Is it because we have NEVER been LOVED the way HE LOVES us? Does HE fill us that full of HIMSELF, and HIS beauty, that release is necessary, and HAS to move forward? How HE touches HIS own; mysteriously, and to the core! And the more we welcome HIM, the more HE is felt!!!
I LOVE THE LORD always, though, sometimes my LOVE for HIM swells as if to burst, and overtakes me in a way indescribable! Perhaps when I am simply being, HIS PRESENCE is most felt; I don't quite know. All I know is that there are times when my LOVE for HIM is my reality, body, mind, and soul...
HOLY IS THE LORD *GOD* ALMIGHTY, and PERFECT in ALL ways! If only I take on a fraction of HIS HOLINESS, I am doing well, for it is NOT easy to BE HOLY in this world, though, HE SAYS we CAN be, and ARE to be, so, I strive to grasp onto understanding enough, that the TRUTH of HOLINESS, which EXISTS in me, leads me to discovering threads in my being, to weave into some semblance of a HOLY tapestry, FOR HIS GLORY, and ultimately, for my own good, thus, the good of others...
WE, HIS Children, ARE SO BLESSED, though often, we do not recognize, or acknowledge the endlessness of being BLESSED by HIM, as we are distracted by conditions, circumstances, situations, and instances of the world, but this too, diminishes with INCREASED FAITH, and understanding...
I KNOW I can't reimburse HIM for ALL HE HAS done for me, and mine, yet, I AIM to find the best in me, to cause HIM to smile, to be pleased, and to realize that HE HAS filled my being; it is the least I can do, as HE DESERVES ALL the best I can find within, and much, much more...
NEVER have I LOVED as I LOVE THE LORD *GOD*! Though, AS I LOVE HIM more, more, and more, I AM able to LOVE the people of this world more, too! Sometimes that LOVE is found in differing ways, such as compassion, empathy, or some other form of RELATING to others, what they are existing in, and working through; still it IS LOVE I am feeling...
I can SEE SO much now, that I never saw before, because of HIS LOVE, then my own towards HIM, and from remaining IN HIM, HIS WILL, and WAYS! It is amazing to SEE the difference in a life, that ONLY HE can make! It is remarkable, profound, and astounding to say the least! What a changed person am I! It is almost like night, and day, though, I have to say that the NEW me, was ALWAYS there, just obscurely hidden beneath the world's influence, and effects; or blinded by the very heavy shroud of deception, and delusion...
Oh, the endless wonders of THE LORD! HE IS simply, TOO ABOVE words, expression, and worth for us to exactly, and appropriately HONOUR HIM, yet, that we TRY IS what HE seeks in us; that we CARE to, means MUCH to HIM, that we SEE the NEED to, intensifies, and magnifies HIS GLORY, all the greater, thus, we HAVE tapped INTO HIS WILL, and HAVE come into our purpose therein!!!
AWE-INSPIRING, GRACIOUS, MERCIFUL, LOVING LORD *GOD*, CHRIST JESUS, SAVIOUR, HOLY SPIRIT, and KING OF KINGS, how thoroughly, how completely, how acutely YOU reach into YOUR own! May we EVER find ways to compliment YOU with our growth, thus deeds of goodness, rightness, and justness, adding TO YOUR GLORY, and reflecting it through the world, and back to YOU! BLESS YOU, PRAISE YOU; ALL EXALTATION, GRANDEUR, and MAGNIFICENCE BE YOURS!!!
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