An awful lot of people do not believe in, or, adhere to LOVE, because, throughout the world, and, the testimonies of people, from any 24 hour period, indicates that there is, rampant hatred; add to this, the evidence of LOVE misused, however, this is a part of of the whole, that we LEARN the NECESSITY for LOVE, even more so!!!
LOVE is not a pipe dream, a fantasy, nor, an illusion! *GOD* IS LOVE, thus, LOVE IS PREVALENT, DOMINANT, AND, holds ALL goodness in it's expansive nature!!!
IF it weren't for LOVE (*GOD*), we wouldn't be here! It IS the LOVE of *GOD* which brought us into existence, and, BECAUSE of HIS DEEP LOVE for us, the battle with Satan, came to be, as, he was, extremely jealous, of the LOVE *GOD* felt for HIS CREATION, humanity, so, DON'T dismiss LOVE so easily!!!
It is US, the DECEIVED, the uninformed, the arrogant, the defiant, and, the lost, whom have altered the state of LOVE, which IS perfect from it's origin, core, and, span! WE have NOT been properly taught in the doctrines of LOVE, thus, since Adam, and, Eve, WITH the help of Satan, LOVE has taken unfathomable assaults, and, has been misused, widely, because of, lack of TRUE perception, or, understanding of the gifts LOVE holds!!!
LOVE holds ALL resolve within it's nucleus, within it's substance, within it's empowerment; after all, LOVE IS OF *GOD*!!!
People whom cling to the negative will, perhaps, NEVER see the need for the embracing of LOVE! People whom have been hurt, or, have witnessed the tragedies of hate, will, perhaps, NEVER believe in LOVE! All wrong! It IS because of LACK of LOVE that I, have come to KNOW LOVE, understand it, embrace it, utilize it, believe in it, and, LIVE in it! LOVE has brought me UP; it has lifted me from the pits, it has set me free, it has given the days meaning, and, so very much more; ALL because *GOD* gave me LOVE, and, THROUGH HIM, I began to GRASP it's nature, and, imperatives!!!
LOVE has MORE POWER than ANYTHING imagined! It REACHES beyond all else; it heals, uplifts, restores, and, rebuilds! DON'T think, not for a second, that LOVE is an empty promise, for it IS THE ONLY TRUTH, and, the way to fulfillment, even in the most dire circumstances, mentalities, and, denials of it! Those who hate enough to kill innocent people, also, ARE of LOVE, and, one day, will see that LOVE was all there was, even though, they CHOSE not to embrace it as the treasure it is!!!
Hate is a state of deception; The REALITY IS LOVE, however, the deceiver has deluded us to a point of believing that hate really exists, when, actually, IF we LIVED/existed IN LOVE, there COULD BE NO HATE, not of any kind... lw'11 xoxox
LOVE is not a pipe dream, a fantasy, nor, an illusion! *GOD* IS LOVE, thus, LOVE IS PREVALENT, DOMINANT, AND, holds ALL goodness in it's expansive nature!!!
IF it weren't for LOVE (*GOD*), we wouldn't be here! It IS the LOVE of *GOD* which brought us into existence, and, BECAUSE of HIS DEEP LOVE for us, the battle with Satan, came to be, as, he was, extremely jealous, of the LOVE *GOD* felt for HIS CREATION, humanity, so, DON'T dismiss LOVE so easily!!!
It is US, the DECEIVED, the uninformed, the arrogant, the defiant, and, the lost, whom have altered the state of LOVE, which IS perfect from it's origin, core, and, span! WE have NOT been properly taught in the doctrines of LOVE, thus, since Adam, and, Eve, WITH the help of Satan, LOVE has taken unfathomable assaults, and, has been misused, widely, because of, lack of TRUE perception, or, understanding of the gifts LOVE holds!!!
LOVE holds ALL resolve within it's nucleus, within it's substance, within it's empowerment; after all, LOVE IS OF *GOD*!!!
People whom cling to the negative will, perhaps, NEVER see the need for the embracing of LOVE! People whom have been hurt, or, have witnessed the tragedies of hate, will, perhaps, NEVER believe in LOVE! All wrong! It IS because of LACK of LOVE that I, have come to KNOW LOVE, understand it, embrace it, utilize it, believe in it, and, LIVE in it! LOVE has brought me UP; it has lifted me from the pits, it has set me free, it has given the days meaning, and, so very much more; ALL because *GOD* gave me LOVE, and, THROUGH HIM, I began to GRASP it's nature, and, imperatives!!!
LOVE has MORE POWER than ANYTHING imagined! It REACHES beyond all else; it heals, uplifts, restores, and, rebuilds! DON'T think, not for a second, that LOVE is an empty promise, for it IS THE ONLY TRUTH, and, the way to fulfillment, even in the most dire circumstances, mentalities, and, denials of it! Those who hate enough to kill innocent people, also, ARE of LOVE, and, one day, will see that LOVE was all there was, even though, they CHOSE not to embrace it as the treasure it is!!!
Hate is a state of deception; The REALITY IS LOVE, however, the deceiver has deluded us to a point of believing that hate really exists, when, actually, IF we LIVED/existed IN LOVE, there COULD BE NO HATE, not of any kind... lw'11 xoxox
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