SLOW down, take it EASY, read THE WORD with intent, and diligence; give it time to meld into the being; it IS imperative TO allow it to seep into the heart, the spirit, the being!!!

Thanksgiving for the LORD's Favor

Psalms 138 (A Psalm of David)
1/ I will praise thee with my whole heart: before the gods will I sing praise unto thee.
2/ I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy loving-kindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.
3/ In the day when I cried thou answeredst me, and strengthenedst me with strength in my soul.
4/ All the kings of the earth shall praise thee, O LORD, when they hear the words of thy mouth.
5/ Yea, they shall sing in the ways of the LORD: for great is the glory of the LORD.
6/ Though the LORD be high, yet hath he respect unto the lowly: but the proud he knoweth afar off.
7/ Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me: thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies, and thy right hand shall save me.
8/ The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me:
thy mercy, O LORD, endureth for ever: forsake not the works of thine own hands... AMEN!!!
One CANNOT earn GRACE, it is HIS own ESSENCE; a gift, still, IF one claims to be IN HIS GRACE, we ARE to, or, OUGHT to, be reflections of that GRACE! 2 CORINTHIANS 6:1, tells us not to take HIS GRACE in vain! This means, living in LOVE, morality, ethics, virtue, righteousness, and, spiritual improvement, TOWARDS, spiritual maturity, WHILE, visibly BEING as LIGHTS, beaming OF *GOD*, beckoning the world, TO THE LIGHT! Righteousness MEANS, conduct in conformity with *GOD'S* WILL, and, "Be HOLY because I AM HOLY!", therefore, indicating that knowledge, wisdom, and, effort, DO, apply TO the righteous!!! NEVER forget, we were grafted in, and, if we do not bear fruit, as a dead branch, we will be pruned out, just as were, the natural branches!!!

We are not saved by works, instead, works PROVE HIM in us: they identify HIS own...
IF I claim ONENESS with *GOD*, through CHRIST JESUS, I am DEAD TO THE WORLD, THUS, LIVING as HIM, which is, hopefully, witnessed IN, and, THROUGH, my every thought, action, and, reaction; MEANING, I am, THROUGH CONSCIOUS application OF THE WORD, HIS COMMANDS, HIS WILL, REFLECTING righteousness, not, merely, FAITH! I become, the TRULY FRUITFUL branch, of THE VINE, the TRUE member of THE BODY/THE CHURCH, CHRIST JESUS, and, TESTIFY, then, GLORIFY, BOLDLY, BY my thoughts, actions, and, reactions, HIS name, because, HE IS WORTHY, and, IN HIS LOVE, has SHOWN me, how I OUGHT to exist, to which, I eagerly, adapt, and, comply!!!

MATTHEW 5:48...

So be perfect,
just as your heavenly Father is perfect

1 PETER 1:14-16...
14/ Like obedient children, do not act in compliance with the desires of your former ignorance
15/ but, as he who called you is holy, be holy yourselves in every aspect of your conduct,
16/ for it is written, "Be holy because I (am) holy."

ROMANS 12:2...
Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect.
Conduct, in conformity to *GOD'S* WILL, marks the righteous; it is NOT because of guilt, or, ancient Laws, but, because of LOVE; LOVE for *GOD*, self, then, others! CHRIST JESUS gave us Commandments to live by, of which, the first is to LOVE *GOD*, with all of your mind, heart, and, soul; the second is, to LOVE one another!

LOVE COMPELS us to LIVE IN HIM, through conduct which conforms to *GOD*; in other words, morality, ethics, doing good, and, being good, and, ever striving to improve the spirit! It is about REFLECTING THE TRUTH, for ALL to bear witness to, FOR, and, TO HIS GLORY, RADIANTLY SHINING OF HIS POWER, GRACE, and, MERCIES!!!

It IS ALL ABOUT LOVE, baby, all about LOVE!!!

MATTHEW 4: 17...
From that time on, Jesus began to preach and say, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."

JOHN 14:15...
"If you love me, you will keep my commandments.

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NOTE: I do not intend to preach, rather to reach; to stir up, awaken, to inspire, and, bring forth, in discussion, that which is, perhaps, dormantly existing in the heart of hearts, thus, little, or, no, sugar coatings, just THE WORD of *GOD*, the TRUTH, along with some of my thoughts. And truth is, I am reminding myself always, as I practice these reminders, in the best of my abilities, and capacities, while RELYING on THE LORD to lead me on that narrow PATH---> MATTHEW 7: 14: "For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it... TO *GOD* BE ALL GLORY...



Once, lost in darkness, a fortified maze,
Marked by the evil deception, of those days;
Rambling, in the thickness, of an air of obscurity,
While, an assurance, voiced, "This is NOT reality!"
Fending off assaults, tripping through carefully laid snares, still, unbound,
Accompanying an inner utterance, ever so sound,
Echoing, then, reverberating, through my being, keeping me aware,
Of that fact that something better, existed, somewhere, out there.
Never succumbing to the luring appearances of promises cast,
As they came in varied forms, with hopes to capture me, and, fast.
Wearied, yet, ever strong enough, to resist,
The countless offensives, in which, the wickedness, did persist.
Struggles DID ensue,
Some so fierce, I was, nearly, torn in two;
However, the onslaught, merely, reaffirmed, what my heart heard, over the constant noise,
Somehow, I managed to learn from it all, maintaining, dignity, and, poise!
Like a beggar, in tattered rags, my soul was frazzled,
But, my inner sight, was NEVER bedazzled!
Then, I arrived to an edge of time, where I could view, in it's brilliance,
LIGHT empowered, and, at once, there was healing, as well as resilience!
Falling to my knees, I sobbed, I cried, I wept, then, vowed my very life,
To *GOD*, the MIGHTY sword, whom, destroys all matter, of suffering, and, strife!!!




Isn't it sad, that as we GROW in spiritual maturity, and, look back on our lives, we are filled with shame, regret, and, guilt? Such is the price we pay for living in ignorance, which, is about 75%, NOT our fault, still, EACH of us will pay in some way, now, and, after, for what we did not know!!!

Listen, *GOD* foresaw what we would be up against, and, the suffering incurred in the throes of the world! HE PROVIDES renewal, rejuvenation, and, ways to rectify what our life has led us to, and, through! Though we SHOULD HAVE been better informed from birth, that is NOT the way of the world, and so, we pay, in many ways, for our innocent ignorance, and, misguidance! Still, we can FREE ourselves of the burden of remorse, by TURNING, or, RETURNING to *GOD* with our WHOLE beings, in the name of CHRIST JESUS! *GOD* WANTS HIS people to be happy; to rejoice, to sing, to ENJOY this time, WHILE GLORIFYING HIM!!!

We have to learn to FORGIVE, not only others, but, ourselves, as through CHRIST JESUS, we have been forgiven! We have to realize that, often, what we experienced this far, TAUGHT us to REACH out, and, EMBRACE our LORD, *GOD*, our SAVIOUR, and, HOW to live from that point on! We HAVE to LEARN the hard way, the lessons of endurance, perseverance, tolerance, righteousness, morality, and, much more; THAT THESE LESSONS LOCK TIGHT IN THE BEING, NEVER to be uprooted by the evil one! We have to REMEMBER that the battle is between *GOD*, and, the ruler of deception! We have to ENCOURAGE ourselves to go forth in COURAGE, and, FAITHFUL HOPE, that what errs we committed, HAVE HAD REASON TO HIS WILL for our lives! Let's be repentant, regretful, but, let us not HOLD ONTO what was necessary to bring us to maturity, in HIS name, and, TO HIS GLORY! Let us cry for, but, a moment, and, let us pray to *GOD* for the courage to OVERCOME the agonizing sorrow we feel in retrospect, for our mistakes, then, let us PRAISE HIM for guiding us THROUGH the worst, and, let us REJOICE for yet, more time to make things right!!!

Let us UPLIFT ourselves IN development, and, the GOODNESS we have learned FROM the wrong we saw, felt, and, experienced! Let us NEVER return to what we have left behind, but, let us go FORWARD IN HIS EXAMPLE, and, WISDOM, like mighty warriors of PEACE! Let us UNDERSTAND, and, EMBRACE the fact, that UNTIL we REALIZE our wrongs, we were asleep, then, AWAKENED, and then, let us move onward in CONSCIOUS effort to do right, evermore!!!

No, don't get LOST in despairing over what has happened this far; instead, be FOUND IN *GOD*, and, CLING to HIM, that you never slip backwards! The past likes to haunt us; I suspect, this is a part of the works of the evil one, that our egocentric mind is weakened, even in growth, that we are, yet, susceptible to his ploys, SO, that being said, let us, ALWAYS, forgive ourselves, AS we MOVE FORWARD, and, UPWARD, in character, and, behaviour! You see, it is IN the downers of life, that we are most easily tripped up, and so, IF we KEEP our SIGHTS ON THE LIGHT, and, THE WORD, WHILE aligning, and, complying, the GOOD becomes the standard, while, ANYTHING outside of goodness, diminishes, more, more, and, more! KEEP THE FAITH, HOLD ONTO HOPE, and, KNOW that *GOD* KNEW what you would be up against, what lessons you needed to learn, and then, forgive yourself, while FURTHERING the WHOLESOMENESS INTRINSIC to your being, IN HIS NAME!!!

HUMILITY is a large part of the equation, so, be humbled by what has been, and, never relinquish that humility, that you are OPEN to HIM!!!

We CAN survive this battleground; we ARE of the LORD *GOD* ALMIGHTY, NOT of the world, and, it's endless woes! PRAISE *GOD* FOR HIS PERFECT PLAN to RESCUE us!!!

Set your mind on the things that are above, not on the things that are upon the earth.

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Times ARE tight, times are unsure, times are filling people with anxiety, depression, fear, and, remorse, which is going to lead to a whole new slew of health related troubles for the world! We are in the midst of a shift which is eliminating the Middle Class, making the rich richer, and, the poor poorer! It is enough to send us into the world of negativity, BUT, we MUST NOT fall into the pit the deceiver has dug for us!!!

Few understand that this life is ruled by either good, or, bad; either, rights, or, wrongs; by either, strength, or, weakness! We DO have a choice! That choice is founded in FAITH, HOPE, TRUST, and, BELIEF IN our LORD, our *GOD*! We get SO wrapped up in the scare tactics of the evil one, that we forget our FAITH, and, the fact that THIS has ALL been produced BY the evil one, to take down more of *GOD'S* Children! We CAN'T allow this to happen; for the sake, and, GLORY of *GOD*, and, for the sake of ourselves! Remember always, *GOD* IS ALL PROVISION, and, WILL ever be near FOR HIS elect! Remember that HE says that IF we place HIM first, and, BELIEVE with all of our might, HE will add to our lives! We HAVE to stand STRONG in the face of the adversary, IN HIS HOLY name!!!

Believe me, I am in no better circumstances than many, and, in worse, than some! I am seeking employment, have bills to pay, a lifestyle to maintain, and, so forth! While I am worried to SOME degree, I TRUST in *GOD* to deliver me, and, lead me, according to HIS WILL! WHATEVER HIS WILL for my life, I accept, even if that is not what I would choose for myself, as, HE IS the GENIUS of existence, and so, upon HIM, I rely!!!

It is written that in the last times, Satan will increase his efforts to take down as many as is possible, which, WILL be easier than you think, for one simple reason; PEOPLE ARE NOT AS FAITHFUL as they COULD, and, SHOULD BE! We do NOT practice being FAITHFUL enough to HONE it to perfection, so, as is written, many WILL be lost in their lack!!!

FAITH is NOT easy to come by, and, it requires constant, and, consistent, attention, focus, and, development! We will always falter, but, especially with LOVE, and, FAITH, we MUST KEEP AT IT, until, it becomes second nature for us, and, IS one within our deepest beings!!!

Actually, look at the alternative(s) of NOT having FAITH! Lost in a world of disappointment, and, endless negativities, which do NOTHING, but, BIND us to NOTHING more, than, agonizing discontent, confusion, delusion, even, bitterness! NO THANK YOU; I CHOOSE the other route; one of HOPE, FAITH, LOVE, and, POSITIVITY, FOUNDED on the GOODNESS of *GODLINESS*!!!

In ALL matters, in all ways, we have choices! We are ENCOURAGED to SEEK the world of *GOD*, over the natural world, where EMPOWERMENT lies, and, ENRICHES us! There is GREAT reason for this; *GOD* KNEW what we would face, and, how devastating it would be for us, SO, HE devised a PERFECT PLAN to rescue us, not only from evil, deception, lies, and, torment, but, from ourselves, weak, and, unknowing, as we are!!!

While it is NOT wrong to FEEL the pressures, it IS wrong to become ensnared in them, for then, we are defeated! WITH *GOD* ALL things are POSSIBLE, and, HE has GREAT promises in store FOR those who exhibit unrelenting, incorruptible FAITH! When we are hit hard, by the times, circumstances, and, life, we SHOULD LIFT UP TO HIM, even with agonizing pleas! We should PRAY, PRAISE, and, RETAIN GRATITUDE, if, for nothing else, for HIS PRESENCE in our lives! *GOD* LOVES US, and, does NOT want us to suffer, but, HIS WILL is that WE REMAIN IN HOPEFUL FAITH, TRUSTING HIM to move in our lives, and, REALIZING that HIS timeline is not of this world, and, often, needs for us to learn a bit more, BEFORE manifestation of BLESSINGS occur! This is HOW we develop endurance, perseverance, and, stamina of FAITH that WILL withstand the most deadly assaults of the evil one! This is HOW we learn, and, this is how we GROW into BRIGHTER reflections of the GOOD of *GOD*!!!

Times are tight, things are uncertain, but, PLEASE, STAND STRONG IN *GOD*, FAITHFULLY, for, HE IS NEAR, and, WORKING on your behalf! Let us ALWAYS, and, in ALL ways, even in all circumstances, PRAISE HIM for HIS unrelenting LOVE, and, care for us! Thank YOU, *GOD*, my LORD, and, SAVIOUR, for ALWAYS being near, and, for providing for me, as is YOUR WILL! I stand strong in FAITH, courage, HOPE, TRUST, and, BELIEF, in YOUR MIGHT, and, YOUR GRACIOUSNESS, and, I pray that YOU are ALWAYS GLORIFIED BY my every thought, action, and, reaction, as I attempt to HONOUR YOU, for the rest of my days, for YOU, ALONE, are my SURE, and, STEADY WAY; my ROCK, my FORTRESS, my DELIVERER, and, the PROOF OF my undying FAITH, and, HOPE!!! AMEN!!!

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BIBLICAL, and/or, other references MARKED BOLDLY IN COLOURS


We need to understand that the Scripture, MATTHEW 3:2, MATTHEW 4:17, MATTHEW 10:7, "Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!", does not only apply to that day of reckoning, but, to our time in the now as well! We HAVE to realize that our days are numbered, and, that we have LOTS to do, in this limited time, ESPECIALLY, for the GLORY of *GOD*, and, making things right between *GOD*, and, ourselves!!!

There are several alterations we need to make in our characters, and, our behaviours, as tomorrow might not arrive, or, worse yet, the day might not be finished! We need to FEAR the LORD, our *GOD*, to LOVE HIM, ourselves, and, others, and, in the gist of doing so, become moral, ethical, and, always in regard of HIM! HE must be FIRST, and, foremost, in our lives, that we ARE exhibiting heart felt sincerity, in HONOUR of HIS WILL, HIS WAYS, HIS LOVE, HIS MERCIES, HIS GRACE!!!

It is more than accepting CHRIST, as your LORD, and, SAVIOUR, it is about becoming as HIM! Don't put off what you can do today! TURN to *GOD*, for the Kingdom of *GOD* is but, a breath away, and, let the free will HE bestowed upon you, serve HIM, and, yourself, righteously!!!

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In any given day, how often do you think of *GOD*? And, when you think of HIM, where do your thoughts lead???

When I think of *GOD* was is quite frequent, these days, I think of the LOVE HE has bestowed upon me, and, has taught me, as well as fear of HIM! Some don't believe that you should fear the LORD, our *GOD*, even though it is mentioned like, 385 times in the BIBLE, and, is mentioned in, nearly, every BOOK of the BIBLE! We are taught to fear *GOD*, then, to LOVE HIM, though, we are taught to fear not, concerning what we are up against in this life, which is mentioned, they say, 365 times!!!

I fear HIM, indeed! The more I learn, the more I fear! The kind of fear of which we are to experience is based on REGARD, and, RESPECT of HIS HIGHNESS, of HIS PERFECTION, and, HIS ability to bring HIS wrath against one, and, all! It is fear of LOSING sight of HIM, and, rights to HIM; like, being a Child all alone in the world, with no one to protect, comfort, or, care for us! It is not a fear as in the context of being abused, instead, in the context of HIS ALMIGHTY POWER(S), and, HIS being the ONLY SURE existence, AND, source of GOODNESS/RIGHTEOUSNESS/MERCY, forever, and, ever...

I, once, led myself, near, to sure death, in my thoughts, and, actions; even though, *GOD* was within me, and, was in some region of my thoughts, HE was NOT the foremost in my mind, or, heart, or, soul. I would have argued this with anyone who pointed it out to me, because I have always been, quite spiritual, and, spiritually motivated, but, it was not UNTIL, HE became the FOCUS of my life, that I could see the path I was heading on was deceptive, and, dangerous...

HOPE has coupled with fear of HIM, and FAITH, has increased! I exist in FAITHFUL HOPE that, in my sincere efforts to become ONE with HIM, my past will be wiped away, as is promised! I shudder when I recall the life I once led, the things I did, without regard to HIM, and, what they caused me to suffer, as well as, where they were leading me! I have cried, I have repented, I have SEEN the need to align to HIM, HIS WILL, HIS WAYS, VIA, my ways of deception!!!

Were we ever, really taught HOW EASY IT IS to sin? I don't think so! Was it ever drilled into our beings, that we would KNOW for sure, when we are sinning? Did anyone ever explain the difference between conscious sin, and, innocent sin? Where was the instruction we relied upon from those teaching us? Thus, so many of us, are ignorantly existing, outside of, and, away from the ONLY source of life, happiness, and, fulfillment we have! How unsettling is this???

I have read THE BIBLE all of my life, all the way through, but, I tell you what, the more I read, the more I learn, and, back when HE wasn't the focus of my life, the TRUTH evaded me! HE IS THE WORD, and so, to stay IN THE WORD, is imperative to KNOWLEDGE, WISDOM, TRUTH, and, SAFETY! HE LOVES us, and, KNOWS us, so explicitly, that HE CREATED this, manual of instruction THAT we find our way through the darkness, confusion, and, delusion! How awesome is HE, how GENIUS is HE, that HE KNEW BEFORE we were CREATED, what we would be up against, then, PROVIDED for us, in ALL circumstances, and, instances??? It, simply, blows my mind, in retrospect, and, consideration!!!

*GOD*, my LORD IS the first thing I think of when I open my eyes, in the morning, and, the last thought on my lips, as I go to sleep, as well as, the meat of my day! HE is my sustainment, my provision, my source of ALL things wholesome, and, good! NOTHING else is as imperative to my life, as is HE, and, I, no matter what, will HONOUR, OBEY, COMPLY, REGARD, RESPECT, LOVE, and, CHERISH HIM, and, HIS presence, until the end of my life!!!

PRAISE the LORD, my *GOD*, for HE, SURELY, IS ALL, and, EVERYTHING, and, I THANK HIM for leading me to awakening, and, receiving!!! AMEN!!!

Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.

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MATTHEW 16:24-28...
The Conditions of Discipleship...
24/ Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.
25/ For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.
26/ What profit would there be for one to gain the whole world and forfeit his life? Or what can one give in exchange for his life?
27/ For the Son of Man will come with his angels in his Father’s glory, and then he will repay everyone according to his conduct.
28/ Amen, I say to you, there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.”

We must never forget that our life, our eternal life, was purchased with a price! CHRIST JESUS underwent an enormous amount to provide THE WAY for us; and, all that is asked of us, IS that we LOVE as HE LOVES us, and, that we act IN HIS name, becoming as perfected as we can, IN HIS example!!!

Let us take a look at some of the Scripture which reiterates OUR RESPONSIBILITIES TO the NEW COVENANT! These responsibilities require understanding, and, acceptance that we must remain moral, and, ethical, in our personal, and, public lives, that we are ALWAYS GLOWING of our Christian Discipleship!!!

From The New American Bible; St. Joseph Edition, comes this meaning of PERFECT...

PERFECT: In the ancient text, this word indicates someone WHO AVOIDS SIN, and, PRACTICES THE LAW. The passage in which JESUS says: "Be perfected as your FATHER is perfect" (MATTHEW 5:48), signifies, according to its context, that ONE MUST IMITATE THE DIVINE MERCY, and, IMPARTIALITY. In a single passage (MATTHEW 19:21), JESUS speaks of the Disciple who goes BEYOND his ordinary duties. St. Paul uses the term perfect of the "spiritually mature" Christians who KNOW TRUE WISDOM, and, WANT ALL Men to be perfect in CHRIST (1 CORINTHIANS 2:6)...

*GOD* also, has said, "Be HOLY because I am HOLY.", in the BOOKS of LEVITICUS, and, 1 PETER 1:16...

I can NOT relent in speaking of the NEED to perfect the spirit; it IS what is required of *GOD'S* Children, despite the belief that it is not necessary to do so! IF it is NOT necessary to do so, WHY is it spoken of, along with, instructions on HOW to do so, AND, if it is not necessary to do so, WHY is this guidance IN THE WORD???

Let's say you are a parent; do you allow your Children to run wild, and, do whatever they wish to do? Of course not! You set guidelines, disciplines, and, other character building standards for them to COMPLY to, that they are SAFE, AND, that they can GROW INTO healthy, functioning adults! Now, we all know, no matter how much we guide them, some will NOT align to what they were taught, and, will have to go the hard road to developing into the person they really are, beneath their rebellion, or, whatever has inspired them to divert from what they were taught! In much the same way, *GOD* has given us MASTERFUL INSTRUCTIONS, that we have a MORE FULFILLED LIFE, in the now, and, hereafter, AND, that we GLORIFY HIM, through our thoughts, actions, and, reactions!!!

Again, HE GAVE us the GIFT of LIFE, in CHRIST JESUS, but, that gift comes with a price, so it is written, so it shall be! Both 1 CORINTHIANS 6:20, and, 1 CORINTHIANS 7:23, speak of this; For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body., and, You were bought with a price; do not become slaves of men...

HE KNOWS that we will NEVER reach perfection, but, the point is IN THE EFFORT of LOVE FOR HIM! It IS the HONOUR we pay to HIM FOR HIS LOVE of us, and, HIS MERCIFUL GIFT(s)! It IS the RESPECT, and, REGARD OF HIS WILL, that COMPELS us to COMPLY, and, become OBEDIENT TO HIM, HIS WILL, HIS WAYS! It IS the SURRENDERING, and, SUBMISSION, THROUGH CHARACTER, and, CONSCIOUSLY DELIBERATE KNOWLEDGE that we BECOME as CLOSE to HIM, as is humanly feasible, that, BY EFFORT, HE IS GLORIFIED NOW, and, FOREVER, IN the consequence of DEVOUT LOVE FOR HIM, and, HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS, PARTLY because we KNOW that it is LIFE GIVING, LIFE ENHANCING, and, THE ABSOLUTE RIGHT way to exist!!!

Argue all you want! No matter how much we sway from THE WORD, in our arrogant, self-assured ways, the TRUTH IS EVER THE SAME, and, does NOT sway for ANY generation, under ANY circumstance; the GENIUS of *GOD* has foreseen ALL, and, EVERYTHING concerning us, since BEFORE time, way past ETERNITY!!!

We come to CHRIST/*GOD* as babies, receptive to what HE has to offer, then, we are expected to GROW into maturity of spirit, IN HIS name, that HE is GLORIFIED by, and, through us; as reflections of HIS PERFECTION! Sure, we falter, fail, fall, and, even rebel, but, IF we want eternity, we GRASP the WHOLE TRUTH of THE COVENANT, and, become as close to being perfected, spiritually, as is feasible, given the human condition, AND, we CONSTANTLY, commune with HIM, pray to HIM, PRAISE HIM, WORSHIP HIM, and, what EVER it takes to HONOUR HIM, because HE IS WORTHY, and, because HE has SHOWN us HOW to LOVE!!!

IF you REALLY READ, devour, and, digest THE WORD, HIS OWN VOICE, you will begin to embrace the need to SERVE HIM, FOR REAL, not partially, not half-heartedly, but, with your whole being! You will see that, in doing so, there is abundant BLESSINGS, benevolence, and, fulfillment's of every kind, and, your HOPE will be more authentic, thus, your FAITH will be more TRUE, stronger, and, will KEEP you safe from the world's many woes!!!

None of this is about GUILT, it is about EXALTATION, GROWTH, LOVE, REGARD, RESPECT, HONOUR, and, SERVITUDE, for, and, to HIM, the ALMIGHTY LORD, our *GOD*! Those who feel that if they are told the TRUTH, in which, they must alter this, or, that, then, rebel, in their arrogant assumption that ALL people, no matter their errs, under the rights of Baptism, are guaranteed eternal life, are seriously, in need of some lengthy studying, and, consideration OF the entirety of THE WORD. Never forget too, that LOTS of people were Baptized as infants, then, were NOT taught properly, nor, fully, THE WORD! As a Reverend of the MOST HIGH *GOD*, it IS my work to REMIND(inform), others of the yoke of CHRIST; which, like the one that enables the oxen to pull a load, LEADS to a responsibility for LIVING the Christian life, in the FULLNESS of spiritual maturity, which ENABLES, and, EMPOWERS those who, WHOLE-HEARTEDLY take up HIS yoke! They KNOW that they died with HIM, and, find LIFE in HIM, and so, they LIVE accordingly, despite the world around them! It is NOT easy, by any means, but, IN *GOD*, ALL things are possible, and, HE HAS set the standard for HIS OWN REASONS...

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BIBLICAL, and/or, other references MARKED BOLDLY IN COLOURS


The consequences of wrongful living, are evident, everywhere, in countless ways, in each of these days!!!

Wrongful living is the rule of deception, OVER the rule of *GOD*, in our lives, as we ASSUME that we are safe in our two-stepping actions of disenchantment. We let our EGOCENTRIC minds CONVINCE us of much, most of which is, BUNK, and, which, leaves us with a wide array of problems, troubles, unhappiness, and, confusion, as well as, bewilderment!!!

We run around like overgrown Children, not paying close enough attention to, WHAT our foolish follies in the pursuit of freedom to be, has left behind...

We exist in immorality, more than not, as we ALLOW our SENSES to guide our ways! We GIVE IN TO URGES more times, than not, HOPING to SATIATE the soul, which, CRIES to be satisfied! We are too arrogant, defiant, and, lost, to REALIZE that money, sex, drugs, alcohol, and, other unwarranted needs of the world, will NEVER lead the soul to rest, as, ONLY a TURNING to REALITY, *GOD*, can, and, will, satisfy the depths of the soul!!!

DECEPTION leads us to believe that we CAN satiate the soul through life IN the world! We adhere to this deception far easier than we do to the WILL of *GOD*, for many reasons, one of which is, we have been raised in this deception, and, believe that WE are important enough to fulfill OUR desires! Some believe that they can serve both *GOD*, and, their desires, though, it is PLAINLY written in THE WORD, that this is NOT so!!!

MATTHEW 6:24...
No one can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon...

LUKE 16:13...
No servant can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon...

LUKE 16:15...
And he said to them, "You justify yourselves in the sight of others, but God knows your hearts; for what is of human esteem is an abomination in the sight of God"...

Powerful message, indeed! Human esteem; the human condition, is WEAK, then, WEAKENED MORE by the DECEPTION of thinking, that what we are up against, in this life, IS alright TO give in to! *GOD* says that HIS people MUST be HOLY because HE IS HOLY, and, we are to pick up the yoke of CHRIST, that is, to LIVE in HIS EXAMPLE of WHOLESOME GOODNESS!!!

HE KNOWS we are NEVER going to be HOLY, HOWEVER, HE WILLS that we ATTEMPT to CORRECT our ways, MOSTLY, for the SAFETY of LOSING the shackles that BIND US TO THE WORLD, and, BLIND us to TRUTH, HIM!!!

Thus, EACH day MUST be a time of IMPROVEMENT! Any 24 hour period, which *GOD* HAS GIVEN US, is an OPPORTUNITY to TURN TO HIM, AND, the HEALING, and, BOUNTIES OBTAINED IN DOING SO! You see, in doing so, THE SOUL FINDS more, and, more, SATIATION, as it is now, being tended to by *GODLINESS*, which IS it's sustainment!!!

YOU are caregiver to the soul WHICH BELONGS to *GOD*! YOU are ABLE to nourish, nurture, sustain, and, satiate this soul, though, it REQUIRES effort, understanding, knowledge, Wisdom, and, obedience, OF, and, TO, and, FOR *GOD*!!!

Don't take time, or, worldly matters, for granted! *GOD* has said that we are to keep our thoughts ABOVE, and, NOT on worldly matters! Such instructions ARE FOR OUR OWN GOOD, and, SAFETY, NOT because HE wants us to be robbed of things of this world, but, because HE wants us to UNDERSTAND, and, be FREE in our lives, in this world!!!

Get INTO THE WORD, and, escape the world! Check yourself, hourly, in thoughts, actions, and, reactions! Do NOT allow the egocentric mind to lead you to greater misunderstanding, and, consequences OF that misunderstanding. TURN to *GOD*, LOVE, CONSCIENTIOUSNESS, and, ALL matters of WHOLESOMENESS!!!

BECOME SPIRITUALLY MATURE, it is a safety net IN this life! When we ADVANCE in spirit, the evil diminishes, along with it's MANY plagues! LIVE according to *GOD*, HIS WILL, HIS WAYS, HIS WISHES FOR YOUR LIFE! HE HAS GREATNESS in store for the FAITHFUL, for the ALIGNED, for the KNOWING, for the PRACTICING, for the WISE!!!

I KNOW all about the shackles of deception! They had me bound to hell! I KNEW that this was NOT the way to happiness, PEACE, or, LOVE, yet, I, too, was foolish in believing that it WAS the way of life, UNTIL, I RETURNED TO *GOD*, FULLY, in sincerity, and, compliance! THEN, I began to SEE, that HIS WAY IS SAFE, SURE, KIND, and, FULFILLING, not only for me, but, for the soul in which I am to care for!!!

Always THINK! Always CONSIDER! Always SEEK that which is BETTER than what you have, or, face! *GOD* IS THE WAY to ALL TRUE HAPPINESS, I cannot stress this enough, nor, in enough ways, but, IT IS FACT, POINT BLANK, NO CHASE; *GOD* IS THE ONLY WAY!!!

I stand in HOPEFUL PRAYER, and, petition for us all, as, like *GOD*, I DO NOT want souls to be cast into eternal suffering; that is NOT what they were CREATED for, nor, does it make ANY SENSE! Let us always THINK before we act, and, react, that we are LED to safety, and, benevolence, IN HIS GLORIOUS NAME!!!

*except for BIBLICAL, and/or, other references*
BIBLICAL, and/or, other references MARKED BOLDLY IN COLOURS


MALACHI 2:7...
7/ For the lips of the priest are to keep knowledge, and instruction is to be sought from his mouth, because he is the messenger of the LORD of hosts...

JOEL 1:13-15...
13/ Gird yourselves and weep, O priests! wail, O ministers of the altar! Come, spend the night in sackcloth, O ministers of my God! The house of your God is deprived of offering and libation.
14/ Proclaim a fast, call an assembly; Gather the elders, all who dwell in the land, Into the house of the LORD, your God, and cry to the LORD!
15/ Alas, the day! for near is the day of the LORD, and it comes as ruin from the Almighty...

My work is clear: I cannot lead you to the water, if you are set against it, but, I, most certainly, CAN, and, SHALL, REMIND you where the water is, and, along that path TO the water, I CAN, and, SHALL, leave seeds, should you decide to put that water to good use, pray for you, with you, petition in your name, and, stand with you, no matter what! AMEN!!! I take my VOWS to *GOD* VERY seriously, and, KNOW that there is NOTHING new I can give to you, though, my work, in HIS name, is NOT about what is new, but, what is TRUE, and, leaving behind seeds that WILL flourish BY the order of HIS WILL!!!

There is NOTHING vain in my duty to HIM, IF I am doing what I am instructed to do, constantly, without falter, or, hesitation, yet, IF I should fail to do the work set before me, I WILL, personally, suffer at HIS hand!!! I EXPECT NOTHING in return for my work, I would NEVER exact ANYthing to perform my duty to *GOD*, for, I ONLY wish to FULFILL HIS WILL, for HIM, myself, and, those HE has Chosen, as, my recompense lies SOLELY in HIS hands, at the allotted time!!!

The life of the called is NOT an easy one; it is full of many negatives, as, there IS an endless WALL of resistance, thanks to deception, arrogance, and, other factors OF this world, though, hopefully, those called ARE STRONGLY endowed, convicted, and, dedicated, devoutly, to the task at hand! I suspect that those who give up in this quest, had EXPECTATIONS, which, would indicate THEIR lack of understanding! To me, besides my PLEDGE to the LORD, along with the necessary steps to fulfill this pledge, there is NOTHING personally motivating about this work of mine, it is for ONE END, TO GLORIFY *GOD*, BY REMINDING the world of the OPTIMIZATION of COMING, FULLY BACK TO HIM!!!

It is a lonely, quiet, studious, deliberate, life-altering adventure, but, I, for one, LOVE this work, and, SEE the necessity of it! *GOD*, and, JESUS CHRIST speak of us as shepherds, even referring to the wrong some (shepherds) have done to HIS flocks, such as leading them to their own demise, and, leaving some to die, unnecessarily, while they took more care of themselves, and, select few, than the precious ones of HIS own Choosing! The work of the CALLED is that HIS people FIND, then, RETAIN absolute UNDERSTANDING, not only of that imperative to HIM, now, but, MOSTLY for the END, when, the MIGHTY war between *GOD*, and, evil, WILL see, even the informed, perishing, as, they were NOT HONED in understanding TO the POINT of PROTECTION AGAINST the elemental evils of this world! So, you see, REGARDLESS of how many times YOU have heard THE WORD, that DOES NOT INDICATE that you are PREPARED for what is to come, and so, all must be more TOLERANT, and, OPEN TO those who HAVE DEVOTED their lives to INFORMING, and, REMINDING, that everyone DOES come home to their FATHER, the SAVIOUR, our LORD, our *GOD*!!! AMEN!!!

JOEL 2:12-16...
12/ Yet even now, says the LORD, return to me with your whole heart, with fasting, and weeping, and mourning;
13/ Rend your hearts, not your garments, and return to the LORD, your God. For gracious and merciful is he, slow to anger, rich in kindness, and relenting in punishment.
14/ Perhaps he will again relent and leave behind him a blessing, Offerings and libations for the LORD, your God.
15/ Blow the trumpet in Zion! proclaim a fast, call an assembly;
16/ Gather the people, notify the congregation; Assemble the elders, gather the children and the infants at the breast; Let the bridegroom quit his room, and the bride her chamber.

*except for BIBLICAL, and/or, other references*
BIBLICAL, and/or, other references MARKED BOLDLY IN COLOURS


There is infinite encouragement in THE WORD, even that which conjures up fear of the LORD, as, it invites us to level up to a HIGHER plane of consciousness!!!

Numbers of people react negatively to the factual instructions of THE WORD, as, they do not like to imagine that there should be effort involved in a relationship with the CREATOR! Effort is a part of ANY relationship, and, more so with the ONE who can save you! It is negative to expect a person to DEVELOP, and, to GROW, spiritually, to ensure safe passage in this life? I don't think of it that way, so, I cannot understand this mentality! I am mature enough to realize that ALL things in this life, and, certainly, concerning the NEW LIFE, involve deliberate effort, and, reverence to the end gain, and, besides that, I ENJOY labouring for the LORD; it is a privilege, and, an honour, to serve HIM!!!

*GOD'S* instructions, commandments, precepts, statutes, and, laws, are designed with one goal, the GOOD of ALL in existence, void of the shackles, which, the less than good, binds us in!!!

The more spiritually improved we become, the HIGHER we arise, and, the less evil there is in this world! The PLAN is to BETTER our existence, in this time, and, in the hereafter, that HE is eternally GLORIFIED, and, we are proven as HIS Children...

I fear the LORD, *GOD* with all my being, as HE has power unprecedented, as well as unlimited, and, HIS anger is beyond imagination! To have HIM against me is the most frightening thing to ever cross my mind! However, my LOVE for HIM, is that which leads me to FEEL encouraged by HIS PLAN, HIS WILL, HIS WAYS, as, HIS LOVE has become one with my being, allowing me to SEE what I cannot see, and, to sense the sense in HIS LOVING guidance, direction, discipline, and, commands! It, simply, makes GREAT sense to me to become the BEST me I can be, to TRUST in HIM, completely, to LOVE, to take care of others, and, to spend my life doing GOOD in the interest of all, that HE is heralded!!!

Don't be discouraged by HIS guidance, or, the fact that you must align to HIS WAYS, instead, BE HIGHLY ENCOURAGED, for there IS AMAZING PROMISES awaiting the FAITHFUL, not only in the NEW LIFE, but, in the here, and, now, and, *GOD'S* PROMISES are irrevocable, plus, they are sweeter than anything known to us!!! TO *GOD* BE ALL GLORY, forevermore!!!



2 TIMOTHY 3:1-9...
1/ But understand this: there will be terrifying times in the last days.
2/ People will be self-centered and lovers of money, proud, haughty, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, irreligious,
3/ callous, implacable, slanderous, licentious, brutal, hating what is good,
4/ traitors, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,
5/ as they make a pretense of religion but deny its power.
Reject them.
6/ For some of these slip into homes and make captives of women weighed down by sins, led by various desires,
7/ always trying to learn but never able to reach a knowledge of the truth.

8/ Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so they also oppose the truth—people of depraved mind, unqualified in the faith.
9/ But they will not make further progress, for their foolishness will be plain to all, as it was with those two.

2 TIMOTHY 4:1-5...
1/ I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingly power:
2/ proclaim the word; be persistent whether it is convenient or inconvenient; convince, reprimand, encourage through all patience and teaching.
3/ For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine but, following their own desires and insatiable curiosity, will accumulate teachers
4/ and will stop listening to the truth and will be diverted to myths.
5/ But you, be self-possessed in all circumstances; put up with hardship; perform the work of an evangelist; fulfill your ministry.


It is 10 years after the atrocity of 9/11, but, the tears yet fall, the hearts yet ache, and, the spirit is bewildered!!!

ALL death is born of evil; it came to be, when the evil angel, was able to infiltrate the egocentric mind, causing disobedience to *GOD*! Death is the enemy of life; it is never easy to deal with, but, is especially, difficult, when it comes from our fellow being, in ways which are, beyond, wicked!!!

*GOD* has much to say about HOW we deal with the fact of death, and, the enemy! We have a MOST difficult time grasping the Wisdom of HIS WORD when things come to us, such as, the senselessness of 9/11, yet, we MUST abide, for there is HEALING LOGIC IN HIS WAY!!!

While this is a day of reverent recollection, let us TRY to dry our tears, strengthen our beings, and, lift UP our voices in prayers, of every kind, for ALL of the far reaching effects of the pain that shook our worlds! Let us remember, void of hate, let us pay tribute, let us renew our resolve, and, TRUST, entirely, in *GOD*, with petition, supplication, and, LOVE!!!

*GOD* was with us that fated day, and, HE is with us now, therefore, to HIM, let us turn, that we find HOPE, and, reason to always, move forward, no matter how much was torn from our beings, no matter how difficult, or, different, things are now, let us ALWAYS keep our thoughts, and, sights upon the healing LIGHT, *GOD*, and, LOVE!!!

Remember, HE has said that we will be given nothing more than we can endure, and, handle, and, IF the weight of the load becomes more than we, can bear, then, we are to turn to HIM! Let us ALWAYS TRUST HIS WORD, and, place ourselves, completely, in HIS hands, and, HIS GRACIOUS MERCIES! PRAISE HIS presence, evermore, for it IS as comforting as it gets, and, leads us to total restoration, even when, we thought all was lost, and, impossible, because, with *GOD*, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE, as, HE holds ALL resolve; HE IS the AUTHOR of CREATION, and, life...



America is about to face the anniversary of, a, more than tragic event, 9/11! Ten years ago, this country was invaded with an attack, that blew the minds, of the whole world, which, shows us that when it comes to wickedness, we are not close to understanding, grasping, or, estimating, it's prowess!!!

Many lives, 2819 (this figure is varying, most say, 2996), from 115 countries, including,343 (other sources say 411) Firemen/paramedics, 23 NYPD, 37 Port Authority officers, were, senselessly, lost that day; the ripple effects of pain, spread like wildfire, as it spanned from LOVED ones, to, gasping, strangers around the world! It was like nothing else, ever, as the media had it's attention, focused deliberately, upon the entire event, and, what we viewed, was so compelling, it was as if EACH of us, was also, experiencing it! As people jumped out of windows, my heart was, almost, ripped from my chest; I could barely breathe, and, I was dumbfounded! Though, I talked to *GOD*, and, prayed, I felt helpless, stunned, and, removed from reality; not for a day, or, a few days, but, months!!!

What is MOST amazing is the way the lessons of THE WORD play into this! MANY of the MOST imperative instructions we have been given from *GOD*, and, CHRIST, have a hand in this event, from that day, until this one! And so, I would like to ENCOURAGE us to CLING to the *GODLINESS* of that day, instead of, the evil of that day, as, the GLORY of *GOD* WAS present, and, to cling to the adverse, is to, further, empower it! Let me explain what I WITNESSED on that fated day...

Humility was, SURELY, at the front, as we SAW, perfectly, that our time is fleeting, and, is unpredictable! Also, the fact that we are helpless, in the face of adversity, WITHOUT *GOD*! Then, in the face of human suffering, we are humbled, even further...

Reverence set in, as humility sunk to our, deepest depths!

PRAISE *GOD* we ARE resilient, and, do heal, as well as, move on! While we NEVER forget, we CAN forgive! I have been astounded at the defiance of forgiveness in this matter, which, IS understandable, yet, IF we are walking with *GOD*, it is NECESSARY to FORGIVE, for HE has forgiven us! HE has instructed us to ALWAYS forgive! Please, it is NOT that you have to FORGET the evil, you NEED to forgive it's incidence! To do so, removes bitter bile from our systems, and, FREES us to ARISING in the spirit, that we ARE evident, as Children of *GOD*! No one is saying to LOVE evil, but, to forgive it, as, in doing so, WE are FURTHERING, and, EMPOWERING LOVE, NOT evil! You see, to CLING to the effects of evil, is to empower it, which, is against *GOD*, and so, we MUST GLORIFY *GOD*, and, allow the LIGHT of LOVE to prevail, by REFUSING to dwell, or, to be tied up in the messy mass of wickedness! It IS, GREATLY, TO OUR ADVANTAGE, for many reasons, which, I cannot go into now, as, this post is already, going to be, quite lengthy!!!

We witnessed these things; as stated above, humility, and, forgiveness, then, reverence, endurance, perseverance, fortitude, tolerance, understanding, patience, resilience, compassion, healing, and, Brotherly LOVE, as well as, the case for being, and, remaining, non-judgemental! So, you see, DESPITE the darkness TRYING to suck up the LIGHT, the LIGHT, *GOD*, LOVE, and, THE WORD, PREVAILED, even though, our spirits were taken INTO that darkness, *GOD* was with us, and, HIS WORD came to LIFE, THROUGH us, and, FOR us! AMAZING, says I! I KNOW most of you, DON'T want to think of the GOOD in this matter, but, from a *GODLY* mentality, we MUST embrace what GOOD, there is, IN ANY MATTER, as, *GOD* REIGNS SUPREME, AND, HE, MOST CERTAINLY, WAS in the midst! Some of you will ask WHY HE didn't stop this attack, to which, I cannot speak for HIM, but, from my understanding, I believe that these things happen TO FULFILL HIS WILL, AND, TO BRING PEOPLE closer to HIM! Don't EVER forget, the battle is NOT ours, but, between *GOD*, and, Satan, and, our existence is to PROVE *GOD*, and, to GLORIFY HIM, by NOT giving IN to evil, in ANY matter!!!

We MUST seek, then, HOLD ONTO what *GODLINESS* there is, in ANY incident, that, THROUGH US, HE supersedes ALL inequity! Evil is FED, and, BRED, BY our clinging to it, such as, in hate, defeat, a broken spirit, retaliation, violence, and, so forth, thus, it becomes empowered, which, IS against *GOD*! WHEN, in such times, we CLING to *GOD*, HIS instructions, HIS precepts, HIS WILL, HIS MIGHT, HIS hand, then, evil is dried up, eradicated, and, rendered powerless! Do you see what I mean???

ALL GLORY BE TO *GOD*! EVEN IN such horrific incidents, *GOD* is nearby, and, in this one, in particular, HIS unleashing of support, encouragement, enabling, and, empowerment, WAS visible TO the informed, and, knowing, and, SHOULD have been exalted by each who DID witness it, that ALL are understanding, and, more EQUIPPED, and, masterfully ENDURING, for whatever evil throws our way!!!

That day of darkness WAS overcome by the LIGHT! WE came together, in Brotherly LOVE, kindness, compassion, caring, sharing, in which there were MANY virtuous acts, visible! This HAS to be embraced as the TRUTH of this matter, for, anything less, is NOT to the GLORY of *GOD*, instead, to the delight of the evil one!!!

OUR FATHER, who art in Heaven, Hallowed be THY name, THY KINGDOM come, THY WILL be done, on Earth, as it is in Heaven! Give us this day, our daily bread, and, forgive us, our trespasses, and, we forgive those who trespass against us, and, lead us, not into temptation, but, deliver us from evil, for THINE is the KINGDOM, and, the POWER, and, the GLORY, forever; in the name of the FATHER, the SON, and, the HOLY GHOST, AMEN!!!

Let us EVER GROW from this experience, and, TAKE to HEART, the GOOD which came forth of this! Look at how well we have endured this! Remember too, there are countries where such terroism, and, such devastation, is an ONGOING, daily event, and, PRAY with ALL your being for them! DON'T be BOUND by evil, instead, FREE your spirit IN *GOD*, FOR *GOD*, and, the GOOD of LOVE!!!

The Families of those lost on that day, are, surely, yet, suffering, and, confused, so, let us HELP them, in every way we can, but, mostly, by prayer, and, supplication, as we further empower the SPIRIT of *GOD*, as HE stands ever near them!!!

PSALM 46...
1/ God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in trouble.
2/ Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way
and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,
3/ though its waters roar and foam
and the mountains quake with their surging.
4/ There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God,
the holy place where the Most High dwells.
5/ God is within her, she will not fall;
God will help her at break of day.
6/ Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall;
he lifts his voice, the earth melts.
7/ The LORD Almighty is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress.
8/ Come and see what the LORD has done,
the desolations he has brought on the earth.
9/ He makes wars cease
to the ends of the earth. He breaks the bow and shatters the spear;
he burns the shields with fire.
10/He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.”
11/The LORD Almighty is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress.

*except for BIBLICAL, and/or, other references*
BIBLICAL, and/or, other references MARKED BOLDLY IN COLOURS


What will you do for *GOD* today???

EACH day is an opportunity to serve the LORD, our *GOD*! It could be that BY your example of wholesomeness, you influence someone, or, awaken them to the LIGHT! It could be that you aid the orphaned, the widowed, the Fatherless, the homeless, the hungry, the downtrodden, the ill, or, do WHAT you can, to CONTRIBUTE to someone, or, something! Perhaps you will help a neighbor, or, volunteer some time to a local shelter, or, be charitable in some fashion! Perhaps you will speak of *GOD*, of CHRIST, of the HOLY SPIRIT, that the words infiltrate someones heart of hearts! There are LOTS of things YOU can do, right now, today, to serve *GOD*!!!

I consider, what can I do for *GOD* today???

I will Thank HIM FOR this day, this gift, pray, and, tell HIM that I LOVE HIM!!!

I will work, diligently, on developing, and, improving my character, that my spirit matures! I will BELIEVE, and, TRUST HIM in ALL matters of this day, having SOLID FAITH that HE IS working for me, in me, and, through me!!!

I will PRAISE HIM continuously, for, HE, alone, is worthy of ALL PRAISE!!!

I will be on guard against that which MIGHT lead me astray, and, I will busy myself, that my mind is not subject to worldly matters, EXCEPT in regard to FULFILLING HIS WILL! I will LEARN evermore, about HIS WORLD, HIS WILL, HIS WAYS, that I AM equipped, and, secured in my walk with HIM!!!

I will walk in LOVE; patience, kindness, compassion, care, tolerance, understanding, and, sincerity, that HE IS GLORIFIED through me!!!

I will share HIM with the world, via the BEST of me! I will help someone else, in any way I can, be that but a smile, or, kind word!!!

Somehow, I will find ways to serve my LORD, my *GOD*, even though, it doesn't SHOW to the world, or, seem imperative, as, the gist of serving HIM, has to do with heartfelt LOVE, appreciation, respect, regard, honour, and, PRAISE of HIM; the ONLY ways I could hope to repay HIM for HIS GRACIOUS MERCY, and, LOVE!!!



Marriage is a Covenant – so God is Part of Every Marriage
“… the LORD hath been witness between you and the wife of your youth, against whom you have dealt treacherously: yet is she your companion, and the wife of your covenant.” Malachi 2:14...

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.” Hebrews 10:24...

“Let us encourage one another —and all the more as you see the day approaching” Hebrews 10:25...

Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. Ephesians 5:21...

VIRTUES SHOULD apply to EVERY area of our lives, ESPECIALLY, in MARRIAGE, as, MARRIAGE is the GIFT *GOD* gave to us, to supplement HIS LOVE, to multiply, to share, to exemplify LOVE, and, to KEEP us WITHIN HIS WAYS!!!

IF we were TAUGHT, correctly, from birth, we would NOT struggle so in this life!!!

VIRTUES are IMPERATIVE to life, to growth, to manifesting happiness, HOPE, FAITH, PEACE, and, LOVE, plus, all that falls in between!!! Imagine how wonderful life would be, IF people embraced, and, utilized VIRTUES, not partially, but, fully, as each works to UP the spirit!!!

The 7 greatest VIRTUES are: CHASTITY, TEMPERANCE, CHARITY, DILIGENCE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, and, HUMILITY! Each of these has multiple definitions, and, implications, as, each covers ground in our character foundation, to build upon, and, to perfect! EACH is endorsed, and, commanded by our CREATOR, FOR the purpose of FULFILLING the WHOLESOMENESS/GOOD of HIS WILL, and, LOVE'S existence!!!

Life was NEVER meant to be so contrary, nor, filled with confusion, delusion, and, deception; that came of the jealousy of the fallen angel! *GOD'S* PRECEPTS are PERFECT for MAINTAINING a WHOLESOMELY GOOD LIFE, but, it takes constant, and, deliberate EFFORT, and then, understanding, to begin to pattern ourselves AFTER HIS PERFECTION, ONLY because the evil one interferes at EVERY opportunity, even creating such to trip us up, bore us to tears, and, confound us to almost walking away from what we MOST need, THE TRUTH!!!

MARRIAGE IS *GOD* ENDORSED, SANCTIFIED, and, INSPIRED, and, was NOT intended to be what it has become! VIRTUES serve MARRIAGE well, for they create in EACH person, the characteristics which SUPPORT, NURTURE, and, ENCOURAGE, the UNION of two, which spills OVER into the rest of life, for the GOOD of ALL in the paths of these two, from offspring to the world as a whole!!!

Problems, and, troubles, are TO bring about the CONSCIOUSNESS of GOOD vs. bad, RIGHT vs. wrong, and, to STRENGTHEN us with Wisdom, and, Understanding, that we GROW, not stagnate! Yes, when two become one, there is often, a struggle of wills, a difference in opinion, and, other factors, HOWEVER, the Understanding, WILL be able to see these obstacles in a LIGHT of LOVE, VOID of the negatives of the wicked schemer; as, TRULY, this is the source of most of the opposition we face!!!

MARRIAGE takes WORK, and, when it seems that LOVE is fleeting, because of the obstacles, changes, afflictions, inflictions, and, so forth, that is WHEN it is NECESSARY to DIG down, and, pull UP MORE LOVE, because, HONESTLY, LOVE cannot die, UNLESS we allow it to, but, even then, it lives on, we just did not tend to it anymore...

No matter what point you are at NOW, it is NEVER too late to understand, then, rebuild upon the original foundation; LOVE!!!

*GOD* will NOT forsake the diligent, the FAITHFUL, the HOPEFUL, the LOVING:)))

*except for BIBLICAL, and/or, other references*
BIBLICAL, and/or, other references MARKED BOLDLY IN COLOURS


***It should be noted that this post does not have the same connotation for those of the Clergy who have defiled their role.***

Preaching, is NOT because, you, the FAITHFUL, don't KNOW (although, it IS imperative for those who do NOT know); it is to stir up, and, to awaken that which becomes dormant, or, less thought of! It is to INSPIRE you to KEEP your thoughts in THE WORD, and, on *GOD*! It is to prompt you to ever seek Wisdom, and, knowledge FROM *GOD*! It is to encourage you to live as Children of the MOST HIGH *GOD*! It is to remind you that *GOD* commands us to be HOLY because HE is HOLY! It is for the sake of developing SOLID, SURE, and, TRUE, FAITH, LOVE, VIRTUE, along with, all things which pertain to HIS WILL, HIS WAYS, HIS WORLD, and, HIS commands!!!

*GOD'S* Children KNOW what is what, however, the work is ongoing! Let us look at the following message:
1 JOHN 5...
Faith is Victory over the World.
1/ Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is begotten by God, and everyone who loves the father loves [also] the one begotten by him.
2/ In this way we know that we love the children of God when we love God and obey his commandments.
3/ For the love of God is this, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome,
4/ for whoever is begotten by God conquers the world
And the victory that conquers the world is our faith.

2 PETER 1:12-13...
12/ Therefore, I will always remind you of these things, even though you already know them and are established in the truth you have.
13/ I think it right, as long as I am in this “tent,”* to stir you up by a reminder...

Just as *GOD'S* work is endless, so then, is ours! HE GIVES without fail, without falter, without weariness, and so, out of LOVE, and, HONOUR, to GLORIFY HIS name, so shall be our giving unto HIM, which is NOT more than we can handle, but, which IS as it should be! Let us NEVER grow weary of being FRUITFUL, in our placement IN the SON, CHRIST JESUS, and, let us ALWAYS be excited about studying, learning, and, embracing, that, THE WORD takes hold, then, causes us to SHINE HIS GLORY, for ALL in CREATION to witness!!!

2 PETER 1:5-11...
5/ For this very reason,
make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, virtue with knowledge,
6/ knowledge with self-control, self-control with endurance, endurance with devotion,
7/ devotion with mutual affection, mutual affection with love.

8/ If these are yours and increase in abundance, they will keep you from being idle or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
9/ Anyone who lacks them is blind and shortsighted, forgetful of the cleansing of his past sins.
10/ Therefore, brothers, be all the more eager to make your call and election firm, for, in doing so, you will never stumble.
11/ For, in this way, entry into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ will be richly provided for you.

Keep your thoughts on what is above, not on worldly things; it is written, and, so, it shall be! In ORDER to succeed at this, we HAVE to REMAIN IN THE WORD, placing ALL thoughts UPON the LORD, our *GOD*, and, ALLOWING HIM to DO HIS WILL, in our lives, and, in the world! HOLY LOVE is something we can grasp, but, few perfect, let alone, FAITH; therefore, it IS imperative to STUDY diligently, deliberately, and, constantly, that both BECOME so LOGICAL to our beings, that they become INTRINSIC TO our beings, in thought, action, and, reaction! This MARKS the *GODLY* forevermore!!!

Sure, it IS a LOT of effort, but, the end gain is MAGNIFICENTLY ABUNDANT for us, and so, this effort, in the REALITY OF *GOD*, is NOTHING in comparison!!!

Don't diss preaching, or, reaching; don't grow weary of hearing, studying, learning, embracing, and, utilizing what comes forth of *GOD*, as, there is SAFETY, then, LIFE, therein, and, those preaching, or, reaching, are merely, CHOSEN INSTRUMENTS of *GOD'S* voice!!!

*except for BIBLICAL, and/or, other references*
BIBLICAL, and/or, other references MARKED BOLDLY IN COLOURS


Since I have returned to *GOD*, let me LOVE HIM, without fail, and, FEAR HIM, in all HIS WAYS! Let me LOVE the world; let me encourage them, with compassion, goodness, kindness, sincerity, honour, and, with great care to share!!!

Let me be reverent, enduring, persevering, forebearing, tolerant, patient, giving, and, with my thoughts upon *GOD*, the Heavens, the TRUTH, and, righteousness! Let me EVER LIFT myself up from the probability of losing parts of myself to the world! Let me ARISE to the ABILITY *GOD* has bestowed upon me, that HE IS GLORIFIED through all I do! Let me remain humbled, and, hopeful, gracious, appreciative, and, grateful!!!

Let me plant seeds for the wayfaring of the world, that, at least, some, stop to notice the growth of perfection! Let me never cease from seeking what is available through the promises of the LORD, my *GOD*! Let me constantly, improve my being, body, mind, and, spirit, that I am, visible proof of HIS empowerment! Let me always rely on *GOD* over any other means, for HE, ALONE, has all I need!!!

Let me pray, praise, worship, and, GLORIFY my LORD, my *GOD*, for HIS LOVE, HIS GRACE, HIS MERCY, and, HIS promises to the FAITHFUL! Let me rejoice in all ways, all of my days, for HIS PERFECT plan! Let the words of my mouth echo HIS name, and, proclaim HIS GLORY! Let me be an example of HIS SON, full of all things good, and, right, that others are drawn TO THE LIGHT, by my ways, in HIS name! Let me never forget, I have NOTHING to offer HIM, but, the amended characteristics of my FAITH, and, FAITHFULNESS, whereas, HE HAS EVERYTHING to offer to me, because HE LOVES me, that much!!!

Let me never grow weary of Thanking HIM, Honouring HIM, and, GLORIFYING HIM, in all I think, do, or, say! THANK YOU, FATHER, with all my heart, THANK YOU!!!



I noticed an article, titled, 'WHO CAN I TURN TO?', and, while I did not read it, it brought forth the SPIRIT in me! This is SO EASILY answered, YOU TURN TO *GOD*!!!

PSALM 55:22...
Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.

YES, you TURN TO *GOD*, with ALL of your heart; talk to HIM, release your heavy burden, pray, vent, cry, and then, in FAITH that HE HAS heard you, go forth, as, ONLY *GOD*, holds ALL resolve!!!

LOVE HIM with your ENTIRE being, that it is EASY to TOTALLY BELIEVE in HIM, and, HIS ALMIGHTY POWERS! LOVE HIM ENOUGH to TRUST that HE LOVES YOU enough to provide for YOU, in EVERY way! LOVE IS the LINK, the BOND, that JOINS us to the LORD!!!

*GOD* IS ALL PROVISION, and, this means, LITERALLY, ALL PROVISION! There is NOTHING that HE cannot understand, or, restore! NOTHING is impossible for HIM, or, with HIM! HE KNOWS EVERY THING, down to the origin, and, the span, of EVERY THING'S existence! HE IS MIGHTY POWERFUL, the SUPERNATURAL AUTHORITY OVER ALL, and, EVERYTHING! HE has COMPASSION BEYOND comprehension!!!

HE IS *GOD*, therefore, unto HIM, you TURN for ANY THING, and, EVERYTHING! In doing so, IF sincere, reverent, and, humbled, HE unleashes in your life, bountifully, Graciously, Mercifully, and, far exceedingly! WHO CAN YOU TURN TO? WHY is this a question at all???

*except for BIBLICAL, and/or, other references*
BIBLICAL, and/or, other references MARKED BOLDLY IN COLOURS

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7/ "For the lips of a priest ought to preserve knowledge, and from his mouth men should seek instruction—because he is the messenger of the LORD Almighty.
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HOSEA 6:6...
For it is love that I desire, not sacrifice, and knowledge of God rather than holocausts.


The world over, needs prayers, day in, day out! LET US PRAY WITHOUT CEASING! Let LOVE be the voice we lift UP to *GOD*! May HE BLESS us, and, may we allow HIM to show us THE WAY!!! PRAISE HIS MIGHTY name, and, GLORIFY HIM in thought, action, and, reaction!!!
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