The stoic religious mentality has done great harm to society, as well as, those who are too permissive, and, lean towards clemency! The stoic have scared people, the lenient have allowed people to live as they choose, both dangerous to the end!!!
Moderation IS the key to ALL aspects of life, including religious examples, behaviours, actions, and, demands! True, we ARE to align to *GOD* in fullness, yet, HE KNOWS us better than we know ourselves, and, while our lives are to be devout, they need not be without joy, nor, should we live as immature adolescents!!!
Being devout is a process which covers a lifetime, and, should not be considered as if one were to become a Monk! Being devout is LOVING *GOD*, self, and, others; it is about LEARNING HIS WAYS, HIS WILL, and, applying those instructions to every day life! It is about worshipping HIM, PRAISING HIM, GLORIFYING HIM, and, communicating with HIM, WHILE being the person HE CREATED! Look, HE knows what HE is doing, and, HE CREATED each of us with purpose, intent, reason, and, expectation of HIS own design! The messed up lives we live in, are to teach us that we are NOT slaves to life, but, to HIM! I hear you saying, "Slaves?", and, yes, to walk with *GOD* is to be enslaved by HIM, the ALMIGHTY KING of ALL, and, EVERYTHING! HOWEVER, it is not the wicked slavery that mankind devised! NO! It is a beautiful, honourable, beneficial state of eternal existence, full of LOVE, LIGHT, and, glory's of all kinds! Each willing servant of HIS, IS justly rewarded, and, guaranteed an existence surpassing ANY riches imaginable, or, seen in the history of mankind! It is all about fulfillment of the most positive, wonderful kind!!!
I refuse to preach, it is not my style, instead, I only hope to reach! I am under obligation to *GOD* to put out the TRUTH, and, what you do with that TRUTH is your choice, but, if I do not put it out there, and, someone is lost due to ignorance, I AM held accountable in the end!!!
The greatest advice I can give to you is this; life is NOT yours for living in a dream state! It is *GOD'S* life, in which YOU are a imperative part, for HIS purpose, and, while you were given free choice, that does not mean that you can throw it all to the wind, and, act like you are a teen all the days of your life! This is what separates us from the TRUTH, and, separates the FAITHFUL ELECT, from those lost to the temptations of the world! I gotta tell ya, life passes quickly, plus, if you are living dangerously, you never know when that will take ya out, and, if you haven't attempted, you are doomed! It is not a game, *GOD* IS REAL, and, HIS judgement day IS coming, so, you NEED to pay attention to the facts! I understand that too many of the Clergy have ruined it for us, but, does that change the facts? NO! LEARN, then, understand, then, you will SEE!!!
You don't have to do a total 360! You only need to alter that which is hindering, binding, and, defeating; that which is outside of *GOD*! That which is dangerously affecting your state of life in the now, and, in the end! Like, let's say you are addicted to drugs; that state makes you vulnerable to all sorts of things, mostly sinful, and, places you, and, those near to you, at risk! IF you don't alter your ways, you could die from an overdose, or, from doing too much, for too long, WITHOUT ever having had the chance to repent, or, align to *GOD*, which MEANS, that final day of reckoning, you are lost to eternal death! Again, hell is not an end, but, an eternity of agonizing for that which you most desired in life! So, if you die from being a drug addict, without repenting, come that final day, you will be thrown into the agony of the fiercest desire for that drug without satiation, without end! That is some scary information!!!
YOU can be YOU, but, you NEED to walk with *GOD*, for that IS the ONLY path to fulfillment, and, to safety, and, to life! Yes, you HAVE to change some things, that is what growth is all about, but, considering the consequences of NOT changing, is that such a dramatic thing???
We are all, SUPPOSED to grow up, and, if we walk with *GOD* along the way, that maturity is amazingly advantageous! As we DEVELOP in HIS WAYS, HE grants us optimizations which are enduring, enriching, and, plenteous! *GOD* LOVES us in a way, or, ways, which we cannot ever relate to, or, even if we can manage to discern of it's measure, we could never hope to convey it justifiably! HE made each of us, along with our faults, flaws, and, downfalls, that we MIGHT somewhere along the line, GET IT, and, BY altering our behaviours, thus, developing, growing, we might GLORIFY HIS existence, through our alterations!!!
Idolatry is widely misunderstood! But, it is one of the easiest ways to sin, next to the mouth! Idolatry is LOVE of anything OVER *GOD*, and, which has a hold on your logic, conscious mind, via desire, stubbornness, defiance, and, other related behaviours! This is important to understand, because, it IS true; most of us ARE idol worshippers WITHOUT even knowing it! Some idolize their spouse, or, their children more than *GOD*; others idolize things, others idolize self, some idolize substances, money, and, so on! It is due to ignorance, and, the way we are raised which places us in jeopardy, which is exactly as the enemy, the deceiver, would have it, which is WHY *GOD* has placed people such as myself, in this life, to INFORM you of the dangers of that ignorance, that you might THINK, then, seek the TRUTHS, and, knowledge, that you ARE saved by GRACE!!!
So many lessons to learn, to consider, to employ WHILE you can! Yet, because of wrongful teachers, preachers, and, other, there is hesitation to do so! This is all part of the DIVINE ORDER as well, but, *GOD* WOULD NOT HAVE IT THAT YOU WERE NOT AWARE before HE makes HIS final judgement; thus, you ARE given the opportunity, THROUGH such information as I am offering, that YOU have truly, made your choices! See what I mean???
DON'T let things, self-inclination, or, misinformation bind you to that which you do not wish, IN THE END! DON'T let the end be like a fantasy game to you; it IS REAL, and, while be eternally binding! Get in touch with *GOD* on your own, read, devour the texts, commune with HIM, and, LET HIM lead you to the RIGHT choice for your end! Be wary of those who are extremists, and, those who share only PARTS of the TRUTH, for they are evading the REALITY of the WHOLE of the WORD, and, of HIS WILL! HE WANTS each of us to have a favorable eternity, it is NOT HIS intention that ANY should perish, thus, HE wants to make sure that ALL ARE informed, otherwise, deception will take many of HIS CHILDREN down to the pits!!!
PRAISE *GOD* for HE HAS placed all salvation at our disposal, we only need to learn of it, and, then, to embrace it for the wondrous gift of LOVE it is, that we ARE present with HIM in the hereafter! There is no other way; HE IS THE WAY!!!
*except for BIBLICAL, and/or, other references*
Moderation IS the key to ALL aspects of life, including religious examples, behaviours, actions, and, demands! True, we ARE to align to *GOD* in fullness, yet, HE KNOWS us better than we know ourselves, and, while our lives are to be devout, they need not be without joy, nor, should we live as immature adolescents!!!
Being devout is a process which covers a lifetime, and, should not be considered as if one were to become a Monk! Being devout is LOVING *GOD*, self, and, others; it is about LEARNING HIS WAYS, HIS WILL, and, applying those instructions to every day life! It is about worshipping HIM, PRAISING HIM, GLORIFYING HIM, and, communicating with HIM, WHILE being the person HE CREATED! Look, HE knows what HE is doing, and, HE CREATED each of us with purpose, intent, reason, and, expectation of HIS own design! The messed up lives we live in, are to teach us that we are NOT slaves to life, but, to HIM! I hear you saying, "Slaves?", and, yes, to walk with *GOD* is to be enslaved by HIM, the ALMIGHTY KING of ALL, and, EVERYTHING! HOWEVER, it is not the wicked slavery that mankind devised! NO! It is a beautiful, honourable, beneficial state of eternal existence, full of LOVE, LIGHT, and, glory's of all kinds! Each willing servant of HIS, IS justly rewarded, and, guaranteed an existence surpassing ANY riches imaginable, or, seen in the history of mankind! It is all about fulfillment of the most positive, wonderful kind!!!
I refuse to preach, it is not my style, instead, I only hope to reach! I am under obligation to *GOD* to put out the TRUTH, and, what you do with that TRUTH is your choice, but, if I do not put it out there, and, someone is lost due to ignorance, I AM held accountable in the end!!!
The greatest advice I can give to you is this; life is NOT yours for living in a dream state! It is *GOD'S* life, in which YOU are a imperative part, for HIS purpose, and, while you were given free choice, that does not mean that you can throw it all to the wind, and, act like you are a teen all the days of your life! This is what separates us from the TRUTH, and, separates the FAITHFUL ELECT, from those lost to the temptations of the world! I gotta tell ya, life passes quickly, plus, if you are living dangerously, you never know when that will take ya out, and, if you haven't attempted, you are doomed! It is not a game, *GOD* IS REAL, and, HIS judgement day IS coming, so, you NEED to pay attention to the facts! I understand that too many of the Clergy have ruined it for us, but, does that change the facts? NO! LEARN, then, understand, then, you will SEE!!!
You don't have to do a total 360! You only need to alter that which is hindering, binding, and, defeating; that which is outside of *GOD*! That which is dangerously affecting your state of life in the now, and, in the end! Like, let's say you are addicted to drugs; that state makes you vulnerable to all sorts of things, mostly sinful, and, places you, and, those near to you, at risk! IF you don't alter your ways, you could die from an overdose, or, from doing too much, for too long, WITHOUT ever having had the chance to repent, or, align to *GOD*, which MEANS, that final day of reckoning, you are lost to eternal death! Again, hell is not an end, but, an eternity of agonizing for that which you most desired in life! So, if you die from being a drug addict, without repenting, come that final day, you will be thrown into the agony of the fiercest desire for that drug without satiation, without end! That is some scary information!!!
YOU can be YOU, but, you NEED to walk with *GOD*, for that IS the ONLY path to fulfillment, and, to safety, and, to life! Yes, you HAVE to change some things, that is what growth is all about, but, considering the consequences of NOT changing, is that such a dramatic thing???
We are all, SUPPOSED to grow up, and, if we walk with *GOD* along the way, that maturity is amazingly advantageous! As we DEVELOP in HIS WAYS, HE grants us optimizations which are enduring, enriching, and, plenteous! *GOD* LOVES us in a way, or, ways, which we cannot ever relate to, or, even if we can manage to discern of it's measure, we could never hope to convey it justifiably! HE made each of us, along with our faults, flaws, and, downfalls, that we MIGHT somewhere along the line, GET IT, and, BY altering our behaviours, thus, developing, growing, we might GLORIFY HIS existence, through our alterations!!!
Idolatry is widely misunderstood! But, it is one of the easiest ways to sin, next to the mouth! Idolatry is LOVE of anything OVER *GOD*, and, which has a hold on your logic, conscious mind, via desire, stubbornness, defiance, and, other related behaviours! This is important to understand, because, it IS true; most of us ARE idol worshippers WITHOUT even knowing it! Some idolize their spouse, or, their children more than *GOD*; others idolize things, others idolize self, some idolize substances, money, and, so on! It is due to ignorance, and, the way we are raised which places us in jeopardy, which is exactly as the enemy, the deceiver, would have it, which is WHY *GOD* has placed people such as myself, in this life, to INFORM you of the dangers of that ignorance, that you might THINK, then, seek the TRUTHS, and, knowledge, that you ARE saved by GRACE!!!
So many lessons to learn, to consider, to employ WHILE you can! Yet, because of wrongful teachers, preachers, and, other, there is hesitation to do so! This is all part of the DIVINE ORDER as well, but, *GOD* WOULD NOT HAVE IT THAT YOU WERE NOT AWARE before HE makes HIS final judgement; thus, you ARE given the opportunity, THROUGH such information as I am offering, that YOU have truly, made your choices! See what I mean???
DON'T let things, self-inclination, or, misinformation bind you to that which you do not wish, IN THE END! DON'T let the end be like a fantasy game to you; it IS REAL, and, while be eternally binding! Get in touch with *GOD* on your own, read, devour the texts, commune with HIM, and, LET HIM lead you to the RIGHT choice for your end! Be wary of those who are extremists, and, those who share only PARTS of the TRUTH, for they are evading the REALITY of the WHOLE of the WORD, and, of HIS WILL! HE WANTS each of us to have a favorable eternity, it is NOT HIS intention that ANY should perish, thus, HE wants to make sure that ALL ARE informed, otherwise, deception will take many of HIS CHILDREN down to the pits!!!
PRAISE *GOD* for HE HAS placed all salvation at our disposal, we only need to learn of it, and, then, to embrace it for the wondrous gift of LOVE it is, that we ARE present with HIM in the hereafter! There is no other way; HE IS THE WAY!!!
*except for BIBLICAL, and/or, other references*
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