It is the 2ND day of a new week, PRAISE THE LORD! The final week before the BLESSED celebration of CHRIST JESUS, our LORD, and SAVIOUR! Most of us will be busy, and filled with anticipation, excitement, yet, with a huge share of pressure! PRAY, PRAY, PRAY, and KEEP THE FAITH, always! Savour the moments of this time, as it is almost over, be grateful, and thankful, and let HIS LOVE overflow!!!
Time on this Earth holds MUCH for us to struggle through, yet, IF we are IN THE LORD, we KNOW there IS GOOD in EVERYTHING, EVERY situation, EVERY circumstance! We SEEK what is right, just, and good, because we KNOW it is ALWAYS near! We don't get lost in what the world throws our way, we, through HIM, remain steadfast, and on course, with that PEACE which HIS LOVE, and our FAITH, provides! What is GOOD IS LASTING, even prevalent, BELIEVE it! Sure, we suffer lessons, and so forth, but what is there end result? Generally speaking, for the elevated one, GOODNESS!!!
Learning to deal with people who live away from righteousness, despite their proclamation of CHRIST, is one of the most difficult things we have to work through, as they, in their egocentric ways, create problems, troubles, and dissension! There are many kinds of such people, yet, they have a common thread called pride! Some of these people are controlling, verbal, and abusive in their ways, though they feel justified in their self-importance! These are the people who make any 24 hour span thorny, as they wield their control around! These are those whom we should BLESS, and PRAY for, and remain as distanced from, as is feasible, for they are like poison, but, we must forgive them, which at times, is extremely hard to do, yet, we must! DON'T let these shake you! DON'T let them perturb you! DON'T let them find a way to get under your skin, and fester! These are those that make the week drag by, and drain our composure, though, we are called upon to set an example for them in the name of THE LORD...
Everyone is gearing up for Santa's visit, and I wish that just we could put our priorities right! Santa is great, he was/continues to be an advocate of the example of LOVE, giving, and sharing, but, this ain't about him, it IS about CHRIST, our LORD, and about spreading the HOPE of HIS LOVE throughout this planet! I have TRIED to get my own people to become more mature about this HOLYDAY, but, they are like little Children, with visions of sugarplums dancing in their heads:( They won't listen, I guess they have to learn, think?!!
We should strive to HONESTLY HONOUR THE GIFT OF LOVE, of LIFE, by paying forward what HE has given us, what we can! I don't care what is said, more than anyone, CHRIST, THE LORD *GOD*, DESERVES gifts of our spirits in this time! We ought to be overflowing with LOVE enough to build UP the masses, and promote HIS WILL, THROUGH our own good, tangibly, or otherwise! PLACE HIM FIRST, is ONGOING, and CONTINUAL, and does NOT take a break during this season! There are billions of people out there who NEED HIS LOVE to BE EVIDENT, THROUGH us, and our good!!!
Well, I am back to busyness! I am getting closer to the end of my list, but, it is still full! I do more than necessary, like clean out closets, cupboards, and so forth, because I LIKE the New Year to begin FRESH! I have made SO many messes cleaning, and wrapping, silly me!!!
I wish you a most awesome week! A week of discovery, of LOVE, of HOPE, of PEACE, of JOY, and mostly, FULL OF *GOD*, and what is right! MUCH LOVE to you, may *GOD* BLESS, and BE with us ALL, and may we ever BLESS HIM, PRAISE HIM, WORSHIP HIS HOLINESS, and REJOICE IN HIS LOVE, and care for us! Let us HONOUR HIM in the BEST we can bring forth, and let us be grateful, thankful, and appreciative that HE is near!!!
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