For the lapse of the next few days, CHRIST JESUS spent HIS time, teaching, and, the enemy increased the efforts of the Pharisee's, the Herodians, the Sadducees, the Scribes, whom, sent many with particular questions to trip HIM up, that, they may arrest HIM, then, and, there, but, it was not time!!!
HE taught that in eternity, there is no marriage, that, one becomes like the Angels, in essence. HE taught, again, of LOVE, that, the two greatest commandments are, to LOVE *GOD* with all your being, and, to LOVE one another in the same way, saying that, the WHOLE law, and, the prophets depend upon these two commandments. After the enemy presented some more questions, CHRIST asked them one, which, they could not answer, and, from that day on, did not ask HIM another, though, HE had plenty to say to them, and, of them, telling the people not to be like them, while, explaining that such people are all about show, but, do not walk the walk, nor, do they possess the heart to!!! (MATTHEW 22,23)
CHRIST'S Ministry, was not the longest, but, it was the most intense, profound, and, deliberate ever known, of course! HE had to exact the message of TRUTH, which though, lives within us, was not, and, still, is not, revealed in the imperatives of it's intent! HE wants us to KNOW, for the ignorance of humanity, is the gateway to all away from *GOD*! HIS instructions, while, in parables, ARE imperative, AND, within our capacity to understand, embrace, and, utilize; HE would NOT leave us without the ability TO comprehend, or, conform!!!
IN HIM, there is safety, knowledge, Wisdom, freedom, PEACE, HOPE, comfort, and, a WAY! Away from HIM, there is emptiness, strife, ignorance, defiance, dissension, discord, discomfort, anguish, suffering, and, on the list of negatives go! HE IS THE LIGHT, LIGHT IS A POSITIVE ENERGY! HE IS THE TRUTH, meaning, HE IS THE WAY! HE IS THE EMBODIMENT OF ALL which IS righteous, sound, steadfast, pure, and, wholesomely good, naturally, without beginning, nor, end, and, NEVER to waver, be corrupted, nor, altered! Life, and, it's offerings, are temporal, uncertain, imbalanced, unhealthy, and, filled with deceptive delusions, which, because of the egocentric mind, are increased, UNLESS, one TURNS TO *GOD*, in which case, THE LIGHT begins to diminish what is of the world, and, brings forth, what IS of *GOD*, and, TRUTHFULLY, IS our reality!!!
PRAISE *GOD*; HE, ALONE, IS ALL, and, EVERYTHING, from LOVE to provision, and, ALL which is needed to be freed from the shackles, and, hindrances of this life!!! AMEN!!!
BIBLICAL, and/or, other references marked BOLDLY IN COLOURS
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