It is FRIDAY! My last vacation of the season is nearing an end! The weather reports before the start of my vacation proved false; we had torrents of rain, coldness, clouds, winds, and dampness! No problem, it is what it is, and these days have been gifts of THE LORD, and, have been embraced as such! Of course, we are not doing as much as we would have, but, rest, and relaxation seem fitting for the last vacation of the year:)))

I will be busy for the rest of this time off, as we have a Family Reunion, in which case, I have shopping to do, cooking to do, and so forth. In the past couple of years, we did it the easy way, and went out later in the day for pizza's, but, it isn't the same as when everyone brings a dish or two! Some of the gang arrives at 8 in the morning; they cook, and have a full breakfast! Lots of work for the one who brings all of the essentials, especially since he is in his mid-70's, but this Family sticks like glue to tradition, though, someone younger ought to be taking over soon! I have never been there for breakfast, but, those who are there, look forward to it every year:))) The Family is well into 300 in numbers, and ages range from 89 to infancy! The 89 year old is as fit as can be, lively, and not lacking in any area, *GOD* BLESS her soul! Some of the 40 year old's have more aches, pains, and debilitation's than does she! She is just beautiful too!!!
I don't remember EVER having as much downtime as I have had this past week, and while it felt REALLY good, it seemed time wasted, but, in the long haul, is it? It is so rare to have the luxury of time to use as you see fit, and to baby the body, mind, and soul, which it definitely, needs! Doctors recommend a week of total rest now, and again, and, since I did just that this week, I can see why, although, it makes it a bit more difficult to get back into the groove:))) But, I do so, grateful, and more relaxed!!!
The weather predicts beautiful weather for tomorrow, and the week ahead, and it will be a nice ending to a nice week:)))
HAPPY FRIDAY to you ALL! May *GOD* BLESS, and BE with you! I wish you every BLESSING HE has in store for you, and the sense to recognize them all:)))
PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME! WORSHIP HIM with ALL your being! REJOICE IN HIS LOVE for us! HONOUR HIM in all the good you can muster!!!
MUCH LOVE, take care, and YAYYYYYYYYYYYY, it is FRIDAY:)))
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