*GOD* CREATED Man, and, Woman, placing them in a most beautiful setting, that they were abundantly provided for, without room for need! HE gave them dominion over the Earth, and, all of it's bounties, as well as, over the inhabitants thereon. The only responsibility HE gave them was to care for all before them, other than that, they could exist in the PEACE of LOVE, with HIM as their sole provider!
*GOD* LOVED ALL that HE had CREATED, especially HIS first people, indeed, HE was very pleased! HE stepped away that the two humans might build a life for themselves, not going away, but, out of their view, not too far, just in case they needed HIM; removing instead, HIS constant PRESENCE, trusting in their abilities to forge a life with all HE had placed at their disposal. Like a proud FATHER, HE allowed them to begin their lives...
The LORD did not give them instruction, figuring that if they had any need, they would call upon HIM. HE DID, however, give them one warning: DO NOT EAT FROM THE TREE OF LIFE!!!
It wasn't long before the Woman, whom was alone, since the Man had gone to explore their surroundings, found herself, while gathering various things to eat, near the TREE OF LIFE. She payed it no mind, as it was in her heart that it was forbidden, therefore, she thought not of it! While she was bending over to pick up some things, a great serpent slithered up to her, and, asked if *GOD* TRULY had forbade them to eat of the TREE OF LIFE, while assuring her that NO repercussions would befall them if they did so, as *GOD* knew of it's benevolence, and, surely, would not deny the two anything they wished!!!
Still innocent of heart, the Woman observed the TREE closer, and, saw that it WAS a most beautiful TREE with great fruits gracing it's branches! Suddenly, through APPEAL, desire began to open up in her mind, with a strong urgency to please itself! Carnal instinct whetted her appetite, overcoming her foreknowledge that these fruits were forbidden. She then, being tempted, joyously picked some, and, bit into it! As she was chewing, the Man came up, and, asked what she was eating, to which she replied to by telling him what the serpent had said, then, offering him a bite, telling him it was delicious! The Man did not hesitate, and, as soon as he did so, they each saw that they were naked, hiding themselves in shame, while grabbing fig leaves with to cover themselves...
This ONE INSTANCE caused the event of the awakening of the carnal mind, the egocentric center of err; opened to the world of self-inclination of which, pleasure is the objective in ALL regards!!!
Let me clarify something; pleasure is NOT wrong, EXCEPT in the carnal realm, as carnal motivated beings seek pleasure for SELF, OVER pleasing, LOVING, and, worshipping *GOD*, from whom ALL TRUE PLEASURE derives! IF we were to live as HE intended, we WOULD have pleasure UNLIMITED by HIS own choosing, as we would be ONE with HIM, PLEASING HIM, and therefore, HE would in turn, PROVIDE ALL good, and, pleasurable needs for us!!!
INSTEAD, we turn AWAY from HIM IN PURSUIT of SELFISH pleasures found of the world, IMAGINING that these pleasures will fulfill us, YET, the MORE we obtain, the MORE emptiness we experience, much to our bewilderment, BECAUSE, we have NOT acknowledged, realized, embraced, nor, BELIEVED that *GOD* HIMSELF, ONLY, can provide ALL we need, now, and, forevermore!!!
Stay tuned, more to come...
*GOD* LOVED ALL that HE had CREATED, especially HIS first people, indeed, HE was very pleased! HE stepped away that the two humans might build a life for themselves, not going away, but, out of their view, not too far, just in case they needed HIM; removing instead, HIS constant PRESENCE, trusting in their abilities to forge a life with all HE had placed at their disposal. Like a proud FATHER, HE allowed them to begin their lives...
The LORD did not give them instruction, figuring that if they had any need, they would call upon HIM. HE DID, however, give them one warning: DO NOT EAT FROM THE TREE OF LIFE!!!
It wasn't long before the Woman, whom was alone, since the Man had gone to explore their surroundings, found herself, while gathering various things to eat, near the TREE OF LIFE. She payed it no mind, as it was in her heart that it was forbidden, therefore, she thought not of it! While she was bending over to pick up some things, a great serpent slithered up to her, and, asked if *GOD* TRULY had forbade them to eat of the TREE OF LIFE, while assuring her that NO repercussions would befall them if they did so, as *GOD* knew of it's benevolence, and, surely, would not deny the two anything they wished!!!
Still innocent of heart, the Woman observed the TREE closer, and, saw that it WAS a most beautiful TREE with great fruits gracing it's branches! Suddenly, through APPEAL, desire began to open up in her mind, with a strong urgency to please itself! Carnal instinct whetted her appetite, overcoming her foreknowledge that these fruits were forbidden. She then, being tempted, joyously picked some, and, bit into it! As she was chewing, the Man came up, and, asked what she was eating, to which she replied to by telling him what the serpent had said, then, offering him a bite, telling him it was delicious! The Man did not hesitate, and, as soon as he did so, they each saw that they were naked, hiding themselves in shame, while grabbing fig leaves with to cover themselves...
This ONE INSTANCE caused the event of the awakening of the carnal mind, the egocentric center of err; opened to the world of self-inclination of which, pleasure is the objective in ALL regards!!!
Let me clarify something; pleasure is NOT wrong, EXCEPT in the carnal realm, as carnal motivated beings seek pleasure for SELF, OVER pleasing, LOVING, and, worshipping *GOD*, from whom ALL TRUE PLEASURE derives! IF we were to live as HE intended, we WOULD have pleasure UNLIMITED by HIS own choosing, as we would be ONE with HIM, PLEASING HIM, and therefore, HE would in turn, PROVIDE ALL good, and, pleasurable needs for us!!!
INSTEAD, we turn AWAY from HIM IN PURSUIT of SELFISH pleasures found of the world, IMAGINING that these pleasures will fulfill us, YET, the MORE we obtain, the MORE emptiness we experience, much to our bewilderment, BECAUSE, we have NOT acknowledged, realized, embraced, nor, BELIEVED that *GOD* HIMSELF, ONLY, can provide ALL we need, now, and, forevermore!!!
Stay tuned, more to come...
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