Minute after minute, hour after hour, people are slandering, libeling, and much worse, others, based upon opinion, hearsay, and emotions, void of proof, or of compassion, or the ability to be honest about one's self! IF people would remember that much of what they condemn others for, they are also, guilty of, there would be less noise, hostility, and violence!!!
NONE, NOT ONE is perfect, or completely right, or without err, sin, or mistake! Yet, the assault against anyone who does wrong is harsh, and loud! AS IF no one else is erring, sinning, or making mistakes! STOP! It is getting out of hand, and is truly, despicable in so many ways! The mob mentality is gaining momentum, which IS breeding greater contempt, and adversity, all of which IS going to head, and blow up in our faces!!!
There is like a frenzy TO cause harm to others, be that to deride them, ridicule them, shame them, hurt them, and ruin their lives! It IS awful, and besides wrong, so very indicative of where we are heading, which WILL be LOTS worse than this present time! The REALLY SAD thing IS, we HAVE the power to nip it all in the bud, and just stop it, and BE BETTER people! But alas, there is a perverse pleasure derived in the craze to demean, debase, and humiliate others! WHY? WHAT does one gain in doing so? DON'T we know that what goes around comes around???
Sometimes my neck hurts from shaking my head so much; I NEVER thought I would exist in such a cold, mean, and bullying world! RAW injustice IS being done to SO many, some of whom HAVE erred or whatever, but some whom are not deserving! There is a general animosity which is creating hatred in waves that is EASILY melded into the being, and like a venom, poisons! EVERYONE OUGHT to be concerned with what is playing out in societies today, BECAUSE there is a leaning towards wrong, bad, unjust, and downright evil, which WILL erupt FOR ALL, believe it!!!
For the life of me, I CANNOT understand WHY anyone wants to, or chooses to exist in ANY thing adverse, dark, or wicked! We HAVE the power TO exist in the good, right, and just, AND doing so, IS optimizing, as what is wholesome BRINGS well-being TO ALL, and our overall environment, and existence! Doesn't make a bit of sense...
LOVE IS THE ANSWER, and THE ANTIDOTE, WITHOUT FAIL! WHEN we become one with LOVE, we SEE TRUTH as it is; restorative, healthy, and beneficial IN endless ways! IF we ALL existed in LOVE, this Earth WOULD be as Eden; YAH, HEAVEN ON EARTH, BECAUSE LOVE gives, shares, tolerates, understands, is compassionate, caring, gentle, kind, peaceable, forgiving, and well, it IS POSITIVE, CONSTRUCTIVE, VALUABLE, FAVOURABLE, and WORTHY, AND WE ARE WORTHY OF IT, AS we ARE designed OF IT, IN IT, and FOR IT! WE MAKE the choice to either embrace it, or deny it; ABSOLUTE TRUTH!!!
Existing on edge, anxious, nervous, fearful, volatile, hateful, angry, mean, and all that senselessness does NOTHING for ANYONE, let alone those choosing to do so! SERIOUSLY, THINK about the negative EFFECTS of leading such a life, and the MANY complications, and dissatisfaction's therein, and you WILL SEE what I am talking about! It IS a DARK world to exist in, and a dangerous one at that, AS NOTHING good, or wholesome is IN the mix!!!
At any rate, we NEED to grow up, and assess the future; individually, and together, FOR the sake of ALL, and for the sake of souls! WHEN we undermine each other, we undermine the very quality of life we seek, as well as the future, and the INNATE, INTRINSIC LOVE, hence, the GOOD, which builds us, and our existence, up!!!
Maturity does NOT come with age, UNLESS one is ACTIVELY learning, thinking, and correcting!!!
May *GOD* HELP us, and may we CONSIDER ourselves BEFORE rashly judging, and condemning others, ESPECIALLY when based upon emotion, opinion, hearsay, or following the crowd! Time IS SHORTER than we know, and goes by SO fast, therefore, grab the best of it, share that, and exist in it; the alternative is like a nightmare, and destroys one from the inside out, and spreads like a disease outwardly!!!
LWINSOR © 2019
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