envision the completed puzzle, yet, seemingly endless is the struggle of the mind to determine the exact placing of each piece, so, if there is not strong will, or, an enduring, eager spirit, one can, easily, lose the anticipation of working towards the completion!!!
Now, in the struggle to continue towards completion, is where the devil steps in! He has it all figured out, and, is patiently awaiting any waning of spirit, character, FAITH, HOPE, or, interest; in which case, he will stir up the egocentric mind, convincing it that, it is not necessary to complete the puzzle, nor, to deliberately, spend time on it! He sways the ways of the righteous, right along, with the unrighteous; he IS out to score, and, to score in mass numbers! Brilliantly though, *GOD* has ways of rekindling inspiration, especially of HIS Elect! The TRUTH is, no matter what that slithering old serpent does, for the developed, and, deliberately devout, his intentions go wayward, as *GOD* steps in to protect, comfort, guide, direct, heal, and, restore!!!
Also, HE gave us an ADVOCATE, whom PROMISES HE will ALWAYS be near, and, HIS firsthand knowledge of that old serpent is extensive! HE withstood the devil's EVERY tactic, and, OVERCAME the world, providing THE LIGHT, THE TRUTH, THE WAY, past the evil one's devices!!!
And today, we celebrate HIS VICTORY over the world! We celebrate HIS LOVE, HIS PASSION, HIS ASCENSION, HIS rightful place as LORD of ALL, and, EVERYTHING! If the historically sound, and, benevolent events, of HIS VICTORY, don't inspire you to keep on keeping on, not much will!!!
Ah, the world of *GOD*; mysterious, powerful, and, benevolent! Not in a dozen life times, could we begin to embrace HIS MAJESTY, yet, the WHOLE point is, is that we, take the time, respect, regard, and, interest, in the gist of LOVE, to do so! In such effort, HE manifests before us, in a multitude of ways, and, leads us, right where HIS WILL would have us to be! It is in resistance, that we are lost to the elemental powers of this world, the egocentric mind, but, in submission, and, surrender TO THE TRUTH, we are FREED, and, safe! Thank YOU, FATHER, our LORD, our *GOD*, our SAVIOUR, YOU ARE the antidote expressly, for YOUR own! AMEN!!!
BIBLICAL, and/or, other references marked BOLDLY IN COLOURS
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