We are NOT raised in righteousness; far from it! Most of us have been brought up with a semblance of belief(s), but, they have NOT been opened up to, enough, that they are an innate part of our upbringing; they have NOT been as intrinsic lessons, as are others of the world, but, CERTAINLY, the CORE instructions, of these beliefs, ARE the MOST CRUCIAL TO our lives, safety, and, to eternity! And so, we err, falter, wane, and, do things against *GOD*, even, unknowingly!!!
THE WORD of *GOD* IS VITAL to EVERYTHING! IT IS ALIVE, AND, FOREVER! It IS NECESSARY TO LIFE, in the now, and, everafter! THE LORD does NOT change (MALACHI 3:6)! Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away (MATTHEW 24:35)! WE ARE TO LIVE IN THE WORD, NOT the world! THE WORD IS ALL PROVISIONAL, and, LEADS us to RIGHTEOUSNESS of the ENTIRE BEING! IT IS our SAFEGUARD in this life, and, in the hereafter! IT IS the MAP TO ETERNITY, and, SHOULD be UTILIZED, WISELY, and, CONTINUOUSLY!!!
I have learned, oh, I have learned! Years of wandering around, with *GOD* in my heart, and, spirit, but, my mind was blind sighted, BY deception, and, the utterings of human precepts! Thankfully, *GOD* had HIS own hand on my being, guiding, and, directing me, and, sparing me, UNTIL I 'GOT' IT! WHEN I 'got' it, fear, remorse, and, other such set in, then, after LEARNING, more, more, and, more, PEACE, JOY, and, COMFORT took over, ALLOWING me to absorb the detrimentality OF HIS WORD, HIS WILL, HIS WAYS! Oh, I am thankful, PRAISE *GOD*, for now, I CAN see; the shroud has been removed! I AM FREE, HALLELUJAH, PRAISE THE LORD, I AM FREE!!!
LEANING UPON *GOD*, and, HIS WORD, IS THE WAY, and, CHRIST JESUS, introduced the formula, through LOVE, example, and, teaching, while HIS own LIGHT, beckoned before us, to remind us, to guide us, to SHOW us, CLEARLY, once, and, for all, THE TRUTH of existence, which is, THE GLORY OF *GOD*, THROUGH HIS CREATION!!!
BIBLICAL, and/or, other references marked BOLDLY IN COLOURS
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