My walk with *GOD*, is never ending, and, without end of instruction(s)! I do not believe that ANY human has the capacity to FULLY know *GOD*, HIS world, WILL, WAYS, or, WORD! Some may come closer than, others, but, NONE EVER FULLY KNOW *GOD*! It is senseless to place a limit on, our acquired knowledge, as HE is without beginning, and, without end, plus, what is life on Earth, is just but one area of HIS GENIUS, ESSENCE, PRESENCE, and, WISDOM, thus, WHO can say that they are, actually, totally informed???
No, I will NOT proclaim advanced knowledge, nor, Wisdom, of my LORD! I would rather remain at a point of uncertainty, that HE is ever nearby, and, guiding me! I prefer to be humble, void of self-assumption, and, place my capacities of growth, in HIS own hands, that, what comes forth, is not measurable, by humanity, but, by HIM, for then, I will KNOW that, I HAVE become the manifestation, of HIS WILL, for my life!!!
I, for one, am NOT ashamed, to learn right along with others, even IF, it is possible, that I have greater understanding, than, some! I am happy to learn, ALWAYS, even if that means, making mistakes, along the way! I am comfortable in the JOURNEY TO *GOD*, gathering what I can, and, HOPING for more! I am CONTENT with HIM as my guide, my source, my provision, and, well, my everything, for HE IS the ONLY source of knowledge, and, Wisdom, period!!!
Too much knowledge is as dangerous, as is, too little, for, it has the potential to blindside, and, to take one away from virtue, placing them at risk, thus, what good is their knowledge then???
I am human, though, being LIFTED to the plane of THE SPIRIT, through, CHRIST JESUS! I am STRIVING to leave the natural/carnal plane, totally, behind, though, I am NOT perfected in my efforts! I fight the good fight of HOPE, and, FAITH, with IMPROVEMENTS to my spirit, while I ADD TO the FULL armor of *GOD*, that, come that day of days, I AM well trained, and, enabled to endure, the mighty onslaught of what the deceiver has in store, that, he might take, even some of the most learned! I am in preparation, FOR the battle which, is prophesied! I AIM to win the race, and, BE as an incorruptible, undaunted, undefeated Soldier of the Armies of *GOD*, and, I have to tell you, it IS an ongoing, continuous, constant, effort, which, IS, ALSO, the most worthy, and, rewarding, according, TO the PROMISES of THE MOST HIGH!!!
What did *GOD* teach me today??? HE taught me that I, yet, have a LOT to learn, and, I am, willing, as well as glad, because, that means I have time left, to perfect my spirit!!! THANK YOU, LORD!!! AMEN!!!
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