WHO can describe *GOD*, definitively? HE is so far ABOVE our understanding, yet, as CHRIST, HE SHOWED us HIS DIVINE nature, in so many ways! HE was focused, dedicated, diligent, LOVING, kind, compassionate, giving, sharing, caring, direct, affectionate, friendly, open, loyal, truthful, honest, sincere, determined, humble, at times meek, strong, steadfast, tolerant, patient, forbearing, forgiving, prayerful, praiseful, worshipping all the while, rejoiceful, sorrowful, enduring, persevering, and, willing to pay an ultimate price, for our freedom/salvation! Of course, HIS character holds much more to testify to, such as, HE was rock solid in virtue, ethics, and, goodness! It IS difficult to relay HIS endless QUALITIES of wholesomeness, but, that, HE WAS WHOLESOMELY endowed with QUALITY, is a wide span of definitiveness, in which, to begin to take on HIS beautiful nature!!!
JESUS was calm, cool, collected, for the most part! When HE went to *GOD* to pray for us, and, to commune, HE was, then, overcome by tears, sobbing, agony, and, sorrow! HE LOVES us SO much, that, HE CAME down from the Heavens, as Man, to suffer what we suffer, to experience what we are up against, AND, to SHOW us, that WITH HOLINESS of spirit, we ARE ABLE to arise ABOVE the onslaught of what deception, places in us, before us, and, all around us! What an awesome GIFT, is CHRIST, our LORD, in as many ways, as are the details which, comprise HIM, in THE *GODHEAD*, and, as Man!!!
HE had to face hardships, in the course of HIS GIFT to us; hardships, which, many have never had to face! HE had to endure physical, mental, and, emotional hardships, that, few have had to endure! HE went the FULL course of humanness, all that HE would KNOW, perfectly, what we have to deal with, and, that HE could be a perfect Mediator, to *GOD*, on our behalf! HIS life was more than a GIFT, it was the TRUE CONNECTOR of humanity, and, their ONLY *GOD*!!!
HIS teachings, taught us that, IN becoming HOLY, as is *GOD*, there IS GREAT empowerment; HE taught us that, IF we believe, as we should, we can make mountains move; HE taught us that, we SHOULDN'T want to be like the richest Man of the world, the Kings, nor, the so-called elite, nor, anyone else of this world, instead, we SHOULD WANT TO MORE LIKE *GOD*, BECAUSE THIS IS WHERE, not only THE TRUTH exists, but, where ALL PROVISION lies, and, because IF we LOVE HIM, it is only natural, to want to please HIM, in which case, the path to pleasing HIM, begins in conforming TO HIS WAYS!!!
CHRIST JESUS as Man, was commanding, righteous, full of restraint, devout, and, the TRUE example of what we ARE to be, IN HIS name, TO HIS GLORY! HE was admirable, and, attracted people with HIS aura of goodness, and, we have the same characteristics, albeit, buried within; because we ARE of *GOD*, therefore, *GOD* like!!!
Keep devouring THE WORD, it IS life sustaining nourishment, and, it's nutrition, NEVER diminishes! I am telling you, I have read, and, read, and, read, THE WORD, and, each time, there is something new, and, pertinent to behold! It increases my objective, understanding, and, guides me, where I NEED to go, in order, to fulfill THE WILL of *GOD*, for, and, to HIS GLORY! There is NOTHING left to chance, ALL answers to life, ARE available in HIS WORD, and, HIS WORD, is, as is HE, everlasting!!!
Want to know more about CHRIST JESUS, our LORD, and, SAVIOUR? Remain IN THE WORD, and PRAISE *GOD*, ALL in existence, for HE, ALONE, IS LOVE, and, the vast span of existence!!!
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