Within me, lies a fortress of means, which, ALWAYS, IS within my reach, though, there IS a ring of KEYS throughout, to securing the power of restoration, from this fortress! The keys are unmarked, but, as the knowledge of discernment, increases in my being, awareness of the purpose of each key, becomes evident! There ARE steps I HAVE to take, in order for the FULLNESS of the empowerment, bestowed upon me, BY *GOD*, is clear as crystal!!!
From birth, the enemy, the deceiver, the liar, the perpetual negative, of this world, begins, his efforts, to cloud my inner sight, my awareness of what I possess, and, to rob me of my innate knowledge, in other words, he attempts to block my ability to reach the fortress of means, that, I am hindered, stagnated, blindsided! BECAUSE much of humanity is under the shroud of dimness, what I learn along the way, is NOT what IS, thus, I face obstacles to deal with, which, hopefully, I can work through, such as confusion, delusion, lack of understanding, altered perception, and, worse, making the foreknowledge OF the endowments of my birth, difficult to perceive, believe, or even, to remember!!!
But, *GOD* IS ever nearby; searching the hearts, and, minds of humanity, coming to the aid of those HE KNOWS, have SOME semblance of remembrance, and, through certain, Supernatural effects, HE LEADS them right TO the source; their fortress of empowerment, that, they can gather the will, to overcome, what that old serpent, places in their egocentric beings, and, their paths!!!
THE WORD of *GOD* is THE KEY to realizing the keys implemented within, and, to increased awareness! THE WORD consists of a FAULTLESS manual OF the fortress of means, AND, to grasping what WAS, IS, and, ALWAYS SHALL BE, *GOD*, to which, we ARE to CLING, with all of our might, as we discover, more, and, more, from the contents of the fortress, carefully guarded, within, so that, what is wrong, becomes right, and, what is of this world, is diminished by what is *GOD*!!!
AMAZING IS THE LORD, our *GOD*! ALL, and, EVERYTHING, HAS been perfected, THROUGH HIM! GENIUS is not enough to describe HIS attributes, eternal, and, endless! I am in AWE of HIS brilliance, and, the more I learn of it, the more I am awestruck, as well as, indebted, appreciatively! Thank YOU, *GOD*, for LEADING my mind's eye, past the tinseled attractions of this old world, TO the fortress of wondrous enrichment's, that, I AM enabled to travel this journey, intact, in YOUR name, and, TO YOUR GLORY! HALLELUJAH, PRAISE THE LORD, ALL IN CREATION, now, and, evermore!!! AMEN!!!
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