Now, HE KNOWS just how difficult it is to LOVE, and to remain in LOVE when it seems that the opposite exists all around us, yet, there is SOUND, and SENSIBLE reason to do so, as our eternal LIFE depends upon it, and IS that which LEADS us through this twisted, tangled, ensnared maze of the world. LOVE PROVIDES in ALL matters, whether it is noticed or not, and besides that, IT IS HIS COMMAND that LOVE become the evidence of our claim to HIM!!!
As we take on HIS LOVE, our entire lives change, and we are better enabled to SERVE HIM, then others, in that LOVE! LOVE holds the whole of CREATION together, and KEEPS everything working together for the greater good of HIS WILL!!!
We struggle with LOVE because we are taught LOVE from a worldly, fleshy understanding, and are a bit uncertain of HIS elevated, perfect LOVE, at least in HOW to manifest it in our own lives! This is why we REMAIN IN THE WORD, and DEVELOP a close relationship with HIM, as in doing so, we FIND the answers, and conditions to be able to overstep this HUGE obstacle placed by the deceiver!!!
We RESIST certain aspects of LOVE when it comes to dealing with humanity; aspects such as Charity, Mercy, Forgiveness, and other related IMPERATIVES of LOVE, which HE first gave us, and we are to give to others! We scoff at HIS COMMANDMENT to LOVE our enemies, to provide for the needy, the orphaned, the widowed, and so forth! We RESIST in more ways than we realize, NOT because we are against what HE has prescribed, but because our worldly understanding, and ways, are VERY difficult to shake, and retrain, YET, WITH HIM, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE, and to DO as HE has instructed, WILL open UP to HIS assistance's IN IMPERATIVE matters such as LOVE!!!
SO MUCH Scripture focuses upon LOVE; LOVE for HIM, then for others, and the benefits of this LOVE which HE SO DELIBERATELY, and WISELY COMMANDS!!!
It is kind of like, ANYONE can hate, but HOW many can LOVE in HIS WILL, and WAYS?! Those who AIM to follow HIM, ought to be more concerned with this area of understanding, because LOVE IS HIS WILL, and HIS WAY, and the very substance of HIS CREATION...
HIS people are being sanctified, and consecrated; set apart for HIS GLORY, and so, while HIS WILL is difficult for us to adhere to, and align to, IT IS THE MEASURE OF HIS OWN! LOVE is like the first step on the path that leads to TRUE LIFE, and IS that which enlightens, enables, enriches, endows, empowers, and encourages the course of that path!!!
I think that this is perhaps, the greatest stumbling block in our way, though, as we begin to ASCEND OVER it, we SEE the practicality, and sensibility therein! We begin to SEE, and FEEL the OPTIMAL powers therein! We begin to understand HIM ALL THE MORE, and then, we are all the closer to HIM! LOVE is ALL we need, because HE IS LOVE!!!
Have a BLESSEDLY beautiful day/night! May LOVE BE as your breath, and may you FEEL the PEACE that accompanies that LOVE! May HE BE with us, and watch over us, and guide us TO HIM! May we HONOUR HIM as we follow HIM, by BEING the TRUE reflection of HIS WILL, for ALL in CREATION to bear witness to, and to recognize as THE GLORY OF THE ONE TRUE, ETERNAL, SOVEREIGN LORD *GOD*! MUCH LOVE to YOU!!!
BIBLICAL, and/or other references marked BOLDLY IN COLOURS
HOSEA 6:6...
For it is love that I desire, not sacrifice, and knowledge of God rather than holocausts.
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