ACTS 4:32-35...
32/ All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had.
33/ With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all
34/ that there were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned land or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales
35/ and put it at the apostles’ feet, and it was distributed to anyone who had need.
The above verses from the BOOK of ACTS, are but one example of HOW people of *GOD* SHOULD live! There is greatness in living in this example, as, in doing so, ALL people are empowered!!!
LOVE is the basis for this kind of compassionate, caring, sharing existence, and, keeps people in the RIGHT frame of mind, less likely to falter, for their needs are met, and, as one, their focus is upon the GLORY of *GOD*! *GOD* then, in turn, FAVOURS such people, for they are striving to fulfill HIS WILL, OVER their own! *GOD* IS LOVE, and, HE commands LOVE of us! What better way to institute LOVE in this world, than to make sure ALL people are provided for? I am not quite sure WHY people have shifted this responsibility, but, fact is, it IS OUR responsibility to care for one another, in graciousness, and, true sharing!!!
Doesn't it ever bother you when you see people suffering, doing without, starving, and, other senselessness, which CAN be eradicated by the simple action of SHARING? It breaks my heart to see this, and, I have suffered greatly myself, which one never forgets, so, it IS a part of my work to inspire people to understanding of HOW *GOD* intended for us to live!!!
*GOD* refers to our denial of responsibility as being stiff-necked! It is downright selfishness, self-inclination, and, refusal to comply with HIS WAYS! The egocentric TRAINING we have had, this far, is FALSE, it is damaging, and, in the end, will prove dangerous!!!
Just imagine what it would be like for ALL people to be provided for, in LOVE, and, Brotherhood! How different would the world be? How different would the dispositions of billions of people be? How great would be the GLORY to *GOD*???
There are NO excuses for denying that we have responsibility to one another! There is NO OTHER WAY to alter the state of the world, than to do our part, and, aid one another, at any cost! The deceiver, that mighty controller of mentalities IS the ONLY reason there is suffering in the world! IF we were truly of *GOD*, there would be no suffering, or, at best, only suffering to teach, and, refine those whom are in need of it!!!
Can we ever be right? Not as long as we do not recognize OUR responsibilities in this life, and, the fact that this life is NOT ours, but, is *GOD'S*! HE brought each forth for HIS reason, and, to fulfill HIS WILL, NOT our own! Free will was given us to DEFINE, CLEARLY, the true Children of *GOD*, and, to bring back some from their erroneous ways!!!
Because I LOVE *GOD*, I LOVE YOU, and, cannot stand to see anyone suffer, not in any way! I do what I can, which is all I can do, along with prayer, that others will also SEE our responsibility to *GOD*, and, to one another!!!
It is almost crazy that MANY of the answers to life's dilemmas lie within OUR power, and, we do nothing about it, except shift blame, or, worsen things with our selfish inclinations, denials of TRUTH, and, exaggerated expectations!!!
Think about it; if your neighborhood, village, town, city, or, what have you, suffered a major blow, would it not be YOUR(each person's) responsibility to offer as much assistance as you could? Would you stand around doing nothing, or, would you pitch in? If you would react in those circumstances, why can't you react in the current circumstances? YOUR contribution COULD eradicate most human sufferings, this IS TRUTH! All I ask is that we consider our role in this journey, and, realize that WE ARE imperative to solving the world's woes!!!
May *GOD* BLESS us with insight, hindsight, and, foresight; touching our hearts, that we no longer refuse to 'see' our responsibilities, and, encourage us to find strength enough to truly understand the broad spectrum of LOVE, from HIM, to that which was CREATED of that LOVE!!!
*except for BIBLICAL, and/or, other references*
32/ All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had.
33/ With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all
34/ that there were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned land or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales
35/ and put it at the apostles’ feet, and it was distributed to anyone who had need.
The above verses from the BOOK of ACTS, are but one example of HOW people of *GOD* SHOULD live! There is greatness in living in this example, as, in doing so, ALL people are empowered!!!
LOVE is the basis for this kind of compassionate, caring, sharing existence, and, keeps people in the RIGHT frame of mind, less likely to falter, for their needs are met, and, as one, their focus is upon the GLORY of *GOD*! *GOD* then, in turn, FAVOURS such people, for they are striving to fulfill HIS WILL, OVER their own! *GOD* IS LOVE, and, HE commands LOVE of us! What better way to institute LOVE in this world, than to make sure ALL people are provided for? I am not quite sure WHY people have shifted this responsibility, but, fact is, it IS OUR responsibility to care for one another, in graciousness, and, true sharing!!!
Doesn't it ever bother you when you see people suffering, doing without, starving, and, other senselessness, which CAN be eradicated by the simple action of SHARING? It breaks my heart to see this, and, I have suffered greatly myself, which one never forgets, so, it IS a part of my work to inspire people to understanding of HOW *GOD* intended for us to live!!!
*GOD* refers to our denial of responsibility as being stiff-necked! It is downright selfishness, self-inclination, and, refusal to comply with HIS WAYS! The egocentric TRAINING we have had, this far, is FALSE, it is damaging, and, in the end, will prove dangerous!!!
Just imagine what it would be like for ALL people to be provided for, in LOVE, and, Brotherhood! How different would the world be? How different would the dispositions of billions of people be? How great would be the GLORY to *GOD*???
There are NO excuses for denying that we have responsibility to one another! There is NO OTHER WAY to alter the state of the world, than to do our part, and, aid one another, at any cost! The deceiver, that mighty controller of mentalities IS the ONLY reason there is suffering in the world! IF we were truly of *GOD*, there would be no suffering, or, at best, only suffering to teach, and, refine those whom are in need of it!!!
Can we ever be right? Not as long as we do not recognize OUR responsibilities in this life, and, the fact that this life is NOT ours, but, is *GOD'S*! HE brought each forth for HIS reason, and, to fulfill HIS WILL, NOT our own! Free will was given us to DEFINE, CLEARLY, the true Children of *GOD*, and, to bring back some from their erroneous ways!!!
Because I LOVE *GOD*, I LOVE YOU, and, cannot stand to see anyone suffer, not in any way! I do what I can, which is all I can do, along with prayer, that others will also SEE our responsibility to *GOD*, and, to one another!!!
It is almost crazy that MANY of the answers to life's dilemmas lie within OUR power, and, we do nothing about it, except shift blame, or, worsen things with our selfish inclinations, denials of TRUTH, and, exaggerated expectations!!!
Think about it; if your neighborhood, village, town, city, or, what have you, suffered a major blow, would it not be YOUR(each person's) responsibility to offer as much assistance as you could? Would you stand around doing nothing, or, would you pitch in? If you would react in those circumstances, why can't you react in the current circumstances? YOUR contribution COULD eradicate most human sufferings, this IS TRUTH! All I ask is that we consider our role in this journey, and, realize that WE ARE imperative to solving the world's woes!!!
May *GOD* BLESS us with insight, hindsight, and, foresight; touching our hearts, that we no longer refuse to 'see' our responsibilities, and, encourage us to find strength enough to truly understand the broad spectrum of LOVE, from HIM, to that which was CREATED of that LOVE!!!
*except for BIBLICAL, and/or, other references*
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