HE HAS freely granted us GRACE, and MERCY, and so, freely we should extend the same to one another! This covers a LOT of characteristics in the human condition! Freely, HE forgives, thus freely, we should forgive. Freely, HE tolerates, freely we should tolerate. Freely, HE GIVES, freely, we should give, and on it goes...
Now, some people argue that HE doesn't have to deal with the kind of bunk that we do---are you kidding me? *GOD* IS OMNIPOTENT, OMNIPRESENT, OMNISCIENT! HE SEES, and KNOWS EVERYTHING, and came as Man, in the FULL experience of being human, even to the point of being treated badly, beaten, and hung by HIS precious limbs! HE IS THE ONE who has to deal with bunk, as HE witnesses all we do, and HAS given humanity a LONG time to improve; just think about the state of this world, then, use this as an argument...
I believe HE is justified to bid us to be fair! We have NOTHING we can offer HIM, save for our obedient compliance to HIS wishes, and besides that, HE HAS cut us slack beyond estimation!!!
The deceiver, deception, and the human condition make it difficult to be fair, right, just, and good, yet, it is NOT impossible, nor improbable, given that THE LORD HIMSELF has asked us to do so!!!
We live in assumption, we live in bias, we live in prejudice, we live in all sorts of behaviours which, are unfair! We decide almost instantly, whether we will give someone the time of day, whether or not, they might be worthy, and so forth; much of this being done almost subconsciously, as we are, more or less, programmed by the world's ways to do so! As is written, you never know when you might entertain Angels, and so, right here, one can sense the importance of living aligned in regarding others...
I hear people say all sorts of things that are simply, decided in judgement, and condemnation, yet, none of these consider the fact that one day, they will stand before THE JUDGE, and have to answer to HIM! People even go so far as to decide who should live, and who should die; this is SO wrong, because ONLY *GOD* has such power! Few people are able to grow from the immaturity of acting before thinking, in respect, and regard to others, yet, it is one of the most imperative things we can do, not only for our own safety, but for the GOOD of ALL! When we stop assuming, when we stop judging, when we stop condemning, those before us have the opportunity to show themselves for what, and whom they are. THIS is fair! THIS is right! THIS is just! THIS is the evidence of CHRIST within!!!
1 SAMUEL 16: 7...
But the LORD said to Samuel: "Do not judge from his appearance or from his lofty stature, because I have rejected him. Not as man sees does God see, because man sees the appearance but the LORD looks into the heart."
It was strange that Samuel, who had been so disappointed in Saul, whose countenance and stature recommended him, should judge of another man by that rule.
We can tell how men look, but God can tell what they are. He judges of men by the heart. We often form a mistaken judgment of characters; but the Lord values only the faith, fear, and love, which are planted in the heart, beyond human discernment.
And God does not favour our children according to our fond partiality, but often most honours and blesses those who have been least regarded.
David at length was pitched upon. He was the youngest of the sons of Jesse; his name signifies Beloved; he was a type of God's beloved Son. It should seem, David was least set by of all the sons of Jesse. But the Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day forward. His anointing was not an empty ceremony, a Divine power went with that instituted sign; he found himself advanced in wisdom and courage, with all the qualifications of a prince, though not advanced in his outward circumstances. This would satisfy him that his election was of God. The best evidence of our being predesignated to the kingdom of glory, is, our being sealed with the Spirit of promise, and experience of a work of grace in our hearts.
JOHN 7: 24...
Stop judging by appearances, but judge justly."
Every faithful minister may humbly adopt Christ's words. His doctrine is not his own finding out, but is from God's word, through the teaching of his Spirit. And amidst the disputes which disturb the world, if any man, of any nation, seeks to do the will of God, he shall know whether the doctrine is of God, or whether men speak of themselves.
Only those who hate the truth shall be given up to errors which will be fatal. Surely it was as agreeable to the design of the sabbath to restore health to the afflicted, as to administer an outward rite. Jesus told them to decide on his conduct according to the spiritual import of the Divine law. We must not judge concerning any by their outward appearance, but by their worth, and by the gifts and graces of God's Spirit in them.
JOHN 8: 15-16...
15/ You judge by appearances, but I do not judge anyone.
16/ And even if I should judge, my judgment is valid, because I am not alone, but it is I and the Father who sent me.
Christ is the Light of the world. God is light, and Christ is the image of the invisible God. One sun enlightens the whole world; so does one Christ, and there needs no more. What a dark dungeon would the world be without the sun! So would it be without Jesus, by whom light came into the world. Those who follow Christ shall not walk in darkness. They shall not be left without the truths which are necessary to keep them from destroying error, and the directions in the way of duty, necessary to keep them from condemning sin.
It is interesting that we accept being CREATED in *GOD'S* image, but, we imagine that our physical being is that image! The image we were CREATED in, is the spirit HE bids us to free, and to grow, in HIS name! Thus, that we are unfair to others on sight, is just as unaligned as it gets, because we are automatically dismissing the TRUTH of a person, their spirit, their heart of hearts...
In all matters, concerning THE LORD, and FAITHFULNESS, ease is NOT to be expected, still, the more we APPLY to life, HIS WILL, the greater ease we find in living as HE COMMANDS us to, and the greater understanding we have of why LOVE IS THE LAW, and HOW the components of this LOVE work in perfect optimization towards HIS WILL, with the end result being GOOD for ALL!!!
As HE IS fair with us, let us TRY to be fair with one another! Let us EXTEND to each other, the beauty HE HAS extended to us! Let us LOVE correctly, patterned after HIS example, and let us HONOUR HIM in our ways, all of our days, as there, really, isn't any other way to please HIM...
BIBLICAL, and/or other references marked BOLDLY IN COLOURS
1 comment:
Perhaps we need to REALLY understand just how easy it is to sin, and our duty to refute sin! When we act wrongly, in any context, we are not only in err, we are inviting err from others; thus we see the world as it is, hostile, violent, uncaring, unsharing, turbulent, and far removed from THE LAW, which is LOVE...
The sum of the whole is to TRY to come into the likeness we have been CREATED in; in the likeness of THE LORD, CHRIST, in thought, action, and reaction, THAT HIS SPIRIT guides us, and KEEPS us ON THE PATH. NO, we won't be perfect, but, that we AIM to perfect, from the spirit outwardly, IS KEY...
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