ISAIAH 61:1-3...
1/ The spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, because the LORD has anointed me; He has sent me to bring glad tidings to the lowly, to heal the brokenhearted,
To proclaim liberty to the captives and release to the prisoners,
2/ To announce a year of favor from the LORD and a day of vindication by our GOD, to comfort all who mourn;
3/ To place on those who mourn in Zion a diadem instead of ashes,
To give them oil of gladness in place of mourning, a glorious mantle instead of a listless spirit. They will be called oaks of justice, planted by the LORD to show his glory...
ISAIAH 61:10-11...
10/ I rejoice heartily in the LORD, in my GOD is the joy of my soul;
For he has clothed me with a robe of salvation, and wrapped me in a mantle of justice,
Like a bridegroom adorned with a diadem, like a bride bedecked with her jewels.
11/ As the earth brings forth its plants, and a garden makes its growth spring up, So will the LORD GOD make justice and praise spring up before all the nations...
This Chapter, ISAIAH 61, is called The Year of the LORD'S Favor, and, I am feeling this to be the TRUTH for 2011! Thus, in HIS anointment, I have adopted this Scripture, and, it's verses, as MY inspiration for this coming New Year, with the FAITH of armies, and, all the conviction my soul can muster!!!
As it is with thoughts, manifestation is derived from that which is most prevalent in the mind, or, the heart of the mind, therefore, I am standing in BELIEF, that THIS year, 2011, WILL, INDEED, be The Year of the LORD'S Favor, at least, for those of FAITH; those whom HAVE taken up HIS yoke, and, are walking with HIM; trusting HIM, in full sincerity, and, compliance! BELIEVE to RECEIVE!!!
People BELIEVE, but, in actuality, FEW have the kind of FAITH to witness the unleashing of HIS MIGHT in their lives, and so, let us make this year one in which we COME into the strongest FAITH we can cultivate! It takes a while to come to a point of automatic FAITH, but, practice does make perfect! Many say they believe, but, when *GOD* does not respond to them within a mortal time frame, they lose FAITH, thus, they know little about FAITH, and, it's workings: therefore, this year, we shall begin by closely examining FAITH, and, how to perfect it, that, anyone whom is, truly, seeking to upgrade their relationship with *GOD*, our LORD, is optimized, and, understanding, in doing so!!!
The GOOD NEWS; the BEST NEWS IS, IF YOU apply yourselves to HIS WILL, HIS WAYS, then, the fruit of HIS abundances, will provide for your EVERY need! HE wants us to live in the GLORY of HIS bounties, because when we are glorified, in turn, so, is HE! HOWEVER, it DOES require deliberate application to HIS WORD, in order for HIS promises to the FAITHFUL, to be released, and, realized!!!
*GOD*, the *GODHEAD*, the FATHER, SON, and, HOLY SPIRIT, ARE 'THE' WAY! 'THE' WAY to eternal salvation, redemption, AND, to an optimized life in the here, and, now! Still, it is NOT without SACRIFICE; just as CHRIST sacrificed that we have life, WE must SACRIFICE, that we ARE WORTHY of HIS GIFT unto us!!!
I am standing in total belief that The LORD, our *GOD*, WILL favour us in this coming year, 2011, IF we are willing to align, adhere, and, apply HIS principles to the hours of the days, of the months, of this year! WE MUST take up the TRUE example of HIS GIFT, which is LOVE, which is ALL things WHOLESOME, and, GOOD, and, uplift our characters, and, the characters of others, near, or, far, IN HEARTFELT FAITH, and, UNRELENTING FAITH, along the same mentality, in which HE believes in our ABILITY TO come back to HIM; after all, HE HAS placed, at our discretion, ALL tools, instructions, and, guidance's, TO find our way to lives WORTHY of our inheritance, as the Children of the HIGH, and, HOLY *GOD*!!! AMEN???
Dear FATHER, as we enter a New Year, I am giving heartfelt thanks unto YOU for making this a year of YOUR FAVOUR, and, for provisions within this favour, that we remain in YOUR LIGHT, with YOUR WILL as our sight, undisturbed by the world around us! I thank YOU for giving me the knowledge, and, Wisdom I seek, in YOUR name, that YOUR WORD becomes ONE with me, enabling me to spread that WORD in full conviction of it's TRUTH, and, of it's empowerment to this life, and, to the life hereafter! Thank YOU FATHER, for YOUR endless, tireless, unleashing in the lives of those whom CAN see, and, CAN hear YOU, and, YOUR instructions to safety in this chaotic world! Thank YOU for LIGHTING the WAY, and, for GIFTING us with YOUR SON, YOURSELF in the flesh, as NO other miracle has ever GRACED us, in such an impacting way, nor, has given us the will to ARISE, in YOUR SACRED name, in the best of our abilities, as an example to the deaf, and, to the blind! Thank YOU LORD, our *GOD*, for allowing a NEW YEAR to unfold before us, with YOUR GRACE dusting the days as with stardust, that EACH DAY IS a celebration of YOUR GENIUS, of YOUR PERFECTION, and, YOUR irrevocable LOVE for us, YOUR Children! PRAISE YOU, my FATHER, *GOD* of ALL, and, EVERYTHING, seen, or, not! AMEN, forever, and, ever!!!
*except for BIBLICAL, and/or, other references*
1/ The spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, because the LORD has anointed me; He has sent me to bring glad tidings to the lowly, to heal the brokenhearted,
To proclaim liberty to the captives and release to the prisoners,
2/ To announce a year of favor from the LORD and a day of vindication by our GOD, to comfort all who mourn;
3/ To place on those who mourn in Zion a diadem instead of ashes,
To give them oil of gladness in place of mourning, a glorious mantle instead of a listless spirit. They will be called oaks of justice, planted by the LORD to show his glory...
ISAIAH 61:10-11...
10/ I rejoice heartily in the LORD, in my GOD is the joy of my soul;
For he has clothed me with a robe of salvation, and wrapped me in a mantle of justice,
Like a bridegroom adorned with a diadem, like a bride bedecked with her jewels.
11/ As the earth brings forth its plants, and a garden makes its growth spring up, So will the LORD GOD make justice and praise spring up before all the nations...
This Chapter, ISAIAH 61, is called The Year of the LORD'S Favor, and, I am feeling this to be the TRUTH for 2011! Thus, in HIS anointment, I have adopted this Scripture, and, it's verses, as MY inspiration for this coming New Year, with the FAITH of armies, and, all the conviction my soul can muster!!!
As it is with thoughts, manifestation is derived from that which is most prevalent in the mind, or, the heart of the mind, therefore, I am standing in BELIEF, that THIS year, 2011, WILL, INDEED, be The Year of the LORD'S Favor, at least, for those of FAITH; those whom HAVE taken up HIS yoke, and, are walking with HIM; trusting HIM, in full sincerity, and, compliance! BELIEVE to RECEIVE!!!
People BELIEVE, but, in actuality, FEW have the kind of FAITH to witness the unleashing of HIS MIGHT in their lives, and so, let us make this year one in which we COME into the strongest FAITH we can cultivate! It takes a while to come to a point of automatic FAITH, but, practice does make perfect! Many say they believe, but, when *GOD* does not respond to them within a mortal time frame, they lose FAITH, thus, they know little about FAITH, and, it's workings: therefore, this year, we shall begin by closely examining FAITH, and, how to perfect it, that, anyone whom is, truly, seeking to upgrade their relationship with *GOD*, our LORD, is optimized, and, understanding, in doing so!!!
The GOOD NEWS; the BEST NEWS IS, IF YOU apply yourselves to HIS WILL, HIS WAYS, then, the fruit of HIS abundances, will provide for your EVERY need! HE wants us to live in the GLORY of HIS bounties, because when we are glorified, in turn, so, is HE! HOWEVER, it DOES require deliberate application to HIS WORD, in order for HIS promises to the FAITHFUL, to be released, and, realized!!!
*GOD*, the *GODHEAD*, the FATHER, SON, and, HOLY SPIRIT, ARE 'THE' WAY! 'THE' WAY to eternal salvation, redemption, AND, to an optimized life in the here, and, now! Still, it is NOT without SACRIFICE; just as CHRIST sacrificed that we have life, WE must SACRIFICE, that we ARE WORTHY of HIS GIFT unto us!!!
I am standing in total belief that The LORD, our *GOD*, WILL favour us in this coming year, 2011, IF we are willing to align, adhere, and, apply HIS principles to the hours of the days, of the months, of this year! WE MUST take up the TRUE example of HIS GIFT, which is LOVE, which is ALL things WHOLESOME, and, GOOD, and, uplift our characters, and, the characters of others, near, or, far, IN HEARTFELT FAITH, and, UNRELENTING FAITH, along the same mentality, in which HE believes in our ABILITY TO come back to HIM; after all, HE HAS placed, at our discretion, ALL tools, instructions, and, guidance's, TO find our way to lives WORTHY of our inheritance, as the Children of the HIGH, and, HOLY *GOD*!!! AMEN???
Dear FATHER, as we enter a New Year, I am giving heartfelt thanks unto YOU for making this a year of YOUR FAVOUR, and, for provisions within this favour, that we remain in YOUR LIGHT, with YOUR WILL as our sight, undisturbed by the world around us! I thank YOU for giving me the knowledge, and, Wisdom I seek, in YOUR name, that YOUR WORD becomes ONE with me, enabling me to spread that WORD in full conviction of it's TRUTH, and, of it's empowerment to this life, and, to the life hereafter! Thank YOU FATHER, for YOUR endless, tireless, unleashing in the lives of those whom CAN see, and, CAN hear YOU, and, YOUR instructions to safety in this chaotic world! Thank YOU for LIGHTING the WAY, and, for GIFTING us with YOUR SON, YOURSELF in the flesh, as NO other miracle has ever GRACED us, in such an impacting way, nor, has given us the will to ARISE, in YOUR SACRED name, in the best of our abilities, as an example to the deaf, and, to the blind! Thank YOU LORD, our *GOD*, for allowing a NEW YEAR to unfold before us, with YOUR GRACE dusting the days as with stardust, that EACH DAY IS a celebration of YOUR GENIUS, of YOUR PERFECTION, and, YOUR irrevocable LOVE for us, YOUR Children! PRAISE YOU, my FATHER, *GOD* of ALL, and, EVERYTHING, seen, or, not! AMEN, forever, and, ever!!!
*except for BIBLICAL, and/or, other references*
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